I saw Superman Returns two times in the theater, once on Imax and always left happy with the movie. I understand some of people's negative feelings about the movie because of some of the risks they took (sequal/not a sequal, lois being engaged with kid, the end with the kid) but my personal feeling is the risks worked. I thought FX were spectacular and casting for the most part was pretty good with the exception maybe of Lois (actresses name escapes me for the moment) but still it wasn't bad.
I just wonder since Superman Returns seems to be a decent movie that is taking a lot of flak and not doing well box office wise if there is some other reason. Is it actually possible that Superman has out lived his age? I mean face it as powerful as Superman is he hasn't grown with the times he still has that 40's farm boy mentallity. There's no chinks or spots on his armor so to say. Batman and other heroes have managed to kind of grow with the times they don't exactly reflect what they were when they were first introduced to us. Batman did well and was well accepted but I constantly how darker it needed to be. The Punisher which I thought was another good movie that seemed to get some criticism, mainly it wasn't close to how dark and violent it should of been. Even with Spider-man 3 starting to get bigger in hype people want to see a darker movie. Heck even in comics you see it. Black Adam who I had totally forgoten up has become more popular of recent then his good guy counter part because he's been ripping off villians limbs and even faces.
Basically I think that if you try and give the Superman that we've always known your never going to get people flooding into the theaters to see it and praising itno mater who you cast, what the story is or how you film it. Sure they could bring someone in to mix Superman up a bit and give him that more darker image but you know that even the people that wanted the darker, edgier superman would be sitting there thinking "that ain't Superman". Face it Superman is a family hero movie and family movies aren't going to sell as well. I'm sure we'll get a Superman sequal but it I'm sure it will be toned down to appease more to the family crowds and with a smaller budget.
Does anyone agree with this at all?
I just wonder since Superman Returns seems to be a decent movie that is taking a lot of flak and not doing well box office wise if there is some other reason. Is it actually possible that Superman has out lived his age? I mean face it as powerful as Superman is he hasn't grown with the times he still has that 40's farm boy mentallity. There's no chinks or spots on his armor so to say. Batman and other heroes have managed to kind of grow with the times they don't exactly reflect what they were when they were first introduced to us. Batman did well and was well accepted but I constantly how darker it needed to be. The Punisher which I thought was another good movie that seemed to get some criticism, mainly it wasn't close to how dark and violent it should of been. Even with Spider-man 3 starting to get bigger in hype people want to see a darker movie. Heck even in comics you see it. Black Adam who I had totally forgoten up has become more popular of recent then his good guy counter part because he's been ripping off villians limbs and even faces.
Basically I think that if you try and give the Superman that we've always known your never going to get people flooding into the theaters to see it and praising itno mater who you cast, what the story is or how you film it. Sure they could bring someone in to mix Superman up a bit and give him that more darker image but you know that even the people that wanted the darker, edgier superman would be sitting there thinking "that ain't Superman". Face it Superman is a family hero movie and family movies aren't going to sell as well. I'm sure we'll get a Superman sequal but it I'm sure it will be toned down to appease more to the family crowds and with a smaller budget.
Does anyone agree with this at all?