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World I'm Writing A Superman Script

Clark Kent

May 13, 2008
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... and I need help. I know Matt started a thread about how would people round here make a Superman movie, but I don't wanna read that as it's people's own ideas about how they themselves would go about making one and I feel I'd be too subconsciously influenced by it. I'd read something, think it was good, absorb it, forget it, then later "come up" with it, and I don't wanna do that. I wanna create my own thing.

I loved Superman, although it was flawed, IMO. I loved Superman II, although it was flawed, IMO. I hated Superman III, Supergirl, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, Steel, and Superman Returns, for various reasons. Some I find worse than others, but I hate all of them to varying degrees.

My script is gonna be a reboot script, a complete, total, and utter reboot. No confusing continuity conundrums, just a completely clean break, a fresh start. I know that the origin has been done at least 10 times on screen, but I wanna do it again. It's only really been done on the big screen once, and that was 30 years ago. I know that it was also done on the big screen 60 years ago in the Kirk Alyn Superman serial, but that wasn't really a movie. I really don't see any reason why the origin story can't be done again in a fresh and creative way, with new details never really explored before, and that takes full advantage of the budget and technology that are available to movies nowadays, but that aren't available to TV, live-action or animated.

This is the biggest project that I have ever embarked upon before in my life. I've tried it a few times before, but quite half-heartedly. I never really had the time that I needed to devote to it before, now I do. I started really going at it full throttle on Sunday, May 11th, and I plan on continuing all the way to the end, which might be a year or even more away, taking into account unforeseen circumstances.

I have never written a script before, but I have been in love with superheroes since I was at least 5 years old, and the fact that it is now 2008, the 70th anniversary year of Superman, and the first time, I think, that we have ever gotten as many as FIVE comic book superhero movies in a single year, has inspired me to go at this project full force, with the hope that, if I can get it up to a standard that I feel content with, I might be able to sell it to Warner Bros., or whoever owns DC Comics when I've finished it, and maybe, I hope, get a movie made that will greatly please a hugely significant number of general audiences, critics, and, IMO, most importantly, fans.

To do this, I need people's help. If you're against a reboot, against another retelling of the origin story, OK, fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion, but I really don't think there's any significant contribution that you can make to this thread. This thread is for people who would like to see a reboot that, hopefully, will surpass the standard set by all other big screen superhero origin stories.

There are two givens, namely, Lex Luthor, and Kryptonite. But if I was to write yet another movie in which the only real threat Superman faces is Lex Luthor, I'd never write again, so I would like to use one or more other villains. I just haven't quite decided who yet, but I would love to hear as many suggestions as people would like to put forth. If I really enjoy this experience as much as I hope, I plan on writing a sequel, and maybe another, and maybe another, and maybe on and on and on. Who knows? The point is that, as I read once, and happen to agree with, the threat should always get bigger and bigger movie by movie. I don't plan on thinking about the sequel(s) while writing this movie, that's not the way to go, but neither do I plan on using Superman's greatest enemy apart from Lex Luthor (who that is is a matter of opinion) in the very first movie, because then I'd have no way of going beyond that. I do, however, only want to use smart, capable villains who could, quite possibly, defeat the Man of Steel, without being easily outsmarted at the very last minute by some ridiculous and intellectually vacuous manoeuvre.

I plan on setting this movie within the DC Universe, meaning in a world where it is quite possible, and not at all unbelievable, in its fantasy context, that, at any moment, Superman could easily bump into Batman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, or J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter, or any number of other DC superheroes. I don't want to make it at all campy, cheesy, or cartoony though, but something that, while hugely fun, entertaining, and reasonably humorous, is still intelligent, and can be taken seriously. I would also like to introduce non-superhero characters from Superman's world that have never been seen on the big screen before, and if they have been seen on screen at all, use them in ways that pay tribute to previous interpretations, but, most importantly, remain true to their comic book counterparts.

I would like people's suggestions on casting. I have a few ideas of my own, which I don't want to go into yet as I'd like to first do a very careful analysis, but I've heard that it's always good, when pitching a movie, to have an idea for a cast in mind. Also, as I've never written a script before, having specific actors in mind will help me to more easily visualise scenes.

I would also like people's suggestions on things like ...

Pre-Crisis vs. Post-Crisis aspects, elements, and characterisation (I certainly don't plan on making this movie one or the other, but a careful balance between both).

How much of the movie's running length (I'd like it to be 2 1/2 hours) should be devoted to the origin?

Action. How much should there be? I want to maintain a careful balance between style and substance. I don't want Batman ('89), and neither do I want Hulk. I also don't want to do anything that has been seen before. If I am forced to reuse old ideas, I don't want to use ones that are clichéd by now, and what I do use I'll hopefully be able to freshen up so that it will seem as if you've never seen anything done quite like that before.

