Laguna Beach: The REAL Orange County

Spidey-Bat said:
Probably both. She never downloads anything anymore. I tell her to, but she just keeps using Itunes and buying thousands of CDs and DVDs:o

damn.. i'd like to get my hands on some extras..
if you dont, there's no reason for you to post anything.

i missed it, hopefully i can d/l it soon.
boyscouT said:
if you dont, there's no reason for you to post anything.

I'm just saying what everyone's thinking.
Spidey-Bat said:
I'm just saying what everyone's thinking.

dammit, u may be right. o well.

i finally watched s02e02.. *sigh.

first season was definately better so far. each cast member was a jewel to look at. too bad i can't say the same for the alex's, taylor, and jessica half the time.
they need to drop "The Real Orange County" from the title ...
they need to drop the show period
i live in laguna beach and the show is 100% scripted
iron_man7 said:
they need to drop the show period
i live in laguna beach and the show is 100% scripted

u live in laguna beach? cool. whats ur a/s?
the few people that actually watch this show, anyone else besides me think that LC and Stephen make a great couple? And Talan & Kristin are made for eachother?

Stephen is the type of guy who has genuine feelings and needs a stable girlfriend. We all know how long LC has "loved" him.

Everyone on the show says that Kristin is the male-version of Jason, and Talan & Jason are best friends. I smell perfect match.
yes lc and stephen should hook up thats it end of show its obvious. she is not a ***** like that kristin girl, who is such a spoiled ***** and a ****! lc seems pretty cool and she is a hell of a lot hotter then that scank.
gap5ewl said:
yes lc and stephen should hook uo thats it end of show its obvious. she is not a ***** the kristin girl, al though hot, is such a spoiled ***** and a ****! lc seems pretty cool and she is a hell of a lot hotter then that scank.

yea i agree. stephen said himself in season 1, that kristin is a very fun chick to hook-up with, but LC owns girlfriend wise.
I have a feeling that Bam Margera or Ashton Kutcher will go on this show and screw everything up. Which would be a good thing mind you.
iron_man7 said:
they need to drop the show period
i live in laguna beach and the show is 100% scripted

hey now ... it's always good to see someone from the "real" O.C. :up:

i'm from Garbage Grove ... whut up!? :D
Jason=Joey Fatone from N'SYNC

Why does every girl think he's so irresistable?

Yo, If they would have set this show in South Central Los Angeles, or in Harlem, New York, than I would seriously watch!

Quite frankly, if Laguna Beach was a Marvel series instead of an MTV one, those pretty white kids would be all cannon fodder for someone like the Punisher right about now.
It's been awhile, but if anyone is interested,

there is a new episode on tonight on mtv, 10pm.
boyscouT said:
the few people that actually watch this show, anyone else besides me think that LC and Stephen make a great couple? And Talan & Kristin are made for eachother?

Stephen is the type of guy who has genuine feelings and needs a stable girlfriend. We all know how long LC has "loved" him.

Everyone on the show says that Kristin is the male-version of Jason, and Talan & Jason are best friends. I smell perfect match.

your gay, man. just come out to the hype. lol
This show I always get sucked into it. Is it me or is Jason too hot for highschool?
PyroChamber said:
I'm just curious, are there any black people in Laguna Beach at all let alone Orange County? In fact, are there any black people in Southern California period?
Of course there are. But Koreans are always shooting them:(
I personally like The O.C. For what it is, it's pretty well written. As for Laguna Beach, I hate that show with a passion. I saw a few minutes of it, and I hated it so very very much. At least The O.C. has the stones to admit it's scripted.

Oh yeah, and Arrested Development kicks both their asses.

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