Is this possible?

Matt Murdock

Jun 29, 2005
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hey im not a huge x-men fan, but i saw X-2 and i was wondering:

when wolverine gets shot in the head, is it possible for him to heal from that? I thought he had an accelerated healing factor, meaning that he could heal from wounds faster than normal humans but not from mortal wounds.

Spideyssuperfan said:
hey im not a huge x-men fan, but i saw X-2 and i was wondering:

when wolverine gets shot in the head, is it possible for him to heal from that? I thought he had an accelerated healing factor, meaning that he could heal from wounds faster than normal humans but not from mortal wounds.


Yes, the bullet fell out as he healed himself. Wolverine can heal himself from from a lot of things!!:up:
That's nothing. In one comic, wolvy got blasted by a bunch of machine guns and survived later to complain about the bullets stuck in his butt.
Spideyssuperfan said:
hey im not a huge x-men fan, but i saw X-2 and i was wondering:

when wolverine gets shot in the head, is it possible for him to heal from that? I thought he had an accelerated healing factor, meaning that he could heal from wounds faster than normal humans but not from mortal wounds.


Also, the bullet did not enter the brain due to the adamantium on his skull. So in effect, while the shot rattled his brain and knocked him out due to the impact, the bullet itself did little more than cause a flesh wound, which he quickly recovered from.
Jan Irisi said:
Also, the bullet did not enter the brain due to the adamantium on his skull. So in effect, while the shot rattled his brain and knocked him out due to the impact, the bullet itself did little more than cause a flesh wound, which he quickly recovered from.

ya, he can heal from lots of things, plus he had a adamantium head (which is supposed to be impossible to destroy)
He's gone through a lot worse. In one comic I recall that he was run over by a truck.
yea, becasue if it went through his skull, then The hell will the adamantium being unbrakable, if a little bullet can go right through it!!!

thats why i hated how it came out of his skin like as a whole bullet, Becasue the bullet would have hit the adamantium skull and shatter inside the skin, and some would explode outwards out side of the skin, and there should have been a CLONK sound when it hit his head!!
The adamantium, although an extremely dense metal, I doubt would've provided the thickness around the skull to make the bullet shatter and explode when the bullet hit...

Wesyeed said:
That's nothing. In one comic, wolvy got blasted by a bunch of machine guns and survived later to complain about the bullets stuck in his butt.

The comics can get a little crazy. Wolvie bounces back from THIS in the idiotic Ultimate line of books...


In the REAL Marvel Universe, he's been burned to a crisp and still regenerated. I won't want the movie version to become so unstoppable but I did have a problem with him getting KO'd so easily. Sabretooth KO'd him (for hours?) with one swing from a tree branch. Magneto KO'd on the train by slamming him in to the back wall. Then, the single bullet to the forehead? Here's hoping Ratner makes Logan tougher in X3.
YJ1 said:
The comics can get a little crazy. Wolvie bounces back from THIS in the idiotic Ultimate line of books...


In the REAL Marvel Universe, he's been burned to a crisp and still regenerated. I won't want the movie version to become so unstoppable but I did have a problem with him getting KO'd so easily. Sabretooth KO'd him (for hours?) with one swing from a tree branch. Magneto KO'd on the train by slamming him in to the back wall. Then, the single bullet to the forehead? Here's hoping Ratner makes Logan tougher in X3.

hes not superman you know.

lol, its good to make him more vunerable. its more realistic...
Wow, I was about to say that Wolverine has survived having his heart ripped out of his body and thrown through 12 stories.

*shakes fist at Hellfire club*

After seeing that Ultimate pic? That's a bit much :o
And for the record.....we still haven't seen him back from getting ripped in half.

We all know he will.....but we haven't seen it yet.
i do have a comic though where wolverine and rogue are fighting (he was testing her to be the new leader), and rogue managed to have him bound by his arms and legs, and suspended off the ground. she had a spear aimed under his jaw and a spear that would have stabbed his heart from under his rib cage if he managed to free himself, and she said something like "those are the only places you're vulnerable".

i wonder if anyone else has tried to exploit that.
YJ1 said:
Is it just me or has Hulk stole Mr. T's Jewellery collection. I can't make it out but I think he might even have them dreamcatcher type earrings Mr. T wears. WOW!

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