Tone. This is very important. I don't want Batman Begins, because this is Superman. It doesn't have to be that dark. I don't want Iron Man, because this is Superman. It doesn't have to be that light. I don't want Superman Returns. This is Superman.

The research materials I will be using are:-

  • The Screenwriter's Bible by David Trottier. I couldn't afford a library of screenwriting books. This one seemed to be the most comprehensive in terms of the overall information it provides. That said, it hasn't arrived from Amazon yet, so I don't know.
  • The Superman Chronicles, Volumes I-III.
  • Superman: The Man of Steel, Volumes I-III.
  • The Adventures of Superman radio series.
  • The Max & Dave Fleischer Superman cartoons.
  • The Kirk Alyn serials.
  • The George Reeves TV series.
  • The New Adventures of Superman (the '60s cartoon series)
  • The movies, all of them, even the bad ones, apart from Steel, which isn't available on DVD. Yes, I know that the movie about Steel makes no explicit mention of Superman, but I don't believe that I can learn how to make a good superhero movie by watching only the good superhero movies. I have to watch the bad ones as well, and since John Henry Irons is a major element of the Superman mythos, I consider his movie as a Superman-related movie. Having said that, I consider myself profoundly lucky that it isn't available on DVD, so that I didn't have to buy it. I've already bought Supergirl, isn't that bad enough?
  • The Superboy TV series.
  • Lois & Clark.
  • Superman: The Animated Series.
  • Wikipedia.
  • The Hype.
Please put forth any suggestions as to what other materials you think I should make use of. I am, however, on a budget. The above, apart from the online sources, cost me somewhere around $600.

Of course, if any of you have any screenwriting tips for me, either general or geared specifically to the comic book universe, they'd be greatly appreciated.

So, to finish, if you've reached the end of all that without putting a gun in your mouth to end the boredom, I hope that you'll all help me as I embark on the biggest, most important project I've tried to achieve in my whole life, which has not been littered with successes. I hope that, with your help, I can make this my first.

Thank you.

P.S. If a mod thinks this is in the wrong section, please feel free to move it, but please move it to a section where it will be seen. Thanks, :).

And to The Guard, I disagree with you on so many fundamental issues, I find your arguments largely incoherent, and I frown on your sense of morality. And I don't like you and I have you on ignore. So, if you read this, please, don't reply. In fact, go away, please, now.

Yes, now.

Thank you.
just to make sure you are writing it because of the joy and contentment of writing.
just to make sure you are writing it because of the joy and contentment of writing.

Sure I am. I really wanna create my own vision of this character that I've been a fan of now for over 20 years.
A suggestion I'd like to make ... and it just popped into my head .... why not have intergang be the antagonist. On the surface it looks like the mob but when you dig into it, you realize it's roots lie on other worlds.. namely Apokolips. You wouldn't have to show Darksied or any other characters - just the representative of Apokolips who would be very mysterious. This character would supply Intergang with weapons that can take out Superman.

Just a thought. Maybe not the best but it's characters that you could conceivably think of as real world and, in addition, somehow involve Luthor and Kryptonite. The most important part is that it leaves you somewhere to go in a sequel.
A suggestion I'd like to make ... and it just popped into my head .... why not have intergang be the antagonist. On the surface it looks like the mob but when you dig into it, you realize it's roots lie on other worlds.. namely Apokolips. You wouldn't have to show Darksied or any other characters - just the representative of Apokolips who would be very mysterious. This character would supply Intergang with weapons that can take out Superman.

Just a thought. Maybe not the best but it's characters that you could conceivably think of as real world and, in addition, somehow involve Luthor and Kryptonite. The most important part is that it leaves you somewhere to go in a sequel.

I've never really thought of Intergang as a suitable main antagonist for a movie. Having them as the major threat wouldn't really work for a climactic battle sequence, IMO. I see them more as just henchmen, or supporting villains.

But thanks for the suggestion, :).
I`m writing a reboot script too. So far i`m on page 50. I`m still thinking about how to write the metropolis scenes, the first rescue. Since i cant use anything that flies anymore because of SR and S:TM...its hard to do it.

The main villain is going to be Brainiac with Luthor and Intergang showing up also.
Clark, this is a book that I used in my screenwriting class last semester, that honestly REALLY was extremely helpful in every possible way when it comes to conceptually understanding how to tackle and form a well composed, thought out screenplay that people actually want to read...One that actually has a snowball's chance of getting translated to screen...Here's the Amazon link for it-


but if you research how much it'd be, and give me the money for shipping...I can easily send you one or two of my own screenwriting handbooks that I am no longer using...Also, you can use me as a guide or a reference for dialogue, structure, or basic ideas and concepts...Sadly, I'm not extremely familiar with the Superman universe- it has never been my cup of tea. But I'm always here to help.
I`m writing a reboot script too. So far i`m on page 50. I`m still thinking about how to write the metropolis scenes, the first rescue. Since i cant use anything that flies anymore because of SR and S:TM...its hard to do it.

