This book took me a while to make.
Story (just speculation at this point):
"Goku is an 18-year-old kid, who lives with his grandfather and is about to graduate from high school. On the day of graduation, Goku is run over by a woman who later identifies herself as Bulma. Goku goes home only to find his grandfather had been struck down by followers of someone his grandfather called Piccolo. Before his last breath, Gohan urges Goku to seek training from someone named Master Roshi, because he tells Goku he has incredibly gifts not from this planet, and no human can stop Piccolo. Bulma overhears the whole thing (or they meet up later) and demands Goku that he let her come with him to seek out Master Roshi, because she feels it was her fault he couldn't be there in time to save his grandfather (because he was run over by her.) Goku eventually agrees, and they embark on a quest to find Master Roshi's island.
Meanwhile, we are introduced to Piccolo and Mai for the first time. Mai is a slick, cunning, and attractive asian-looking woman who has the ability to transform. Piccolo is a green demon with spiky ears and wears a robe. Piccolo was trapped in prison by his good self, Kami, the god of earth, which means Piccolo is the evil half of the god of earth. He later escapes prison and now seeks revenge on everyone on Kami's planet (earth.) He knows of the Dragonballs before Goku and Bulma do, because he wants them to wish for immortality.
Goku and Bulma arrive at Master Roshi's island and there, Goku tells the story of his grandfather, Gohan. Master Roshi tells them about the Dragonballs, which when all 7 are gathered they can grant any wish. Bulma gets excited by that and suggests they use it to wish that Piccolo be killed. Master Roshi tells them it doesn't work that way, and that they should gather them and destroy them before Piccolo uses them for immortality.
Master Roshi then trains Goku, and teaches him the "kame hame ha." After only one attempt, Goku learns the miraculous attack. Roshi then tells Goku no one has ever learned the Kame Hame Ha the first time before, and that it takes many years. Master Roshi then realizes why Gohan sent Goku to him.
Bulma, Goku, and Roshi then start their quest for the seven dragonballs. Their search leads them to a sand cave, which caves in on them and they become trapped. A desert bandit finds them and taunts them (Yamcha) instead of throwing them a ladder. While trapped, Roshi explains what Piccolo is and explains his history with Kami, the god of earth. Yamcha overhears the story and decides to help the heroes. Yamcha apologizes, and Bulma develops a crush on him. Yamcha then joins the team.
During their search, they come across a martial arts tournament, where Goku finds Chi-Chi, a girl in which he always had a crush on. They talk and he learns she is participating in the tournament, so Goku decides to watch. Mai, who is disguised as a spectator, notices Goku taking a keen interest in Chi-Chi, and decides to fight her in the tournament. During the fight, Goku wants a hot dog (). Mai cuts Chi-Chi, and then walks out of the ring, perhaps poisoning her. Chi-Chi wins, and Goku congratulates her. Meanwhile, Yamcha and Bulma flirt.
Mai returns to Lord Piccolo, who is in his lair with his henchman. Mai tells Piccolo of Chi-Chi. Piccolo is pleased, because he feels Goku would be weakened by love.
After a fairly long search, Goku, Bulma, and Master Roshi collect all 7 of the dragon balls (but the four-star ball is still at Grandpa Gohan's house). They try to destroy them, but even after much abuse, the balls did not break. Master Roshi comes to the conclusion that they are indestructible. Piccolo finds them with the dragon balls, fights and badly injures Yamcha, Goku, and Master Roshi, and steals the dragon balls. He leaves with the balls, and tells them if they want to fight to meet him at the world martial arts tournament.
Master Roshi tells Goku where to find Kami, the god of earth, who might know how to beat Piccolo, and that his palace is floating high above the ground and it would be very difficult to climb to the top. Determined, Goku climbs Korin Tower and finds Kami, the god of earth.
Kami tells Goku the only way to beat Piccolo is to trap his soul in a container he gives Goku. He warns Goku that challenging Piccolo is suicide, but Goku is a fighter (and a saiyan warrior, but he doesn't know it yet), and so he decides to take his chances.
The day of the world martial arts tournament approaches, and Piccolo is pissed off that he didn't notice he is missing a dragon ball.
At the day of the tournament, Goku, Bulma, Yamcha, Master Roshi and Chi-Chi (who turns out to be Mai) enter. They sign up but see no sign of Piccolo. Waiting for the tournament to begin, Goku trains with Chi-Chi (who is Mai disguised) and their sexual tension heats up and Goku kisses her. After the kiss, Mai transforms back to herself and tells him Chi-Chi is with Piccolo. Angered, Goku fights Mai and eventually he wins. He demands she tell him where Piccolo is keeping her, and she tells him. Goku suddenly learns to fly in his rage (or he just walks), and meets Piccolo for the final battle.
Piccolo gives Goku a long speech about how futile his attempts are. Piccolo beats the living crap out of Goku, and he tells Goku to give up. Goku, frustrated, uses his "Kame Hame Ha" wave, badly injuring piccolo. Piccolo stands up, and tells Goku he is a hypocrite. He tells Goku he is a murderous Saiyan, and his father probably killed twice the people that he had. Goku denies it at first, but then realizes he is not from this planet. Master Roshi walks in Piccolo's lair, with the containment box. Goku tells Master Roshi to leave, but he does not.
Master Roshi begins the ritual, but the curse backfires and kills Master Roshi. Now Goku is mad, and his Saiyan powers are unleashed. He charges Piccolo and beats Piccolo into an inch of his life. Chi-Chi, who is in a prison cell by where the fight takes place, tells Goku to stop and Goku realizes he is out of control.
Goku does not finish Piccolo with a punch, but instead he lets him live. Piccolo, shocked, says nothing. Goku leaves with Chi-Chi, and the screen fades to black.
4 Years Later
Fade into the mountain house in where Grandpa Gohan once lived. Goku now lives there with his wife, Chi-Chi, and their newborn son Gohan. Goku and Chi-Chi both notice, near the end of the movie, that their son has a tail.
Cut to the top of a mountain, where Piccolo is standing. The camera zooms in on his face, and reveals that he is smiling."
Roll credits.