Is Swamp Thing anyone's fave DC character?


Jul 13, 2011
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He's always been my fave since i was 4 watching his movie on video to buying his comics since, hell i even saw Return of Swamp Thing in theaters when i was 7 turning 8, had the toys and watched his cartoon with live-action show.
Actually, the only DC comics I buy ( well use to buy ) were Superman, SuperGirl, Static, and Swamp Thing. Loved the toon and the action figures from the early 90's. Actually bought the cartoon series from Bargain Town for about 5 bucks.
The new Swamp Thing/Animal Man series were probably my favorites of the New 52.
Yea Animal Man and Swamp Thing have been amazing. Honestly, I've never been into Swamp Thing too hardcore, I loved the movies and cartoons as a kid but was never into the comics until here recently with the New52 and I freaking love it
Alan Moore's Swamp Thing was great. I read his run a few years ago.
I enjoy Swamp Thing. I collect his comic now and in the past. I have seen all Versions on the small and big screen. I really enjoyed the live action tv series.

He ranks up there in my top 10
Aside from Batman, who's my favorite fictional character period, Swamp Thing is definitely my favorite DC character. I would put Alan Moore's work on Saga of the Swamp Thing up against almost any other work of literature. Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson's seminal work is also really fun, and I'm enjoying Snyder's run as well. Even the leaner years of the character's history are worth reading just because he's so damn interesting. I would give a hand to see a film adaptation of the character that borrowed heavily from his early years and Moore's stories directed (ideally) by Guillermo del Toro with top notch creature effects from Rick Baker.
There's tons of great titles in the New52. :confused:
Oh, and to answer the

Although Alan Moore's run is one of the best works of fiction I've ever read, and I love it tremendously.
Not my favorite, but I dig the character.

More than Man-Thing at least. :o

That's right, I'm went Marvel vs DC. Take that internet. :o
Aside from Batman, who's my favorite fictional character period, Swamp Thing is definitely my favorite DC character. I would put Alan Moore's work on Saga of the Swamp Thing up against almost any other work of literature. Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson's seminal work is also really fun, and I'm enjoying Snyder's run as well. Even the leaner years of the character's history are worth reading just because he's so damn interesting. I would give a hand to see a film adaptation of the character that borrowed heavily from his early years and Moore's stories directed (ideally) by Guillermo del Toro with top notch creature effects from Rick Baker.

I always said Del Toro would do an awesome Swamp Thing Movie.
Check out this cover for Swamp Thing 19.

I hope this same artist is taking over for Paquette when he leaves.
Taking over for writing on Swamp Thing is writer Charles Soule and artist Kano.
I'm actually looking forward to Charles Soule taking over the book, based on the ideas he mentioned he had for the book.

Not really sure about Kano on art duties but we'll see.

What I'd really like to see, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong as I jumped off the book at issue 12, is a defined power set for Swamp Thing. According to an early issue of Snyder's run, the "muck encrusted man" of the Wein/Wrightson era was supposed to be exponentially more powerful than Moore's Swamp Thing and before I jumped off, none of that was ever developed. Has Snyder started to establish this?

I'm excited that Soule will be doing smaller, contained stories. I just hope that Soule can bring back a level of sophisticated writing back to the book. Reading the Moore/Veitch run, and even some of Nancy A. Collins' work and then comparing it to Snyder's, Swamp Thing's voice seems more normal, "street level", if you will. It would be great if Soule gave Swamp Thing back that weary, philosophical "elemental god" voice. It gave the runs of old more of a literary feel than comic booky, which I feel Snyder's run basically was. Not sure if there's any room within the New52 for that kind of storytelling anymore. But it would certainly be a step towards the "Mature demographic = intelligent storytelling".
I don't know how the early Swamp Thing can be said to be more powerful than during Moore's run considering Moore essentially revealed Swampy to be an elemental god (and actually uses a lot of the same ideas he later explored with Dr. Manhattan.)

But yes some definition of powers is certainly needed at this point. What exactly is the benefit of having the living human Alec inside the Swamp Thing. What makes him this legendary warrior king?
I don't know how the early Swamp Thing can be said to be more powerful than during Moore's run considering Moore essentially revealed Swampy to be an elemental god (and actually uses a lot of the same ideas he later explored with Dr. Manhattan.)

But yes some definition of powers is certainly needed at this point. What exactly is the benefit of having the living human Alec inside the Swamp Thing. What makes him this legendary warrior king?

I think it was issue 3 of Snyder's run, where one of the Parliament members was explaining to Alec that had Alec not died in the blast that resulted in him being Swamp Thing, he would have been much more powerful than he was. If i recall correctly, it had something to do with the necessary fusion of green and flesh, that they were dependent on one another.

As far as I know, up to issue 12 atleast, Snyder never really bothered to explore this. Swamp Thing could grow wings, fly, and shoot vines out of his ass, but that was really it. But nothing about that really conveyed "Elemental God!".
Is it that they're that good or the others that bad?

I think they're genuinely good. Many of the others ranged from bad to merely mediocre so there is a fairly clear scale I'm working from in my head.
As a kid, I rented Wes Craven's film from West Coast Videos so many times the manager let me keep their copy. I still have the limited edition Paquet statue out on my shelf. The more popular perennials (Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, Hulk) edge him out on a list of favorites, but yeah, I think Ol' Swampy's pretty awesome.
I think it was issue 3 of Snyder's run, where one of the Parliament members was explaining to Alec that had Alec not died in the blast that resulted in him being Swamp Thing, he would have been much more powerful than he was. If i recall correctly, it had something to do with the necessary fusion of green and flesh, that they were dependent on one another.

As far as I know, up to issue 12 atleast, Snyder never really bothered to explore this. Swamp Thing could grow wings, fly, and shoot vines out of his ass, but that was really it. But nothing about that really conveyed "Elemental God!".

Rotworld isn't over yet, Snyders still got a few issues left, through to march, but yeah I've yet to see the benefit of muck encrusted Alec.
I've never read any Swamp Thing before, but I just started reading Alan Moore's run for the first time, and I'm in love. Supes will probably always be my favorite DC character, but at this rate, Swamp Thing could easily make my top 3.
Not that big of a ST fan but I do have a few comics mainly for Bernie Wrightson's artwork that blended perfectly for that moody swampy mushy look, Nestor Redondo did good too.

Other than that I've only seen the two live action films and the silly cartoon.

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