Madden NFL 25

Hopefully. I havent been able to get through a full franchise mode since Madden 05.

I want them to get back to focusing on the details. Its the small things that just tip sports games over the edge. Look at NBA 2K13 and MLB the Show. Its presentation. Make me excited for a big time rivalry game or playoff game. Get commentary that sounds natural and fluid. This stuff sets great sports games from the avg. Madden has been avg while a game like 2K13 is reveling in greatness.
For me, I'ts the opposite. Sports games are ALL about gameplay for me. Sure, dull commentary is....dull lol, but I would take dull presentation and great gameplay over great presentation and dull gameplay. The running animations in Madden are downright horrible, the physics engine was a fail, I still play my Madden 08 on the PS2 over Madden 13 lol.

But hopefully with the next gen, major improvements in AI and physics can be made, not just with Madden but 2k and Fifa as well :)

Edit: Just saw a gameplay trailer....looks like more of the same :dry: Players running at full speed, then coming to a complete stop instantly, glitchy tackling and running animations...

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For me, I'ts the opposite. Sports games are ALL about gameplay for me. Sure, dull commentary is....dull lol, but I would take dull presentation and great gameplay over great presentation and dull gameplay. The running animations in Madden are downright horrible, the physics engine was a fail, I still play my Madden 08 on the PS2 over Madden 13 lol.

But hopefully with the next gen, major improvements in AI and physics can be made, not just with Madden but 2k and Fifa as well :)

Edit: Just saw a gameplay trailer....looks like more of the same :dry: Players running at full speed, then coming to a complete stop instantly, glitchy tackling and running animations...


Not saying gameplay isnt important, but there's a reason NFL 2K5 is so highly regarded. Its presentation, even to this day, was unmatched.
Yeah, but the number 1 focus should be gameplay. EA keeps saying they're going to do this and that and then it's always the same thing year after year (I actually think it's declined since Madden 10)

You can just copy and paste the presentation from 13 to 25 (with improved commentary) for all I care, these guys have had almost a decade to make the ultimate football game with the technology available to them and 2K5 still murders them on presentation and gameplay :dry:

Hell, Tecmo Bowl still murders them :o
The new physics engine was a joke. Adrian Peterson would trip over linemen's feet all the time. That's just wrong in so many ways
The new physics engine was a joke. Adrian Peterson would trip over linemen's feet all the time. That's just wrong in so many ways

LOL, yea they should of held off on that for this year. Just too many damn bugs.
I saw a video where Michael Vick tripped over a lineman's feet, levitated for a few feet until he got his balance in mid air and continued running lol
So, what could one expect from this on a PS4? I've been watching a few promotional videos about the nex-gen versions, and it looks decent. I haven't played Madden since 06, so I thought this would be the time to jump back in.
So, what could one expect from this on a PS4? I've been watching a few promotional videos about the nex-gen versions, and it looks decent. I haven't played Madden since 06, so I thought this would be the time to jump back in.

From what iv been reading/watching, the next gen version isn't much of a step up over the current gen. They don't add any features and the game is basically just a port unlike NBA 2K14 which not only looks truly next gen, but its a new game built for the next gen consoles.

But the reviews for both the current gen and next gen versions are pretty solid. So if ya wanted to pick up Madden, you are prob better off going with the PS4 version. Might as well get the better of the two, even if the next gen version isn't that much better
I know I've already said this but I dunno why people continue to pay 60 bucks for the same game every year.
I know I've already said this but I dunno why people continue to pay 60 bucks for the same game every year.

Because its not the same game every year. Period.

I mean I don't buy Madden, but i do buy the NBA 2K series every year and its not the same game.
They're all different depending on the year. Some years more different then not. I continue to buy them because they are fun. Same reason I continue to buy call of duty or battlefield. They're damn fun even though the next game isn't a huge step up
I had looked at NBA 2K14, and it looked amazing, but I've never been much of a basketball fan. And MLB 14: The Show won't come out until probably March or April, and NHL 15 won't be out until September. So, I need my sports fix on the new consoles, and Madden seemed as good a place as any to start, since it's been so long since I've played it.
NBA 2k14 looks ridiculously good and I.can't wait for Nhl 15 next year. It's going to be incredible

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