The Dark Knight im not so sure i Trust Nolan anymore now that Goyer's Not there!



Goyer is a Comic Loyalist, who sometimes had to put his Foot down and Reign Nolan in, like the stories of Nolan not wanting Scarecrow to have a mask & Goyer saying No, Half to Have the Mask. who the hell will reign him in now? if he puts forth another stupid idea like that? his brother? yeah right. how do we even know Jonathan Nolan even really knows anything about batman???! Color me Concerned. If they can't get goyer back they Need Paul Dini Or Kevin Smith as some sort of Consultant or Myth Preservationist.
Goyer made the worst one liners ever. And worse, he made a lot.

I trust Nolan more now that he's gone.
same here. unlike others i dont mind if they do stuff completly different from the comics if the actual characters act the same and have the same goals.
whats up andre... it's been what, a day? did kittypryde get banned that quickly?
El Payaso said:
Goyer made the worst one liners ever. And worse, he made a lot.

I trust Nolan more now that he's gone.
no he didnt that's just your perception, he did good batman needs some humor it, not camp humor, but regular humor and he did fine with that, and i trust Nolan LESS that goyer's gone.
Babs Gordon said:
whats up andre... it's been what, a day? did kittypryde get banned that quickly?
yeah and i dont even know why? just woke up and couldn't get through i was like wtf? babs u have always been my fave on here.:)
wikum said:
same here. unlike others i dont mind if they do stuff completly different from the comics if the actual characters act the same and have the same goals.
im not down with that doing things Completely different From the Comic Books Nonsense, i dont mind slight Alterations, But Stay 98 percent faithful to the source Material!:mad:
RobinluvsBabs said:
no he didnt that's just your perception, he did good batman needs some humor it, not camp humor, but regular humor and he did fine with that, and i trust Nolan LESS that goyer's gone.

MY perception? Have you read any of the threads here?
Christopher Nolan, along with his brother (Jonathan), wrote Memento...

...they're both writing Batman 2. Goyer wrote and directed Blade 3....

Nuff Said.
DorkyFresh said:
Christopher Nolan, along with his brother (Jonathan), wrote Memento...

...they're both writing Batman 2. Goyer wrote and directed Blade 3....

Nuff Said.
no you're pretty Clueless just Because his brother wrote memento doesnt mean he knows a thing about batman.
is Spiderfreddie back already? geez

Well, in keeping with the thread, i actually agree, we needed Goyer. Especially now, if anyone needs some good one liners, it's the Joker.
Anjow1060 said:
is Spiderfreddie back already? geez

Well, in keeping with the thread, i actually agree, we needed Goyer. Especially now, if anyone needs some good one liners, it's the Joker.
Agree Wholeheartedly!:up:
He can always read the comics. At least he has the writing skills. That's not something you just get by osmosis.
Ummm Goyer's gone
when did this happen?:eek:
chosen1 said:
Ummm Goyer's gone
when did this happen?:eek:
i think they siad that he's just written the outline treatment of what's going to happen, and the basic characters, but hes not writing the script this time!(sigh)
So the best of Goyer stays. The structure.

The obvious dialogues and corney lines are gone.
El Payaso said:
So the best of Goyer stays. The structure.

The obvious dialogues and corney lines are gone.
the dialouge was good it was Just youre Perception, and every film needs a corny line once in a while to Break the seriousness of a situation, get over it
El Payaso said:
Goyer made the worst one liners ever. And worse, he made a lot.

I trust Nolan more now that he's gone.

Eh. Past Batman movies have had much more and much worse.

I would like Goyer to have an important role in the making of the film. And it appears that he does.
I don't think we should start judging just yet. Nolan is still working on Prestige, not a lot of decisions have been made in regards to Batman 2. Nolan may surprise some people who think he is going to do a complete 180 with the material. Let's give him and his brother some time before we start kicking them. Who knows, there might be a consultant on set that knows a lot about Batman and can quide Nolan if things get a little turned. We don't know.
Is goyer the one that made Ras and Ducard the same person??
freddie is worried losing Goyer will render the film inaccurate. However, most inaccuracies (changes to origins, motivations, etc.) would be present all the way back to the treatment which Goyer wrote himself. So, freddie really doesn't have any reason to worry, but he will continue to whine and complain because he's freddie, and freddie is a poopoo head.
chosen1 said:
Is goyer the one that made Ras and Ducard the same person??
Nolan and Goyer developed the story together, so who knows.
CConn said:
freddie is worried losing Goyer will render the film inaccurate. However, most inaccuracies (changes to origins, motivations, etc.) would be present all the way back to the treatment which Goyer wrote himself. So, freddie really doesn't have any reason to worry, but he will continue to whine and complain because he's freddie, and freddie is a poopoo head.
oookay but if Nolan did this movie on his own we'd be getting a ScareCrow with No Mask, which is Completetly Stupid!:down
As if you know that for sure.

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