Logan's Run


fear is the mind killer
Aug 8, 2004
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I couldnt find the old thread on this.:mad:
Glad to hear they are still going forward and that Singer is back with McQuarrie.

Singer Writing Logan's Run

Bryan Singer told SCI FI Wire that he has reunited with his Usual Suspects writer, Christopher McQuarrie, to draft a script for his long-delayed Logan's Run remake, which was put on hold while Singer finished his upcoming Superman Returns. Singer added that he's eyeing a 2006 production start for a proposed 2008 release of the movie, which would update the classic SF book and 1976 film version.

"We're finishing the script," Singer said in an interview at WonderCon in San Francisco on Feb. 11. "And ... I'm going back to a lot of the development work I've done, and I've started to go ... from where I left off. I sort of left that off when I went to make Superman, and now I'm returning to it. I'll show it to you. ... It's pretty neat ... animatics and things like that."

Singer added: "I'm taking concepts in the book and the movie, the 1976 movie, and some of my own concepts and merging them together for my interpretation. That's as best as I can say. It takes place in a unique environment, one we haven't seen in a movie before. In a mainstream movie before. ... If we do that, it would happen soon. It would happen as early as this year, the end of this year. I guess it would be for ... When would Logan's Run be for? ... 2008."

Logan's Run would be based on William Nolan's seminal SF book, about a futuristic society in which people are killed at the age of 21; that was adapted into the 1976 film starring Michael York, in which the age was upped to 30.

Singer appeared at WonderCon to promote Superman Returns, which opens June 30. He was joined by his star Brandon Routh, who made a surprise appearance at WonderCon.
green said:
If we do that, it would happen soon. It would happen as early as this year, the end of this year. I guess it would be for ... When would Logan's Run be for? ... 2008."

2008 is soon? :confused:

Will he direct this film?
Cinemaman said:
2008 is soon? :confused:

Will he direct this film?

Yes he's directing.
He'll probably do the Mayor of Castro Street first.
green said:
Yes he's directing.
He'll probably do the Mayor of Castro Street first.

But he will make sequel for SR too.

How he will make two movies?

P.S. Sequel of SR will be realesed in summer 2009, but as I think filming will be in 2008.
Cinemaman said:
But he will make sequel for SR too.

How he will make two movies?

P.S. Sequel of SR will be realesed in summer 2009, but as I think filming will be in 2008.

He has yet to commit to a SR sequel.:confused:
He just keeps saying he's taking it one movie at a time.
green said:
He has yet to commit to a SR sequel.:confused:
He just keeps saying he's taking it one movie at a time.

But he will come back to make sequels.

Superman is his favorite superhero, and WB will not make sequel withoun Singer.

WB learned the lesson with Superman and Batman. Every comic book movie franchise need only one director.
Cinemaman said:
But he will come back to make sequels.

Superman is his favorite superhero, and WB will not make sequel withoun Singer.

WB learned the lesson with Superman and Batman. Every comic book movie franchise need only one director.

We'll see, I think he's got a lot riding on Superman and making Logans Run was part of his deal with Warner Brothers so I have a feeling he will do it before a SR sequel.
green said:
We'll see, I think he's got a lot riding on Superman and making Logans Run was part of his deal with Warner Brothers so I have a feeling he will do it before a SR sequel.

After succes of SR, I think Singer will come back.
I love the original Logan's Run, the only PG film with group sex.

If someone else were to direct a sequel to SR, who would you want it to be?
Armand Z Trip said:
I love the original Logan's Run, the only PG film with group sex.

If someone else were to direct a sequel to SR, who would you want it to be?

It depend on director's point of view on Superman.

I likes Singer as a director. I hope SR will be great movie.
i REALLY hope this movie gets made by Singer after SR...

...i watched it for the first time a week ago and even though it's corny as hell now, it's still interesting to watch. i would LOVE to see this movie mad with today's technology and better action scenes, hehe...
I am so pitie. I didn't see this movie (Logan's Run).

