If you could learn only one of the following...

Well, of the six periods that I have to choose from, I pick number four.
Good call, I don't trust the other ones.
Well yeah. The first three are bold, so that's pretty much instant disqualification. The last two are too close to the operative question, which means they are questionable at best.

Number four's proximity automatically makes it the best choice. IMO, of course. :up:
Well yeah. The first three are bold, so that's pretty much instant disqualification. The last two are too close to the operative question, which means they are questionable at best.

Number four's proximity automatically makes it the best choice. IMO, of course. :up:

The scientific approach over the emotional.....exceptional deduction.:woot:
It was a toss up between speed reading and the riot. I chose speed reading :up:

C.Lee knows how much I wanna riot too :D
I chose how to start a riot. Preferably at Best Buy in the tv section so I can throw a tv out the window on a pillow and get away with it. :o
I chose HTML, after all I am looking for a new vector for my career.
I picked Juggle really well. The rest would suck at parties.
Speed reading for sure, I was always jealous of those bastards on the late-night info-mercials who could do it.
Speed reading would help me out tremendously.
I'd choose to take good pictures, because I want to be a photographer.
Speed reading with compression would be amazing.

Hell it would enable you to learn half of the list available.
HTML. The speed reading I can already do. I am also good with dogs and cats. I can't think of even a potential use for anything else on the list. I don't need photographic skills because I don't own a camera and am too cheap to buy one.
"Juggle really well" since I plan to run away and join the circus.
If the choice had been complex HTML...then I'd bite. But basic HTML is easy squeezy curdled cheezy.
I'm going with cleaning very well in 45 minutes. If I could learn how to take initiative to do this that fast, then I can do any of the other ones.
Let the Spanish learn English I'll take speed reading with comprehension, please! My comprehension is pretty good, but I want to do it at lightning fast pace.

I really need to speed my reading (it's above average, but not fast enough it seems). When you have to go through 300 pages of material a week, speed and comprehension would be awesome!
Hell with the speed reading I can teach myself the 500 biographies and coincidently rioting (Che Guecara bio), Spanish, HTML, photography, and pretty much everything else on the list in record time!

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