Is Storm Powerful Enough To Do This?


Aug 10, 2002
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:confused: :eek:
You posted this over on X2 as well. Just warning you ahead of time. You know somebody will come along and say something.
I didnt know I couldnt post one thing in two different sections...
Well, some folks get a bit....uh....testy. Maybe not this time, but I've seen it before.
Hmm,..maybe I'll post my response on the other thread


-TNC ;)
trust me, Storm cannot pull that off...early on she had a hard time generating hurricanes and even with a power up (which im sure writers have given her) freezing all of NYC is not within her power........Iceman on the other hand could...maybe
I don't thik its the entire NYC.
i saw the preview for the movie that pic is from, its all of NYC
And to add to that. She could pull it off, but she'd die trying.
(Sorry for the double post)
Originally posted by TNC9852002
No mutant I know of could do that,..


Storm can:p She's the most powerful Mutant
thats 2 below her power i dont think she would waist her time doing that... she is powerful enough to summon a galactic core (millions of stars) and becoming the center of that power (read UXM 165) that gives u a hint of how powerful she is... that stunt would be classified under cosmic...n yes Storm has made a hurricane on one entire hemisphere i'm sure she could pull that off..
They're always changng how much power these mutants are capable of... :confused: :D :rolleyes:

Originally posted by deadfreakof666
thats 2 below her power i dont think she would waist her time doing that... she is powerful enough to summon a galactic core (millions of stars) and becoming the center of that power (read UXM 165) that gives u a hint of how powerful she is... that stunt would be classified under cosmic...n yes Storm has made a hurricane on one entire hemisphere i'm sure she could pull that off..

But that's Ultimate X-men... so that's not the REAL x-men anyway...... just a crappy version of them...aka Hip MTV version for the younger crowd scared of continunity...
sorry 2 dissapoint u but that Uncanny X-men not Ultimate... n uncanny is original no krappy version so its worth it .. the phoenix saga happened in uncanny u cant say its krappy 2...
^ Exactly. and why anyone would think that Ultimate X-men is now on it's 165th issue is beyond me.

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