If you turned into the Hulk every time you got angry, how often would you do it?


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
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I would turn into Hulk atleast three times a day lol.

Not at little things, big things.
Not as much as I would have a few years ago, by God's grace.
I'd be Hulk 24/7. I'm a very hateful, angry little dog. :(
Just getting alot of homework makes me angry.
It would be hard on your shirts too.
Whenever some one or something pisses me off
I'd probably go through a lot of clothes....

And destroy a lot of cities....

Sorry. :(
Yeah, if I changed back without my pants and my wallet I would turn into Hulk again.
The entire D.C. Metro area would be an enormous crater. They'd have to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq so they could help try to contain the menace that is me.

That wouldn't be on purpose, necessarily, that's just what would happen. My anger is terrible indeed.

Herr Logan said:
The entire D.C. Metro area would be an enormous crater. They'd have to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq so they could help try to contain the menace that is me.

That wouldn't be on purpose, necessarily, that's just what would happen. My anger is terrible indeed.

Every twelve seconds.
webhead731 said:
It would suck if I lost my pants lol.
Yup, no one wants to see your "Green Goliath" if you know what I mean.
Once a month, Im generally pretty passive.
It depends on how often I go on the hype. If I'm on here I'm ten times more likely to be angry because you idiots piss me off:p
I really don't get mad while I'm here.

Just when it's moving really slow.
Indiana would be a wastleland by now.

Well, it is a wasteland.

But moreso.

...Infact, it wouldn't exist. We'd only have 49 states by the time I was finished.
Once or twice a month. That's not too bad and I don't mind going shopping for new clothes.
i would never stop being the hulk once i turned into him i would know if i changed back i would be naked and lost and that would make me mad again :down

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