Louis Leterrier Talks Hulk


Jan 26, 2003
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In an exclusive interview, director Louis Leterrier discusses Ang Lee’s film and why he chose the villains he did for 2008’s ‘Incredible Hulk’
By Rickey Purdin

Posted November 27, 2007 3:15 PM

Best known for street-level martial arts flicks such as “The Transporter” and “Unleashed,” director Louis Leterrier gamma-irradiates the big screen on June 13, 2008, with the release of “Incredible Hulk.” Starring (and written by) Edward Norton as Bruce Banner, the titular alter ego of the Green Goliath, along with Liv Tyler as Betty Ross, “Incredible Hulk” acts as a fresh start for the monstrous hero from Marvel Studios after director Ang Lee took a stab at the franchise in 2003.

“It’s a fresh start because I saw there is a real fan base for Ang Lee’s movie,” said Leterrier of Lee’s ill-received “Hulk” in an exclusive interview with Wizard. “I didn’t want to offend [those fans] in any way, and also I like the movie. It was very interesting. [But] it was weaker ground to build a big franchise upon so we decided to scrap it and establish it from bases that are more comic book-based and TV show-based.”

“Incredible Hulk” will still feature several elements from the Ang Lee film such as General “Thunderbolt” Ross (played by William Hurt) and his hunt for Banner. But the development of other antagonists takes place in the film, as well. Heading for those comic book roots, Leterrier pit Hulk against someone very familiar to comic book fans.

“Obviously, General Ross is the villain, so he had to be in it,” added Leterrier. “But the Abomination, Emil Blonsky, was who Marvel wanted to put in this chapter—the first chapter of our new saga—because he’s the most famous. He’s an enemy that can actually threaten the Hulk. It’s very important for me that there is a danger. When Bruce Banner is Hulk, I didn’t feel in Ang Lee’s ‘Hulk’ that there was any threat. He was invincible. So with Abomination there’s actually a monster that can, you know, kill him when he’s in the Hulk form.”
Played in human form by Tim Roth, Blonsky isn’t the only new character. Look for Doc Samson (played by Ty Burrell) and Samuel “the Leader” Sterns (played by Tim Blake Nelson) when the film powerbombs into theaters next summer

Source: http://www.wizarduniverse.com/magazine/wizard/006462271.cfm
I really appreciate what Leterrier said here. He seems to have respect for Ang's film but addresses it's shortcomings in a very constructive way.
wow, didn't realize they'd include the Leader.
That's nice of Leterrier to be respectful of Ang's film, and supporters. Good interview.
Interesting interview. I wonder how they changed the script from the one circulated.

Regarding what he states about Ang Lee, it is as if it was written in a script because he attempts to distance himself from it while attaching validity to the project. The guy could make a good politician. ;)
I like that Louis wants to give him some vulnerability. That was a huge turn off for me in the first movie. Sure he's nearly unstoppable but you need at least some sense of vulnerability.
Interesting interview. I wonder how they changed the script from the one circulated.

Regarding what he states about Ang Lee, it is as if it was written in a script because he attempts to distance himself from it while attaching validity to the project. The guy could make a good politician. ;)

No it's called class, something far more film-makers and professionals should have.
I like that Louis wants to give him some vulnerability. That was a huge turn off for me in the first movie. Sure he's nearly unstoppable but you need at least some sense of vulnerability.

I totally agree! That was always my major grind with the first movie. Hulk was not challenged enough. Even in Spiderman 1 he had Green Goblin as a villain and I believe that was one of the things that made the film a success. When it come to superhero films you must have a supervillain to challenge them. If all you have is humans with guns the film will be boring. And it would be difficult to have a nail biting climax IMO.
I like that Louis wants to give him some vulnerability. That was a huge turn off for me in the first movie. Sure he's nearly unstoppable but you need at least some sense of vulnerability.
Absolutely. You need a real threat or it's meaningless. There's no real heroism if there's no true challenge.
So is it a sequel or a re-boot? :cwink:

At this point, i don't think even the film makers know.

And the why the hell did Letterier refer to General Ross as elements of the Ang Lee film he was keeping, as if Ross is exclusively a part that Ang came up with? :huh; Ross is part of the Hulk universe period, just like Commissioner Gorden is in Batman, and J Jonah is in Spiderman.......
On the whole sequel vs reboot...
I think TIH will simply be a new cast, direction, and feel for the Hulk..but it won't contradict anything in the first film.
So in essence if you want to consider it a sequel, it won't outright vilolate that idea, and if not, you have that option too.

That works.

And I believe thats the kind of direction Burton took with BR. Where he didnt go the route of making a direct sequel, but rather take the franchise into a different, and new direction. Where the viewer really did not have to see the previous film to enjoy it. Although with Hulk, I'm sure the change in direction will be even more apparent.
At this point, i don't think even the film makers know.

And the why the hell did Letterier refer to General Ross as elements of the Ang Lee film he was keeping, as if Ross is exclusively a part that Ang came up with? :huh; Ross is part of the Hulk universe period, just like Commissioner Gorden is in Batman, and J Jonah is in Spiderman.......

Ha ha, i was only kidding.

But yeah, i agree with your points, Ross has been a factor in the Hulk comics for decade's before it was in the movie, and if LL is as big a fan as he claims, he should know this.
Regarding what he states about Ang Lee, it is as if it was written in a script because he attempts to distance himself from it while attaching validity to the project. The guy could make a good politician. ;)

I think he was honest. :csad:

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