Iron Man In competition to build my own IM suit..



To make a long story short; I've been hyping the whole Iron Man thing around work then when that new pic came out I made a comment about how easy it would be to make one and how badass mine would look then that lead to a conversation that lead to this competion. Btw, we're all engineers over here so this should be interesting. The guy making the other suit isnt even an iron man fan but he thinks he could make a better one than I can so we're setting a date and building...

My problem...

IDK what suit or what version to build!!!!

Any suggestions and or pics?

I also want to do a work in progress thread with tons of WIP pics. I've already got my ideas on how i'm going to illuminate the eyes and chest and how i'm going to piece the helmet together.

Oh yea, all the engineers are puttin money toward it to make it interesting for all of us.
i don't have any pictures but i'm also in a competition and just going to make the movie version. So far i 've only got the helmet carved and just adding more from all the pictures i have:word:
Dudes, why dont you ask TK1780 or TMP how they are making their suits. They both have pictures up and the rock. I dont know how these guys make **** like this, to freaking wild. I have to buy a set of this off one of these guys, have to have some of this sweetness for when the movie comes out.
well we all know you can hardly move with heavy metal like iron. So i wass thinking that we use metal but like weight and flexible also able to stop a bullet and other things but i was thinking titanium. Titanium is metal but it light durable and can be bullet proof what you guys think?:stark thanks

well we all know you can hardly move with heavy metal like iron. So i wass thinking that we use metal but like weight and flexible also able to stop a bullet and other things but i was thinking titanium. Titanium is metal but it light durable and can be bullet proof what you guys think?:stark thanks


Well just to give you an idea, I researched what I wanted to build, that took me 3 days of drawing, then nearly a week on the net reading and sending emails for getting advice and readingtutorilas, listing my supplies, tool parts ect. Then I worked out my budget and costs. $3400 at this point with about $900 more in costs to come.
The build time, started in Mid October 07. Average of 12-18 hours per week on this, more in the begining when first sculpting.
So just to give you a thought, but this take a while if you are looking at doing up something real kick ass.

And again, in any kind of metal, with the exception of aircraft alluminum, can be hard and time consuming to work with is it not? Titanium I as I said I have worked with in the past, you go through tools and drills in no short order unless you go buy the uber expensive ones designed to work on titatinium.

Mind you the titanium alone will be costly. But if you do build the suit out of it, yup you could go stop crime as you should be faily well protected (lol) maybe a kevlar under garment just in case.

Any way, if you have started work on this pics would be cool. If you have not started, like I said this takes time, so I would start now if your goal is to have it ready by the time the movie comes out.

Good luck with your project.
thanks i just started working on it and as a soon as i can get a camera i'll have it up but it'll take me a few months because my computer has been acting up (won't read the USB ports) so i have to get that fix anyway thank you very much:applaud

-IM23 :word:
Well again good luck. Dont be afraid to ask the help of people out there who have made similar things in the past.

I was veryfortunate that a lot of people took time to answer my, ( must have seemed stupid to them ) questions.

Sent questions to people on fiberglassing, molding, sculpting, casting. You name it I asked questions about it. Spent ?? 60 man hours just on emails and research I am sure.

Also dont be concerned at how long it takes you, I was sure I was going to be done in like 2 mths. But once I got underway and saw how long it was taking to do things I had to revise my time frame. I started mid October, and am just now getting close to the end result. Had I started later I would never have had it done in time for the premier.

So again good luck.:yay:
How is this working out Dude ? When you get it done will you be able to sell copys at all ?

Let me know, that would be cool, thanks. :applaud

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