Is Natalie Holloway the new Jimmy Hoffa...?


The Return of the O.G
May 19, 2003
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I mean, are they ever gonna find this poor girl, dead or alive?

What the hell happened to her?

Is she really just the victim of international sex-trade smugglers that some have speculated?

Or is she the victim of man-slaughter/murder.

Your thoughts.
So, you think the Teamsters did her in, then? :huh:

Who is Natalie Holloway? Seriously.

EDIT: Nevermind. I looked it up.
Thanks 'fire. And godspeed to the Falcons today.
theres tons of missing people in this world, and the only reason this girl is getting so much press is cause her parents are rich. who gives a ****.
Eh, I don't really care, but I'm not going to go crazy on the parents. ****, if I were rich and had a missing kid I'd use my wealth to try and find her as well, just like anyone else would despite their *****ing.
I think it's sad how this case just was forgotten.I think the people who she was last seen with,have something to do with it.Honestly,i think they killed her.
It's been reported that Joran Van Der Sloot is back in custody right now. Maybe it's just me but I believe he had something to do with her disappearance. He's been protected by the Aruban government and the fact that his daddy is a judge helped keep justice at bay.

Truly I wish I could interrogate him. I'd get a confession out of him real quick just by beating the piss out of him and making him talk.
With his hands and legs bound of course.
I think it's sad how this case just was forgotten.I think the people who she was last seen with,have something to do with it.Honestly,i think they killed her.

you realize the amount of missing person cases? we should focus all the time and energy into finding the one of (probably) hundreds of kids who were missing from their various spring breaks/senior trips? tell that to the parents whose kids didnt get on the news when they went missing...
She did until the next suburban chick goes missing in an exotic locale. Spring break always ends up like that movie Turistas.
Eh, I don't really care, but I'm not going to go crazy on the parents. ****, if I were rich and had a missing kid I'd use my wealth to try and find her as well, just like anyone else would despite their *****ing.

Yeah, have to agree. Her parents are using all the means at their disposal to find out what happened to her and I don't blame them one bit. Do plenty of other kids go missing every year that don't get the publicity that Holloway has? Absolutely, and that's a wrong that I wish the media would do more to help correct. But faulting her parents for being successful in getting visibility to their daughter's case for that is asinine.

With his hands and legs bound of course.

Nope. He could try to fight back if he desired, however, he wouldn't last long with me I can assure you. That's the problem with law enforcement these days they don't do what is necessary when it comes to an interrogation.

All they had to do was not allow the Aruban officials to protect him and try to shift attention away from Aruba. Bottom line is Van Der Sloot and his friends either killed her or seen her die in some fashion. Either way I'd break a confession out of him real quick if I was a police officer.
I think she's dead.

Then again I figured Elizabeth Smart was a goner too.

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