Impossible capture of US drone by Iran in December 4th 2011


Dec 3, 2005
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"An United States advanced militairy drone, spying above Iran territory in no-fly zone, was captured by Iran on the date of December 4th 2011. The drone was not crashed, not shot out of the air, but safely captured by an Iranian aircraft, based on Keshe technology. Obama asked polite to get their drone back."

"One U.S. official said right now the U.S. can't be certain it's the real stealth drone, because U.S. personnel don't have access to it. But he added there's no reason to think it's a fake.

However, a second senior U.S. military official said that a big question is to how the drone could have remained virtually intact given the high altitude it is believed to have crashed from.

If the drone came down in what he called a flat spin or what is known as a falling leaf departure, the plane would be pretty much intact, but the belly would be badly scraped. He said all of the electronics inside would most likely be in one piece.

Sweetman doubts the Iranians hacked into the system and took control of the aircraft. It is much more likely it crashed by itself since "that's what drones do."

And the condition also suggests it was not shot down but was a system failure. There are no burn marks from a fire, no holes and no outward damage. Sweetman noticed a dent along the leading edge but doesn't know what that necessarily means."

Nuclear engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, originally of Iran, has come up with a new plasma reactor technology that he purports to be ready to announce as being adequate to enable space flight, both via its anti-gravity attributes as well as its energy-generating capabilities.

Based on the analysis of nuclear and other atomic interactions and cosmological phenomena, Keshe developed a theory that fundamental plasmatic magnetic fields entangle to form double or multi magnetic fields.
"By this knowledge it becomes possible to design, develop and test new low cost reactors that can dilute plasma and achieve fusion of plasmas in a simple and affordable way. So it now becomes possible to create vast amount of energies (like electricity and heat) and motion without the need of burning any fuel and without creating any waste. These reactors can create at any point-of-demand matters like air, water, food, medicine, and new materials, also at nano-level." (Book back cover)
"Based on these new first principles, prototype reactors were build, with amazing results, like creating lift and motion without burning fuel, and achieving fusion in a simple way." -- M.T. Keshe

Keshe asserts that they will be making commercial space flight available as early as 2014, using anti-gravity technology as well as new power production technology. They hope to make commercial flights to the moon available by as early as the end of 2016.

A full directory of Mehran Tavakoli Keshe's theories and solutions for the creation of a new scientific world paradigm is at:

Ron: These Five short videos explain his basic concepts. The simplicity of these concepts suggest to me that Mehran Tavakoli Keshe is probably right.

Anyone else believes the plasma reactor technology is behind this? I hope so. This is our chance to evolve as a civilization and create a world almost like in Star Trek.
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This is why you put a small amount of C4 in these things rigged with a kill switch. It gets captured, hit a button, and boom no more problem.
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This is why you put a small amount of C4 in these things rigged with a kill switch. It gets captured, hit a button, and boom no more problem.

Actually the point of this post is not about the the capture of the drone and the loss of the US against Iran. The important thing is how Iran managed to capture it concerning something like this is impossible with the current technology and weaponry, not only that but they built a miniature model and mock Obama that if he wants the drone back he can take the model instead.

Could Iran have this plasma technology with its unlimited energy. that might end all wars and bring peace on earth at last since there would be no point for conflict for oil, recourses etc

One has to wonder why Obama is not taking actions yet against Iran about it and he seems to be "begging" them to behave good and return his drone.
Actually the point of this post is not about the the capture of the drone and the loss of the US against Iran. The important thing is how Iran managed to capture it concerning something like this is impossible with the current technology and weaponry, not only that but they built a miniature model and mock Obama that if he wants the drone back he can take the model instead.

Could Iran have this plasma technology with its unlimited energy. that might end all wars and bring peace on earth at last since there would be no point for conflict for oil, recourses etc

One has to wonder why Obama is not taking actions yet against Iran about it and he seems to be "begging" them to behave good and return his drone.
Dude really...:doh:
Some of his posts are just real nutty/conspiracy theorist stuff that I'm not sure where he's going with it at times.

What, should I better post about "the kardashians?. Am I a conspiracy guy just because I am curious about serious issues of the world and sharing them for thoughts? Never mind..
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If you're serious about that "plasma technology" stuff then you might as well be talking about the Kardashians.

It could have very well come down from a flat spin caused by some glitch or operator error. It could also be a mock-up made by the Iranians based on images they gathered from the Afghanistan missions. In any case, I think that the Keshe tech thing is hoaky. How could they be that advanced when they can't even put together a decent nuke?
The Iran drone story is one of Keshe's most ridiculous claims. There is no shred of actual evidence that he has anything to do with it. He simply employs one of his favorite strategies: the harder it is to investigate his claims, the bolder they get. It is highly likely that he has nothing more than family ties to Iran. His family probably had good relations to the Shah regime -- as shown by his selection for the nuclear engineering studies in Britain -- which make all too close relations to the current regime rather doubtful.

The obvious proof, that there is no "Keshe technology" in Iran are the extensive "classical" nuclear power and space flight programs. No country with quite limited resources would engage in such programs if it had access to technology like Keshe fantasizes about. Nothing of Keshe's meager attempts to argue against this holds any water.

Even some of Keshe's devoted followers seem to get suspicious about his claims concerning Iran, as shown by this excerpt from a recent post on the Keshe forum by one of the most active members:

Keyvan [a well known Austrian Keshe follower with Iranian descent] has tried to contact PressTV [a large state-owned Iranian English language news network, broadcasting worldwide] on several occasions without any response. We are both curious to know, why you have never been mentioned or interviewed in relation to the Space Ship Technology or any of your technology for that matter. It was only recently that you really opened-up about Iran. You work with Iran, you are Iranian, and I am sure the Iranians are very proud of you, in being able to help them. We find this a little strange and would welcome your response or comments on this matter.

(LUVTHETRUTH on 03/31/2013)

Keshe didn't reply.

There is no "Keshe technology". He is just a story teller, nothing more. For all still having doubts about this, or just interested in the topic, I highly recommend this: The facts about Keshe. I would especially like to ask all Keshe fans: Please read the extensive amount of material there, before you engage in a further discussion here.
If you're serious about that "plasma technology" stuff then you might as well be talking about the Kardashians.
Uh Jesus enough with the unececarry flack already. I never said I believe 100% this whole keshe thing. I am only curious about this and wanted to exchange facts just like the posters galaxion and dnno1 did and I applaud them for that:up:
* Galaxion i will check the links you posted later in the day
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