Days of Future Past Is this movie going to retcon X-Men 3?

Nov 20, 2009
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I don't know if this question was answered or not, but I heard something that with all the time travelling that happens in the movie, they're going to retcon the events that went down in X-Men 3 so that past actors can freely reprise their roles as well as fan favourite characters such as Cyclops can come back in future movies and hopefully create a new alternate universe where they could keep making X-Men movies without the black mark that is X-Men 3??
We probably won't know the answer to your question, until the movie is released.
We probably won't know the answer to your question, until the movie is released.

Ok, I heard a rumour through the grapevine that they would do that. It would've kept the movies fresh and give the possibility of linking it to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, should Marvel find some way of getting the rights to X-Men back again.
Marvel Isn't getting the rights to X-men anytime soon.Fox will reboot before letting go of X-men.X-men wouldn't even fit with the Avengers related films.

The point of retconn would be to allow them to Ignore the last Stand In future films.Bryan Singer has confirmed A darker film than anything In The Avengers.

The speculation Is time travel at end of film alters things that allowes for them to Ignore the Last Stand In future films.

Besides It wouldn't matter what was done In DOFP If Disney got ahold of rights they would completly reboot like what marvel did with the Incredible Hulk.If anything Is ever done with Daredevil,The Punisher,and Blade at Disney they will be reboots.If DIsney ever got ahold of X-Men and Spider-Man they would be rebooted.Plus as Mark Millar himself said that would it as 2 films a year.There are going to 4 marvel films released In 2014.

Days of future Past done right Is kind of story disney/MS would never tell.In first Class you had nazis.Meanwhile nazism was toned down In Captain America with Hydra laregly replacing the nazis.
They aren't retconning the entire X-Men 3, maybe parts of it, but not all of it.
They aren't retconning the entire X-Men 3, maybe parts of it, but not all of it.

Why do you think that? Sure there would definitely be a Brotherhood vs X-Men battle but things like Xavier and Cyclops dying and every other bad aspect of that movie would hopefully be retconned.

As for whether the X-Men and associated mutants will appear in the MCU, well that's a whole different debate. I for one, would love it, even just a slight acknowledgement would be nice. I mean Scarlett Witch/Quicksilver may have to appear at one point.
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I don't think they are retconning Cyclops dying. Well they didn't bring him back yet.
I don't think they are retconning Cyclops dying. Well they didn't bring him back yet.

Who knows? They might do that. If it was up to me I certainly would. I mean the way they portrayed Cyclops made the character underrated and a secondary character to Wolverine (as much as I love the character has kinda evolved into something overrated and overused).
Smallville Fan:

The best way to answer your inquiry is to quote the director Bryan Singer himself. He intends on using X-Men: Days Of Future Past to "fix s***" as shown in X3 and possibly even X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

So stay tuned to what that means in reality because no one here really knows just yet...all we have are bright hopes and dreams for now.
Smallville Fan:

The best way to answer your inquiry is to quote the director Bryan Singer himself. He intends on using X-Men: Days Of Future Past to "fix s***" as shown in X3 and possibly even X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

So stay tuned to what that means in reality because no one here really knows just yet...all we have are bright hopes and dreams for now.

Well that confirms part of what I already know. So stuff from the not-so great X-Men movies are getting retconned and changed but still in the same universe. Well I guess if you can't really reboot, use time travel to retcon! :awesome:

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