superman haters... I wont let this ruin anything for me... it was the same with Batman Begins, and look at how well reseaved that is today!!! The movie has just opened. It needs to sink in first.. I mean what did people expect from this movie exactly?? I haven't seen it yet, and even with everything I know about it, I have a feeling that this is one experience you can't cope, until you've seen it for your self, so I'll stop trying. I think that it can have (from what I've read) a lot of different impacts on one another. Depends on what type of person you are... If one felt dissapointed about the film, it might not be because the film isn't GREAT! It might be because those indivituals had something tottally different build up in their mind.. but with a little time passing by, they might just change their minds drastickly, it's not that UNcommen actually. I for one, believe that I will LOVE it!!! I believe that it's VERY dramatic and very intense, with a very "realistic" tone to it, even though the superman thing in your head keeps reminding you that it's not.