Looks like HD-DVD is Done

I know of Blu-Ray

But not Blue-Ray.

Interesting point
No one is going to produce HD-DVD anymore.

Read the news.
Its all just a rip off for the electronic and film companies to make us pay a load of money for something we don't really need or care about
That ultimate X-Box with built in HD-DVD is looking like a bad idea right about now.
Its all just a rip off for the electronic and film companies to make us pay a load of money for something we don't really need or care about

I kinda agree, but I love watching Batman Begins and Transformers in HD.

That ultimate X-Box with built in HD-DVD is looking like a bad idea right about now.

Yeah. Looks like MS will eventually release a Blu-Ray add-on, since apparently NO ONE, according to Zero_Vault, is making them anymore.

WB is manufacturing HD-DVD until May, Zero.
I know what happens. Warner Bros. goes Blu-Ray. Duh.

I'm just making your statements false to some extent.

HD-DVDs are still being manufactured. It's not like Universal called and said to factory workers, "Shut 'er down, boys. It's over. :csad:"
I say **** it all. Regular DVD for the win.
I say **** it all. Regular DVD for the win.


I'm tired of seeing those Blu-Ray and HD-DVD demos where they compare it to DVD and are all like "Notice the difference!!!!"

I can't see **** yo!
Although I do agree that it IS over, I'm not just gonna sell all my HD-DVDs and my add-on player for 360.

I have a PS3 too, so it's no biggie.

TDK in Blu-Ray FTW
Is there a link to HD-DVD sayin' "It's quittin time boys... for good."

I'm tired of seeing those Blu-Ray and HD-DVD demos where they compare it to DVD and are all like "Notice the difference!!!!"

I can't see **** yo!
really? I went to best buy and they did a split for pirates in DVD and Blu-Ray and DVD was sort of blurry, like there was a bit of fog over it and Blu-Ray looked like the TV was a window and the characters where right there.
really? I went to best buy and they did a split for pirates in DVD and Blu-Ray and DVD was sort of blurry, like there was a bit of fog over it and Blu-Ray looked like the TV was a window and the characters where right there.

No it didn't.:whatever:
Darthphere is considered officially blind.
Darthphere is considered officially blind.

There is no fog on the DVD version, and the Blu-Ray does not make it look like a window where the characters are right there. The quality is better, yeah, but not that much so.
I've had customers come back to the store and try to return their blu-ray movies because the picture looks just like a DVD instead of significantly better. And... well, that says something.

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