Look of future villains


May 14, 2005
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In the above Mr. Sinister picture, some of those cables in back of him look like Doctor Octopus's tentacles in Spider-Man 2.
In the above Mr. Sinister picture, some of those cables in back of him look like Doctor Octopus's tentacles in Spider-Man 2.

But those are not even attached to him, so what does that have to do with how he would look in the movie?

I think both of the images you posted would not translate to well to screen. I think if they kept some of the well known, key elements of the costumes, but updated them to look well onscreen, they might work.
Psionic Force said:
But those are not even attached to him, so what does that have to do with how he would look in the movie?

I think both of the images you posted would not translate to well to screen. I think if they kept some of the well known, key elements of the costumes, but updated them to look well onscreen, they might work.

I wasn't suggesting those cables were attached to Mr. Sinister. And I wasn't making a comment on his movie look, either. I just happened to notice that those cables in the background resemble Doctor Octopus's from Spider-Man 2. The artist borrowed the idea, I guess. My comment was pointless, and has nothing to do with this thread:O.
Psionic Force said:
But those are not even attached to him, so what does that have to do with how he would look in the movie?

I think both of the images you posted would not translate to well to screen. I think if they kept some of the well known, key elements of the costumes, but updated them to look well onscreen, they might work.
I actually wanted to post a different image of Apocalypse from X-Men
Legends 2: Rise of
Apocalypse; here it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Apocalypselegends.png
I guess I can understand if you don't think the first Apocalypse image would work on the big screen, but what about the second? I mean, if he was to appear in a movie, he'd probably look as he's depicted in the second image; how else can he look? And I really have to defend that Greg Land Mr. Sinister pic. From what we see of it, it's Sinister's traditional costume, but more realistic and classy-looking, with the shoulder pads, and all. I think it suits a live action film, perfectly. It seems to me, that what we do see of Sinister, the key elements of his look have, in fact, been kept.

Is there any examples, though, of how you feel these characters should look in movie, if not like the images I've posted?
I do like this image of Apocalypse.

I don't know...I'm getting a "Mr. Freeze" from Batman and Robin vibe...I honestly think they won't be able to do it in a realistic fashion.
Fanticon said:
I don't know...I'm getting a "Mr. Freeze" from Batman and Robin vibe...I honestly think they won't be able to do it in a realistic fashion.

I know what you mean. But many fans thought 30-foot Sentinels in an X-Men movie wouldn't work, either. And in X3, we clearly get a 30-foot Sentinel. Apocalypse would definitely work in an X-Men film, and look great, if put into the hands of respectful and talented filmmakers. As much as Hollywood messes things up, we need to trust it at times.

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