James Marsters Q&A about Dragonball interview.


Aug 27, 2007
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I bet people already know about this but for those that dont here it is anyway.

James Marsters had an interview recently and said on the 15th of January (tommorow) he would be answering peoples questions theyve sent in about Dragonball on his site.

I already know the question everyones gonna ask

"Will Piccolo be green"

Hopefully we'll know tomorrow maybe we'll find out if he playing Piccolo Jr or Daimaio aswell.
I did not know. So link?
I hope he answers A LOT of questions since the wait is ridiculous.
post both links :up: :dbz:
Uh, he never said he'd be posting Dragonball questions (Unless I'm missing something???). He has a Q&A with his fans once a month where they send in questions. It's all run by the site owner. No one guaranteed he'd answer Dragonball specific questions.

And his first comment from Dec. 15th was found and posted on my blog on Dec. 27th.. funny how people are just deciding to send their e-mails now, the day before. :p
No this time he did mention

"and ile be happy to answer some questions from my upcoming movie Dragonball"
Please give me a link.
Give Us A Link Already!!!!!
I know I haven't but I hope he answers some of the main questions we've all been asking around these forums.
damn the thread was removed coz it had already been posted, i dont know where the other thread is
What can you tell us about your role in the Dragonball movie?

I'm not really allowed to talk about any of the movie details, but I can say that James Wong is obviously a gifted and insightful director! When I got the role I had doubts. The more I live with it I realize that I am going to rock this harder than I have anything in my life – I’m hungry for it.
What can you tell us about your role in the Dragonball movie?

I'm not really allowed to talk about any of the movie details, but I can say that James Wong is obviously a gifted and insightful director! When I got the role I had doubts. The more I live with it I realize that I am going to rock this harder than I have anything in my life – I’m hungry for it.

Well at least we got something :dbz:
No one told you to get excited for nothing.
That's nothing. Too bad the tight-wad couldn't take time out of his schedule to hand us over some real updates.

..... :oldrazz:

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