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Which book do you think is better?

  • JLA, it pwns!

  • JSA, it pwns more!

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The Punisher

Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the two, which one do you fine better? I know JLA started a few months back and yeah, it's pretty good now. But I just find it to be dragging a bit. 4 issues in and the team hasn't come together yet? Come one.

JSA, I bought the book a few days ago and read it. Wow it blew me away. I didn't think Johns had it in him but really he did a great job with teh first issue. Great writing, great art and the team is already together (with a few more to join.)

I know it's only in it's first issue, but I have that JSA blows JLA out of the water. The book was perfect, and I liked everything about it.

So for me, I say JSA pwns right now. :up:
plus i like the linup a whole lot better then JLA. the characters are all interesting too. i think they should do away with jla and just make a trinity book.
I really don't like judging a title by only one issue. Generally, it could all go either way with issues 2 or 3, etc., but in this case, JLA just isn't nearly good enough for me not to give it to JSA. :o
GoldenAgeHero said:
plus i like the linup a whole lot better then JLA. the characters are all interesting too. i think they should do away with jla and just make a trinity book.

I think so to. I was really looking forward to Damage, and it turns out he really might be the team's badass. I like all the characters we have in the book, and Geoff is doing one hell of a job.

CConn said:
I really don't like judging a title by only one issue. Generally, it could all go either way with issues 2 or 3, etc., but in this case, JLA just isn't nearly good enough for me not to give it to JSA. :o

I don't do that either. But in this case, JSA just comes out on top. The verdict right now:

JSA > JLA, easily. :o
yeah but JSA is geoff's favorite book.and i feel he puts alot more effort into it then he does in his own comics, eventhough he says otherwise. but it's obvious in his other books.
I like his work on TT, but JSA, imo, is where he shows that he's a great writer.
Judging by the curren series, JSA easily.
However out of the two teams, JLA is my favorite (From the Waid era), but current line up is making me lean towards JSA, whose lineup is great.
It's funny, because I always used to go "JSA? PFffff, F*** those geezers" and never really understood why there was a need for the JSA in world that had JLA (or vice versa).
But now, after reading the first issue in the current JSA series, I became an instant fan and read up on the whole thing.
JLA is still my favorite out of the two, but JSA is getting better treatment right now.
Who the **** cares? It is entirely possible to like both. At this point i'd love the 2nd issue of JSA to completely suck so you guys just look plain stupid.

Oh yeah, Merry Christmas.
Also, the bias poll options and horrific spelling in the opening post is ridiculous.

LOL! "JSA>JLA" Whats next you're going to tell me the sky is blue.:whatever:
Darthphere said:
LOL! "JSA>JLA" Whats next you're going to tell me the sky is blue.:whatever:
Some things you should figure out for yourself ya pansy.:cmad:

Anyhoo...I have to say JLA since I don't read JSA.
Mee said:
Some things you should figure out for yourself ya pansy.:cmad:

Anyhoo...I have to say JLA since I don't read JSA.

But you should.
JSA. It was the first time I read that seiers too. Like the art better in this book too.
The Punisher said:
I like his work on TT, but JSA, imo, is where he shows that he's a great writer.
The (sorta) sad thing is when he started TT, that book made him a great writer too. Now...eh.
Its far too early to tell. I'll wait until they have a few achs under their belt because at the moment It's still unclear as to the direction either of the books is heading.
Who's in the JSA now anyway? Or are they taking as long to choose as the League? :down
Mee said:
Who's in the JSA now anyway? Or are they taking as long to choose as the League? :down
most of the team is set so far:

Green Lantern
Doctor Mid-nite

and two major plots have already begun as well... [BLACKOUT]one about wildcats son and the other about someone hunting down heroes and their legacies[/BLACKOUT]
Lord Voldemort said:
Its far too early to tell. I'll wait until they have a few achs under their belt because at the moment It's still unclear as to the direction either of the books is heading.
You have to wait 1+ years to decide on the quality of a particular title?
**** that, ill wait 3 issues.

Either way, like I said before, we got two solid titles to choose from, you can pick up both, or one, it doesn't mean one is necessarily better than the other one, they both have clear different goals.

Thats me trying to be reasonable.
Justice Society of America.

I like the Justice Society roster a lot better. It has nearly all the heroes I want on the team. Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, Wildcat, Hawkman, Obsidian, Hourman, and Power Girl are most of the heroes I think the Society needs. All I ask is for Atom Smasher and S.T.R.I.P.E to join. Stargirl, Dr. Mid-Nite, Liberty Belle, and Mr. Terrific just make the roster even cooler. Starman is completely hilarious with his love for sloppy joes.

I'm somewhat disappointed with the Justice League roster. It has Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, a major Green Lantern (Hal or Kyle, in this case Hal), Black Canary, and Red Tornado on the team but I really don't like that Red Arrow, Vixen, Hawkgirl, and Black Lightning are on the team. If Geo-Force is the 11th member, I'll be further disappointed. Where is Aquaman? The Martian Manhunter? The Flash? Zatanna? Green Arrow? Hawkman?

I like the pacing better in Justice Society of America.

I enjoyed reading Justice Society of America better. I don't think that Justice League of America is a bad book. Not at all. I just like Justice Society of America better.
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