The main villain is going to be Brainiac with Luthor and Intergang showing up also.

Uh, thanks, Daniel. But I really think you should set up your own thread. As I said in my first post on this one, if I read what other people are doing, I'm liable to unconsciously steal those ideas. This thread is really just for people to give advice and make comments regarding my own script.
Sorry, pal. Well...my advice would be to have a main idea, main plot about the movie and develop from that. Who is Superman?Why he saves people?...etc etc...Write in a different way than Donner`s movie. Make it fun and cool but honest to the character. Draw from the different sources and put you own spin in the things while remaining very faithfull to it`s history. Dont reivent the basics. Keep it simple. It's easier said than done,though.

But i`m finding some problems in my script like how to make Superman`s first appearence without being a rip off what was done in SR and Stm...thats a big Deal...
Sorry, pal. Well...my advice would be to have a main idea, main plot about the movie and develop from that. Who is Superman?Why he saves people?...etc etc...Write in a different way than Donner`s movie. Make it fun and cool but honest to the character. Draw from the different sources and put you own spin in the things while remaining very faithfull to it`s history. Dont reivent the basics. Keep it simple. It's easier said than done,though.

But i`m finding some problems in my script like how to make Superman`s first appearence without being a rip off what was done in SR and Stm...thats a big Deal...

Thanks, pal, :). The main problem I'm having with coming up with a plot at the moment is choosing the right villain(s). I'd like people to put their suggestions forward based on the fact it's a reboot and on the theory that the sequel should always have a bigger threat than the last movie. I plan on looking over all of the suggestions, picking out the most popular ones, and then deciding which of those would be the best choices for me. As for drawing from the different sources, I'm happy to say that two of my items from Amazon arrived today, the '60s cartoon, and the entire animated series from the '90s, one of the best screen adaptations of Superman IMO. I plan on putting in lots of homages and winks to everything that's gone before, from the comics to the radio series to the cartoons to the different live-action TV series to the movies, while, hopefully, showing stuff never-before-seen. And I feel for ya, bud, about the ripoff thing, especially because Supes also does something very similar in The Man of Steel, Lois & Clark, the animated series, and even Smallville. I'd suggest something, but I haven't thought of anything myself yet, and, as I said earlier, we should keep our ideas separate anyway. Sorry. But thanks for the help, :).
I liked Kevin Smith's concept of using Brainiac as the main villain with Lex assisting him. Too bad warner bros decided against his script. I thought it was quite good for the most part. I heard they rejected Lois and Superman as lovers, (even though they accepted it in superman II) and superman portrayed by nicholas cage (I agree, cage would not work for me either). Hopefully you will choose to stick with the current comic canon where Luthor is a billionaire and simply hates Superman for stealing his thunder.
I liked Kevin Smith's concept of using Brainiac as the main villain with Lex assisting him. Too bad warner bros decided against his script. I thought it was quite good for the most part. I heard they rejected Lois and Superman as lovers, (even though they accepted it in superman II) and superman portrayed by nicholas cage (I agree, cage would not work for me either). Hopefully you will choose to stick with the current comic canon where Luthor is a billionaire and simply hates Superman for stealing his thunder.

I don't think I'll be using Brainiac as I feel that Brainiac is too powerful a villain for the first movie, and I feel that if I were to use Brainiac, I'd have very few options left for going bigger in sequels. But don't worry about Luthor. I don't intend to make him in any way campy. Luthor will be deadly serious.
How about a twist? One early draft of Superman had Luthor also being a citizen of Krypton. Or maybe you could rewrite the reason why the infant Kal-el was sent here.:dkm:
How about a twist? One early draft of Superman had Luthor also being a citizen of Krypton. Or maybe you could rewrite the reason why the infant Kal-el was sent here.:dkm:

I'm definitely thinking of putting in a twist. But still in the very early stages.
I write scripts as well and am always interested in meeting others who do the same and hearing what they have to say, however I haven't tackled a Superman Script yet and am not interested in doing so, because I have never really read the comics. I just watch the movies and tv shows.

But that is really cool that you are doing this. Here are some of my ideas for a Sequel that you can bring into your script or not. Please tell me what you think:

Superman is doing his daily thing when all of a sudden a small vortex or wormhole opens up in the city [don't know if it should be at night or in the day, but similar to that on Sliders or T3: Rise of the machines].

Out comes Supergirl whom Superman has never met and is suprisd and shocked like hell that she can do what he can do. LET US forget the Supergirl movie that came out in the 80s, lets do a collaboration.

Anyway, Supergirl... [not wearing the outfit that we see in the comics, but has the "S" on her chest or in the upper right hand corner in silver, like the cloth we see in the First Superman Movie 78]....she pleads with Kal-el to come with her to help save her planet and fight alongside her and the resistance in a inter-galactic battle or war.

