International Release Dates

31st of August 2006 for Australia? Geez!!!!!!
I'm rapt it's even getting released here, but that's a huge wait to see it! I'll be well and truely 26 by then.
We're getting it on September 14! I really hope thats a mistake...
August after all then. Hmmmmm.

Hang on...WHERE'S THE UK RELEASE DATE?!! This is outrageous. I shall inform Her Majesty immediately.

LOL. That was funny.

Retro, nope it hasn't been posted yet. Thanks for doing so. Nice find!
well then, happy birthday for 2006 Flamehead!
FF comes out 22 days before my birthday, so it's an early birthday present for me. :)
have to say though, i'm literally hanging off the edge of my seat for some GR promos. bring it on MSJ! :ghost:
I've had another thought since my little rant about the UK date.

Way back when a GR movie was just a dream, I always hoped that if it was ever made they'd give it a Halloween release date, just to fit the spookiness of the character. We tend to get movies a couple of months after the US, so maybe it'll happen.


Wow...August 4th for the US?? Aren't they gonna be done filming in a month or two?
Yup... but the more time they spend on the FX, the better. We don't want that part of the film process rushed.

Abe said:
well then, happy birthday for 2006 Flamehead!
FF comes out 22 days before my birthday, so it's an early birthday present for me. :)
have to say though, i'm literally hanging off the edge of my seat for some GR promos. bring it on MSJ! :ghost:

Thanks for the early B-Day wishes... though I don't want to rush things. I'll be turning 28 then and I'm cracked up enough about turning 27.
FlameHead said:
Yup... but the more time they spend on the FX, the better. We don't want that part of the film process rushed.

Yes I know. I want to see this film as quickly as possible....yes. I want them to have a good amount of time for post production. But basically a whole year? That just seems like a little too much to me.
RedIsNotBlue said:
Yes I know. I want to see this film as quickly as possible....yes. I want them to have a good amount of time for post production. But basically a whole year? That just seems like a little too much to me.

im fine w/ the year on post production....ive waited more than 20 years to see this movie i can wait one more :)
besides i want to see the best possible GR on screen....if it takes a whole year to accomplish that then so be it.

oh and have a good B-Day FH...dont get too drunk...heh :D
Yeah I am just saying it better live up to its expectations if they are making us wait that long...haha.
Very true. A whole year of expectations is a lot to live up too.

BIGGUN said:
im fine w/ the year on post production....ive waited more than 20 years to see this movie i can wait one more :)
besides i want to see the best possible GR on screen....if it takes a whole year to accomplish that then so be it.

oh and have a good B-Day FH...dont get too drunk...heh :D

Sheesh, a whole 4 (or 16 depending on which B-day we're talkin' about) months away and I'm already getting best wishes.

Ahhh... I don't want to turn 27. So many artists kill themselves at the age of 27... and I haven't even made a huge splash in my career yet. Ahhhhhhh....
You and me both Flamehead! Although I have had my worked looked at by both Scott McDaniel and Phil Hester, that was pretty cool. :)
why malaysia so special

get aug 3, 06 date
Red, tell me about it!
I re-watched X-Men last night, and noticed the special effects weren't as good as I'd remembered. They'll really be pushing the third installment through if they're going to start filming in August. whew!
I still like the idea of X-Men 3 and Ghost Rider switching release dates... Marvel? Fox? MSJ? Anyone? lol. :)
Nederland | Netherlands 14-Sep-06

Allright , not a whole lot of months apart from the US date.
btw , when exactly are they finishing up with the shoot ?
Plenty of time indeed... and they're going to need it with all the FX shots that's needed. I wouldn't doubt that half of this movie is CG.

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