But I think Singer will make awesome movie.
The first Logan's Run movie almost completely ignores the most important themes of the book. It really wasn't that great of a movie. But the book was far from perfect itself. Yet it introduces a whole bunch of ripe concepts for a great new movie from people like Singer and McQuarrie.

That's why this "remake" is completely justified. I know he's going younger than 30 as the age the population is killed at, which is one clear way in which it's going to be closer to the novel, in which the age was 21, not 30 as in the first film.

I also hope they set the movie in 23rd century Los Angeles at the beginning, and travel around the world on the railways or whatever it was called. I never quite was sure reading the book what that system was supposed to look like. It demands a memorable design much more than they needed to come up with something new for "Cerobro" in the X-Men movies, which I think was just a waste of money. A headset at a console in leu of the spherical room would have been worth having the Danger Room or Sentinels or Beast earlier.

They also need to have Lilith (the 16 year old in the novel he goes to the "peeping" party with), Rutago (the guy he has the devilstick chase with), and Francis, as well as Francis' ...


Plus Doyle as Jessicas brother.
Some guy made CG images of what he thinks different things from Logan's Run (the novel) might look like. It's amazing how close they are to what my imagination created. It's from this Logan's website: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/5357/more3d.htm



Logan and Sawyer from one of the opening scenes of the novel


Doc and Holly





holy crap

this whole time i thought 'Logan's Run' was a Wolverine movie with Hugh Jackman.
im kinda iffy about it being remade. But it's Bryan Singer and i know he wont screw it up. And being how it's a book...interpritation is open. i said the same thing for Charlie & The Chocolate Factory and all the Dracula films.

It will be damned good when it gets made. It's one of the few remakes im actually WANTING to see.
I'll be completely honest with everyone. I've never read Logans Run, never seen the old movie, and I have no idea what the story is about at all.

Is it a good book?
LastSunrise1981 said:
I'll be completely honest with everyone. I've never read Logans Run, never seen the old movie, and I have no idea what the story is about at all.

Is it a good book?

It's alright. Better than the movie in my opinion and a pretty quick read. Although it contains certain scenes and maybe even chapters you aren't sure about why they were needed.

The book was written very quickly and it comes off like that at times. But it was written by very good and imaginitive writers and it introduces alot of cool ideas that could kick ass in the right hands to reach a much better overall story.
The most intensive discussion of it I've found on the net


hey NOW! someone on their linked to a new Bryan Singer interview with plenty of juicy details.


He's gonna shoot Logan's Run starting in October if he goes ahead with it.

The only way The Island effects Logan's Run is maybe in how they market it. It's VERY different according to him.

Shooting it in either Vancouver or Berlin.
It's so stupid in my opinion to film it in either Vancouver or Berlin. When you're filming it starting in October.

Barely any of the locations from the book are appropriate for some drab, cold, setting, with (in the case of Berlin) gothic architecture and what/not.

Australia would seem to be perfect. You get the warm Australian wilderness for the Devil Stick scenes and flashbacks to the desert and all that good stuff. You've got Australias warm, coastal cities for futuristic LA. Stuff like the snow scenes and the railway system should be created on a soundstage. Not a touched up real city subway system and an actual snowy outdoor location in the alps or something.
Michelle Trachtenberg really does look like Jenny Agutter. And she's friends with Singer via dating Shawn Ashmore. She turns 21 this year (in October, just when they're supposed to start shooting)

I wonder what her chances of being cast as Jessica are.


boyscouT said:
holy crap

this whole time i thought 'Logan's Run' was a Wolverine movie with Hugh Jackman.


I liked the original movie and I'm very curious on how the remake will turn out. I usually don't like remade movies but the original could stand improvements. But they better sell the original Logan's Run on DVD when the the remake comes out too, cuz I wantz it!

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