Villain Transformations


Aug 27, 2007
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Anyone think in future movies if an actor plays Frieza or Cell they wont transform.

In the anime Frieza had 4 forms but in the movie i dont see how it could be done coz obviously the actor cant change shapes.

Best thing for Frieza i say is for him to look like Frieza 2nd form and when he fights Goku he turns into his 4th form.

He could also bulk up to 100% max power, they could add some cgi to make him look bigger.

Cell though i think will be in his perfect form throughout, i dont think theyll have time to put androids in for Cell to absorb so he may be perfect anyway, but he can always go Super Perfect.

Buu isnt a problem coz hed probably be CGI
CGI all the way,i think we all enjoyed and was shocked the way friezas transformation were so outrageous, one minute hes like a dinousaur thing then hes got a bulb on his head, personally i think they should add in every transformation possible
All of Freeza's forms except for his final form should be CGI. I'd prefer an actor for his final form, preferbly Cillian Murphy.
I'm not sure for Freiza, he had so darn many. The Xenomorph-like one and his final reptoid one are a must! For Cell, if we get to him, I would be fine with him staying in his first form. I think its the most intimidating of his three transformations. The second one looks odd and the third reminds me of Frieza.
Cell's transformations are a very important plot point. As for Frieza, perhaps they should just skip his second form, which is just a pointlessly pumped-up version of the first. Maybe the third if they're really pressed for time.
I know Cell's transformations are important but there probably wont be time.

As for Friez i think Form 1 and 3 shouldnt be

In the anime it was cool and they had more time, Frieza 3 the reptilian form would look crap on screen, too big and bulky.

Frieza 1 would be too small for anyone to take seriously
Frieza 1 reminded me my old P.E. teacher. She sounded just like it.
I'm not sure for Freiza, he had so darn many. The Xenomorph-like one and his final reptoid one are a must! For Cell, if we get to him, I would be fine with him staying in his first form. I think its the most intimidating of his three transformations. The second one looks odd and the third reminds me of Frieza.

No, no, no, no, no, NO! Cell needs to go through all of his transformations. Having him stay in his first form would be dumb & wouldn't allow for the story to progress much. Besides, Perfect Cell is the best form of all, the first one was just creepy.
If anyone says that you can't fit four forms in a movie, look at the Mummie. In under fourty minutes, he transforms five times. If Frieza is going to have multiple fight scenes in quick succession, I don't see why not.

As for Cell, NOT A DOUBT IN MY MIND. It is essential. There is no way you can't have Cell transform. Or Buu, for that matter, if we get that far.
Agreed. Many people would be pissed off if Wong decided to just keep Cell in a first form, that'd be a horrible idea. Just like eliminating two of Freeza's key forms is a horrible idea.
Agreed. Many people would be pissed off if Wong decided to just keep Cell in a first form, that'd be a horrible idea. Just like eliminating two of Freeza's key forms is a horrible idea.
Frieza isn't so terrible, but I really don't see any reason in cutting his transformations. There really isn't much of a point. You can fit every single form in the last fourth of the movie if you were really pressed for time. It would be simple.
I didn't mean that Freeza is terrible, just that he needs all of his transformations. I'm sure that if the director & writer just catches all of the important elements, the movie could have all of the transformations.
No, he needs to have all of his forms, every last one of them. That's like saying they should just leave out the Super Saiyan 2 form & go straight to SSJ3. Although I do think we should get SSJ2 for the second movie & for the next movie instead of Majin Buu we should get Broly who Gohan defeats with the aid of the other Z Fighters.
Frieza isn't so terrible, but I really don't see any reason in cutting his transformations. There really isn't much of a point. You can fit every single form in the last fourth of the movie if you were really pressed for time. It would be simple.
Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound quite like that. I meant that it wasn't as terrible if they dropped one of Frieza's forms, but I don't see any reason in cutting his forms. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
It all depends on what they decide to focus when they get to the Frieza Saga: drama or effects. Expect 1 (straight to final form) or 2 (second and final form) transformations if they focus more on drama, and 2-3 (all 3 transformations) if they focus on the fighting with the plot being established in between fights (like in the series). In either case they will probably decide to ignore 100% and just say that frieza in his final form = super saiyan, because it would save time and money =).

As for Cell they can show all 3 of his forms as long as the movie is 2 hours - 2:20 long (future trunks, training and android first 30 minutes - cell showing up, more training and the absobing androids the following hour - cell games and final showdown last 30 minutes).
Cell would probably stay in his Perfect form, maybe with an adjustment to the story -- maybe he has to absorb the Androids to just gain strength and not change form.
I think Cell with one form would be a lukewarm portrayal of the villain.
Plz no trnsformationz. :(
Cell would probably stay in his Perfect form, maybe with an adjustment to the story -- maybe he has to absorb the Androids to just gain strength and not change form.

That would stink, I thought the cool thing was how humanoid Cell became after each transformation.

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