Blu-ray players are a lot more expensive. I would wait a while and let the prices come down. I am getting a ps3, that has blu ray and I will buy the attachment for my 360 so it will play said:Im thinking about getting either an HD DVD or Blu ray player. Which do you think i should get?
I Heard Toshiba's players (hd dvd) are better.
BLu ray has more titles coming out.
Its actually alot of cheaper if you get a 360 and the HD-dvd add said:Im thinking about getting either an HD DVD or Blu ray player. Which do you think i should get?
I Heard Toshiba's players (hd dvd) are better.
BLu ray has more titles coming out.
Well if he has an HDTv already...Darthphere said:Well not really if you dont already have an HD TV set.
Do you know when that is slated for release?NOFX said:Its actually alot of cheaper if you get a 360 and the HD-dvd add on.
Its Nov 7 or 14 I believe for 200 bucks and for a limited time you get King Kong HD-DVD.chaseter said:Do you know when that is slated for release?
Darthphere said:Betamax lost, because it was a ****load more expensive, not because of porn. Nice theory though.
Darthphere said:Ok, thats fine, but Betamax lost because it was more expensive. That was the primary reason.
Darthphere said:I call her Handgela.
hippy fascist said:do you ever put lipstick on your thumb and forefinger so it looks like...I've said to much...![]()
Darthphere said:Ok, thats fine, but Betamax lost because it was more expensive. That was the primary reason.
Shuley said:Actually, Wait until porn starts appearing on either format,The porn industry supports Blu-Ray,but until you actually hear of porn being on blu-ray disks,thats the format to go for...reason being is that porn went to VHS and VHS won out over Betamax,even though BetaMax was the better quality format.VHS tapes were cheaper and held more storage.
Format war over, HD-DVD wins by way of pornography appearing on it first. Over in Japan GLAY'z, known for its "Brand-new-century-visual-super-exprotion-entertainment," just released the world's first adult film on HD-DVD entitled (if machine translation isn't too unreliable) "Slave Room." Public fornication aside, it's pretty significant since everybody and their mom knows that whatever format the adult industry supports is automatically the winner, or at least that's how the story goes. The movie includes both an HD-DVD and standard DVD version due to HD-DVD's small penetration rate thus far. It retails for about $52. Screenshots can be found on GLAY'z Web site (Google it). Needless to say, it's NSFW. – Nicholas Deleon
UPDATE: As luck would have it, it appears that another adult HD-DVD is already out there by the name of Pirates. It's some sort of epic production with lots of pirate-on-wench action, just the way we like it here.
SourceI’m the HD project manager for the largest US adult catalog and think “adult” could influence the format battle.
There will be several bigger budget HD DVD XXX titles out before the end of the year, probably as early as next month, from at least 2 studios and probably more.
The major adult companies have been shooting in HD for a couple years. The problem right now is mastering costs are too expensive when average adult titles sell only 2-5,000 units. This year, HD will be for those companies trying to establish a foothold in the market. Starting in Q2 2007, when the replicator for most adult companies gets its own mastering equipment, there could be a lot of titles available.
We were initially going Blu-Ray because of Sony’s Hollywood and CE commitments, but the cost differences in hardware and most importantly, disk replication, combined with good HD DVD and bad Blu-Ray buzz changed our decision to releasing only on HD DVD. Right now, it looks like most of the adult industry will go the same way.
There is a significant market for adult. If adult buyers purchase HD DVD players because that’s where the initial content is, it could end up being a closed loop of disks/players/more disks. With small production runs, it’s not profitable to release in two formats and Blu-Ray could lose the adult buyers forever. Like what we do or not, adult sells a lot of DVDs and has committed customers.
Adult was a player in the VHS/Beta battle. No question adult led in every commerce application on the web. It is not out of the realm of possibility we will have an effect in HD.
Would more people only buy Blu-Ray because they want to watch Lawrence of Arabia or would more people only buy HD DVD because they want to watch porn? I'd guess the latter.
John Menoni, Wait a couple weeks before you buy your player. We may have something you will like.