theShape said:
a spidey fan who would want to learn more about SPIDER-MAN, rather than his villains. simple as that.
If there's balance in the story, you can learn about both equally.
yes, in your opinion. not the general population of spidey fans.
And you know this how??
Just because a movie is liked, does not mean that people found it flawless. I've seen plenty of people complain about Ock's lack of screen time.
I love SM-2. But I'm not looking at it thru rose coloured glasses. The movie had it's flaws. And lack of villain involvement was one of them.
you are suggesting that the villain should have as much a part to the story as a hero. but why? it's the hero's story. therfore, the hero obviously has a much bigger meaning to the story than the villain. that's just common sense.
The hero's story has a huge involvement from the villain, because it is because of the villain he needs to be a hero.
yes, a villain is an antagonist. but in the case of Ock in SM2, he is not half the antagonist to Spidey as the GG was in SM1. therefore, he does not need nearly as much screentime or development as Spider-man.
That's exactly my point.
Bad writing. Ock should have been more of an antagonist considering he was threatening the entire city, while GG was just out to torment Spidey. But Ock didn't become a concern until near the end when he kidnapped MJ.
there certainly WAS balance between Ock and Spidey, but not really between Ock and Peter. SM2 was more about Peter than it was about Spider-man, which was a good thing IMO. however, a good chunk of the Spidey scenes were between him and Ock. you can't say that Ock need to be around all of the time when Peter's dealing MJ, Harry, or Aunt May.
Of course not.
You're under the impression that every two minutes I want to see the villain.
Not so. I want the villain's part in the story to be of some major significance. For his presence to be felt. For alot of SM-2, Ock's was not.
what about when he gives up being Spidey? should Ock still be popping up fighting Spidey? no. the story of Peter was such a big part of SM2 compared to the Spidey part.
That's what I said above. Bad writing. The story was written in a way that the villain was left out the loop almost entirely, until towards the end.
and you say the villain is the reason the heroes put on their costumes? well, what did Peter, who had given up being Spider-man, do when Ock kidnapped MJ? he took up the mantle of Spidey once more. Ock really did play an important part in SM2. his part was just not important enough for him to get nearly the same amount of screentime.
Like I said, bad writing.
His should of had a larger role in the story. I mean, he wasn't even sharing the spotlight with another villain.
It was ridiculous.
sure, it's his movie story, but it's his story. it will always be that way. even in the comics, it's all about Spidey. there's no way you can say that the villains get just as much development as Spidey, because there are tons of issues that don't even have villains in them! they just focus on Peter's struggles.
The comics very much so have a balance. Spidey and his villains both get plenty of exposure in a mere 22 page story. My god, even the cartoons did.
SM-1 pulled it off. Pity SM-2 didn't. And by the look of SM-3, that will not either.
if you want movies where the villains overshadow the hero, watch the Burton Batman movies.
Strike three............YOU'RE OUT!!!!
I never said I wanted the villain to overshadow the hero.