In another thread I said that they should Make the new Superman movie a cross between Chronicles of Riddick and Serenity, with some seriously strong and formidable bad aliens, humanoid or not, and have spaceships and stuff. Just think of the scene in Chronicles of Riddick, if you have seen it, where the Necro-mongers are flying there space cruisers and that huge ships enters the atmosphere and smashes into the ground. The special FXs were dope!

Anyway, Superman is teamed up with some of his sister planet forces, fighting the worst destroyer and tyrant of the cosmos [enter] Darkseid.

During this time with Supergirl....he learns about his origins more and see's more clips of his father, Ga-rel and mother. His learns of its destruction more and that SOME Kryptonians, escaped to the sister planet.

This can reference and contrast Returns where Clark said he went to the location that astronomist said Krypton was and there was nothing left.
"HE DIDN'T Go beyond that location" This could shock the hell out of him.

BUT HERE IS THE TWIST.......The sister planet that the new Kryptonians live on and Supergirl lives on has a partial red/yellow sun, but mostly red.Wow. So the Kryptonians are a little strong, but it is normal to them because they all are. So they think nothing of it.

Here is where it gets interesting (Oh I am making all of this up right now as I am telling you. I swear I have never even thought of a Supes movie, if that means anything).
But back to what I was saying....He finds himself getting weaker because of the partial red sun, while being there for this time. It makes his battle with Darkseid more interesting because he has to strategize and work with the Resistance more to beat Darkseid and his Super-strong forces.

They Kryptonians win the battle, but then Darkseid, after finding out where Kal-el has come from, because he either 1) has his alien scientist test his blood {from the battle} and finds out that he is a true Kryptonian and that his blood isn't mixed with whatever planet Kara ~Super/Girl is from OR 2) He uses his technology and tracks that a wormhole has been open right around the same time Kal-el got here and pinpoints the galaxy and location Superman is from then deciding to invade earth. BIG mistake!

Darkseid and his armada gets to Earth before Supes does and does some major destruction. Earth's forces do little to stop them and are in parrel.

Supes and the Resistance, OR just Supes [don't know which one is better] comes back to Earth and gains his full power, via our yellow Sun.

He surprises the hell out of Darkseid as he has never seen this type of POWER before and makes Darkseid all the more interested in him.

Darkseid wants to fight Superman himself as he thinks he has a worthy opponent, although, Darkseid thinks Kal-el, is very inferior and an insignificant life form.

Battle of the century and for not only our world, because if Superman falls then Darkseid's reign may advance.

What do you think, I kinda like this as I just made it up???

Please alter, delete, or take parts that you find interesting, if any at all.

But I even think by doing a two battle scenario, that this movie could be split up into two halves, [DC needs to start thinking outside the box, big time, if they want to compete with Marvel in the box office, TDK not included].

But yeah split it up in two parts like Lord of the Rings. MORE SUPERMAN in half the time it takes to do a classic sequel.
Sorry.....I got carried away!!!

I'm sorry, but I don't think you thoroughly read my first post. Two things I specifically said were that I was writing a reboot, and also that I didn't want to read anyone else's ideas in case I subconsciously adopted them as my own.

Sorry, but very good effort though.
I'm sorry, but I don't think you thoroughly read my first post. Two things I specifically said were that I was writing a reboot, and also that I didn't want to read anyone else's ideas in case I subconsciously adopted them as my own.

Sorry, but very good effort though.

Yeah, I read your first post after I put that in there. I don't care if you take anything I wrote down and use it. That is why I wrote that so that it can give you some ideas if you wanted them.

Didn't know you were doing a reboot. My bad!
I don't care if you take anything I wrote down and use it. That is why I wrote that so that it can give you some ideas if you wanted them.

Sorry, should have been clearer. What I meant was that I could end up using your ideas thinking that they were my own. I don't wanna steal from anyone else. But as I said, very good effort.
Sorry, should have been clearer. What I meant was that I could end up using your ideas thinking that they were my own. I don't wanna steal from anyone else. But as I said, very good effort.

Dude, it's cool....I don't mind however if you do want to use something. That is why I put it there. I honestly just got carried away, which I tend to do when things go good.

You can use some of the things I put down, BUT if you don't want to I completely understand.
You seem like the kinda guy who really wants to tackle this yourself and make it your own, and that I really respect.

Good luck, pimp!!
Dude, it's cool....I don't mind however if you do want to use something. That is why I put it there. I honestly just got carried away, which I tend to do when things go good.

You can use some of the things I put down, BUT if you don't want to I completely understand.
You seem like the kinda guy who really wants to tackle this yourself and make it your own, and that I really respect.

Good luck, pimp!!

Thanks, :)!!

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