So you think that the video we see of people protesting in the streets of Iran is propaganda?
And do you think as the President of Iran does that it is the US that is facilitating the increased protests in the streets of Iran?
And do you not think that Iran is wanting the uranium for anything other than Nuclear Weapons?
Hundreds of millions of dollars of USA, Israel, and European support for dissident groups (even Jihadi and Socialist groups) does help establishing protests and assassinate political rivals.
But to answer your main question, yes, because the protestors who were condemning the Shah's oppressive regime were 10 times greater than the protests today. Back then, Kissinger was applauding Iran's Nuclear ambitions and the Shah was having lavish parties while his own rural population squandered in poverty and dissidents were busy having broken bottles shoved up their rectum.
To think that America cares for people being oppressed by a brutal regime is laughabe. Saudi Arabia is a great example, they are 10 times more oppressive than the Iranian regime, yet wheres the outcry? They are not even allowed to protest there. If they do, they are all arrested, tortured, and executed.
Uighurs were being oppressed for over 40 years, their lands overpopulated by the Han Chinese, what did we see on TV? During the recent protests there were no blog updates because internet was cut, cell phone communication was cut, protesters executed, and hundreds arrested. You can't even speak against the regime for fear of the secret police. Yet China is okay as long as their cheaply produced crap floods our giant department stores.
Is this propaganda build up for a reason? Yes ofcourse, USA is intent on changing regimes.
The same way we shouldn't be pumping hormones in our chickens to produce unnatural amounts of tasteless chicken breast, we shoudn't be pumping our tax dollars to change regimes prematurely in a country with people that have proven to change regimes by themselves.
That is why we are having such a hard time in Iraq and Afghanistan creating democratic regimes. America itself is the culmination of great thinkers putting people together for a common cause, obviously Iran isn't ready yet.
MTV, Youtube, and other forms of multimedia communication is the best way to reach the people and the best way to help change the regime in a natural way where the people decide. US should stop supporting Jihadi Awazi groups, Baluchi separatists, Socialists, and the highly publicized moderates, who would not be in danger if it wasn't for our meddling and support.