Sony Spin-Off Kraven & Mysterio Spin-Off


Jun 24, 2016
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Figured it would get a thread at some point:

In its profile of new studio CEO Tom Rothman, The Hollywood Reporter reveals Sony plans to follow its announced Venom and Silver & Black spinoffs with projects centering on classic rogues Kraven the Hunter and Mysterio.

Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Kraven debuted in 1964’s The Amazing Spider-Man #15. Known as a big game hunter, Kraven saw Spider-Man as his next target to prove he was the greatest hunter in the world. The character is best known from the 1987 storyline “Kraven’s Last Hunt.”

Well, Sony is nothing if not persistent. Though, I imagine if these are also inextricably tied into the MCU, then folks will soon warm to the idea. Somehow.
I know Marvel really wanted Spider-man in the MCU, but are they willing to let Sony create their own movies and taint the MCU brand by association?

Plus, if Sony's using all the villains, who will they use in the Spider-man sequels? Don't tell me we are going to get Green Goblin for a third time.
Okay wtf is going on...Venom, Black Cat and Silver and now Kraven and Mysterio...all supposedly without Spider-Man?

Something really odd is going on. I just have a really hard time believing that they are making all these films without Spider-Man. Has Holland signed on to a new contract or something? Is this all a huge bluff by Sony? Spider-Man has the best rogue's gallery of any superhero, but what are they without Spider-Man? This is bonkers.

I don't care how money-hungry they are at one is this stupid.
Sony needs to slow their roll. Carnage as a villain in the Venom film, while very premature imo, at least makes some sense .

A silver and Black film with characters like Kraven, Chameleon, and Scorpion sprinkled in, I could even get on board with.

A Mysterio and Kraven spin off solo films minus Spiderman is just nuts.

Either they're trying to rush to sinister six, or they're kidding themselves into thinking the GA cares enough to pay money to see a Kraven and Mysterio solo films.

Mysterio should be the baddie for HC2 imo not a spin off film.
So are these movies leading to the Sinister 6? (the spideyverse avengers)


Black cat
Silver sable?
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More interesting than the Aunt May spin-off.

I can actually see these working.

Mysterio the film could be a really fun heist movie. Imagine a special effects artist stealing a ton of money from somebody like Silvermane or Kingpin (and people really want Sony to use Kingpin, right?) and managing to get away with it. There isn't a really great Mysterio story to use since he's always been a minor villain. The closest is Guardian Devil... but that's a Daredevil story... and Mister Fear IMO fits that story better than Mysterio. He's never had a really definitive fight with Spider-Man. I guess that the one Roger Stern story works but that's reliant on the Return of the Burglar story happening first... Mysteriosio could also work... but that's dependent on the Guardian Devil story happening first... and that means working things out with not only Marvel but Netflix. He's a character with a whole ton of great potential but would have to be relegated to secondary villain status were he ever to fight Spider-Man.

Kraven is actually a good idea. The Kraven's Last Hunt story doesn't have a whole lot of Spider-Man in it. It's mostly Kraven hogging all the screen time. Vermin is the obvious choice for the villain but IMO, I'd like to see him swapped out for the Lizard.
In the SCS(Sony Cinematic Spideyverse, I guess we can officially call it now) Sony is trying to set themselves apart from what Marvel, D.C., and somewhat what Fox is doing with the Mutantverse, that none are doing....that is build the Spideyverse around Spidey's well-known villains. This obviously has never been done before...films that's villain centric to set up the main hero.

Now don't raddle my a**, I'm not saying whether this a good idea or not...just saying, this what it appears to be happening, imo. By establishing villains in their own film, save time from trying to set a villain origin/background/foundation/motive in a solo/stand alone Spidey centric film. When Spidey eventually tangle with these villains, the background is already established...the GA are already familiar with these villains. The story/film could then proceed forward, w/o being bogged down with a number of character development.

Just saying....
The Kraven's Last Hunt story doesn't have a whole lot of Spider-Man in it.


Spider-Man and his history with Kraven is literally the impetus for the whole story. The story does not exist without Spider-Man.

If we get a KLH movie without Spider-Man, I'm going freaking postal.
When is The Spot getting his spin off?
Sony's silly expansion may have had a chance a few years ago. But in the era of peak superhero - There are EIGHT Marvel adaptations next year, plus The Incredibles and Aquaman - the idea of developing a successful cinematic universe around one character's supporting crew, even one as popular as Spidey, is absolutely ridiculous.

Spider-Man and his history with Kraven is literally the impetus for the whole story. The story does not exist without Spider-Man.

If we get a KLH movie without Spider-Man, I'm going freaking postal.

I think that he'll be in the first and third acts. He'll just show up in the first five minutes to be shot and buried alive by Kraven and then again for one final fight.
You cant adapt Kraven's Last Hunt for his first appearance. The whole story is predicated on the fact that Kraven has fought and lost to Spidey time after time.
You cant adapt Kraven's Last Hunt for his first appearance. The whole story is predicated on the fact that Kraven has fought and lost to Spidey time after time.

Then maybe it's Kraven vs somebody like Swarm, Rhino, Vermin or Lizard to build him up as a badass then adapt Kraven's Last Hunt for a second film. I feel like you have to have Kraven fight somebody with an animal theme for his first appearance. I don't think you can have him fight somebody like Tombstone or Carnage or even somebody with an animal motif who's fully human like Doc Ock or Beetle. It needs to be some sort of human animal hybrid. I hope that it's Rhino if So y are going this route.

I feel like that is the most appropriate response to this news.
That second Homecoming movie and Marvel's chance to cut ties with Sony can't come soon enough...This is only getting more insane as time passes.

Not that any of these movies can't work. Mysterio could work in some kind of heist film. Have Kraven fight some animals and maybe a minor villain or two in his own movie.

But it just feels like Sony is going insane. See how Homecoming does. Then since you already have started, let's see how the Venom movie works out. And then worry about future spinoffs. Don't just start working on an entire cinematic universe when you don't have a clue if you can make any of them work out well.
The silver lining here is that Sony will lose money with these terrible spin-offs. So I say go for it, empty those coffers.
I was hopeful for Venom and intrigued by Black and Silver. This is just dumb.
Sony must have that GOOD crack...

Couldn't they... you back animation rights while the MCU is in play... them trying to mop up all of Spidey's enemies reeks of desperation.
Kraven & Mysterio could have been the villains for SM2, why tf are they giving these two a spinoff together? Beck & Kraven how are they even compatible?
Kraven & Mysterio could have been the villains for SM2, why tf are they giving these two a spinoff together? Beck & Kraven how are they even compatible?

Is it together or separate spinoff film?

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