Hello there, i let you know i am deaf and i just want ot know if ya all seen transformer season 1 to 4 dvd i wonder if there have close captions or subtitle: english so i can buy it soon.... and thanks i want know thanks lots
xwolverine2 said:were the series good?
Master Blaster said:Hey! Smurfs, Care Bears, GI Joe and Voltron kicked just as much ass as Transformers did!
Master Blaster said:Hey! Smurfs, Care Bears, GI Joe and Voltron kicked just as much ass as Transformers did!
ComicKoryn said:GEM beats all of those weak 80's contenders to poop, and you know it
Truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly....truly, outrageous
Master Blaster said:Uhh...YES THEY FRIGGIN' DID!
Smurfs might not have been the be all/end all of animated programming, but for what it's worth it was pretty entertaining and witty. Especially the fits Gargamel had every episode. Hearing his over the top rants about how his plans had been foiled was some of Don Messicks (The guy who did his voice.) finest acting.
Care Bears was great in that the whole thing was so sweet and innocent. The Care Bears were so kind and lovable. They were cherub-like little beings who just wanted to teach everyone in the world how to love one another just because it was right. They didnt go on some great crusade to vanquish all the forces of evil. Violent battles are awesome, but ya need a break from the epic struggle between good and evil once and a while. Sure the Care Bears dealt with villains such as Professor Coldheart and Aunty Freeze, but they dealt with them in the ideal way that adversity should be dealt with, peacefully with forgiveness and love. They hold a special place in heart for that.
GI Joe rocked! It was patriotic. It made you proud to be an American. It taught lessons about self-sacrifice, honor, loyalty, team work and courage (Even the bad guys on the show displayed those virtues, albeit in a more underhanded way.) Plus it had action, adventure and Chris Latta as Cobra Commander! "I was once a man! A MAAAAAANNNN!"
And Voltron totally beat Power Rangers to the punch. It had this quirky Flash Gordon quality to it that just got under your skin. "Teen soldiers in space who pilot giant robot lions who combine to form a bigger bad ass giant robot with a sword!" Whats not to love about that? Plus it was a whole lot deeper and darker than any of the awful shows that came out of Sabans studios (Or should I say old 70s sentai footage that they stole and edited, taking out all the good and meaningful parts out and putting lame American actors performing stupid skits in their place.) Sure, the American distributors might have done their fare share of editing on Voltron, but not as much as Saban did to the original Japanese sentai shows that they made into Power Rangers. At least Voltron kept the heart and soul of the original anime it was. Thats why Voltron was such a success and Power Rangers was such a failure.
Oh and that's right! Dio does rule! \m/
ComicKoryn said:I have no idea, but I would assume they have closed captions.
Master Blaster said:Yes, the show wasn't as deep as the comic, but it was just as entertaining and had just as much heart as the comic. And calling Voltron a fad is like calling every other cartoon that came from the 80s a fad.
Power Rangers was the fad, not Voltron. Voltrons characters had more soul than any of the characters from Power Rangers. The Voltron force were just kids who were caught in the middle of an intergalactic war that had many casualties. They had to endure the painful trials and tribulations of combat. All the Power Rangers did was fight paper monsters sent by ridiculously stupid villains who had no motive for wanting to take over/destroy the earth.
And of course you dont see a Care Bears graffiti mural. Care Bears are not like Transformers. Care Bears are like Hobbits, Transformers are like Rangers.