Main characters that aren't that likeable


Jul 29, 2002
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I was watching seven and it came across as though Morgan Freeman was the main character and also waltz seemed to be the main character until almost the end.
This is a good idea for a topic, but I don't understand your post. There is no character called "Waltz" in Se7en, or at least certainly not a main one. If you're referring to Brad Pitt's character, his name is David Mills. Which one didn't you like?

Anyway, to keep the topic on track I'll go with an obvious one: Anakin from Star Wars Episode's 1-3. I enjoy the movies a lot but whether it's due to the actors, poor direction or both (probably both) Anakin comes across as one unlikeable butt-head from start to finish. Oddly enough, the character comes across a lot better in the animated series.
Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spiderman.

That's just off the top of my head, I can probably think of more.
I hated the Peter Parker/Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man. Garfield is a great actor, my problems lie solely with the writing of the character. Selfish, spoiled little dick who never learned a lesson at the end. It hurts my Spidey loving soul to write this.

EDIT: Somebody beat me to the posting punch.
Aw, I loved that version of Peter. The lesson he learned at the end was exactly what Ben told him: when you have the power to help, it's your moral obligation to do so. He still has a lot to learn about responsibility and recklessness, though, which I consider a good thing considering where his arc is going. Peter's lesson in responsibility shouldn't be a one-time deal, imo. He's learning and growing gradually, like an actual teenager (he was still reckless and cocky in "The Night Gwen Stacy Died" in the comics, after all, and that was after his big lesson in responsibility that made him Spider-man, too). I found him very likeable and relatable, but to each their own.

As for (unintentionally) unlikeable leads: I agree with Anakin, and I also hated that kid from Tron: Legacy.

However, I tend to admire movies that manage to pull off intentionally unlikeable main characters, like Bad Santa and Young Adult.
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I always found Bradley Cooper's character on The Hangover to be a bit of an unlovable prick. I mean, given the basic premise and the type of movie that it is, the characters are all fairly dickish to begin with, but the whole time I was waiting for Ed Helms to punch him in the face.
I'm was fine with and open to another version of the character and I am surprised at my angry reaction to the character Flickchick. On the whole the movie didn't do it for me but I'm fine with the people did dig it. I can't imagine watching another film with that character...
I'm was fine with and open to another version of the character and I am surprised at my angry reaction to the character Flickchick. On the whole the movie didn't do it for me but I'm fine with the people did dig it. I can't imagine watching another film with that character...
That's cool, there are certain character types that just rub people the wrong way, even when others enjoy them. For example, I've always HATED Ron Weasley from Harry Potter, Ross from Friends, and Xander from Buffy because to me they basically fill the same character type that just annoys me to no end: The "nice guy underdog" who's always feeling sorry for himself and secretly (or not so secretly) resenting others for their problems. I just find those characters passive-aggressive, judgmental and pathetic, but it seems most readers and viewers find them lovable and easy-to-root-for, so oh well. Different strokes. :yay:
Peter Parker in Raimi's Spidey films. He was the definition of annoying.
Daniel Plainview, but not in a bad way.
I have to agree with Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man. He was just an unlikable brat. Marc Webb didn't understand that character at all.

Also, I really really hated Paris in Troy. His selfish actions doom his entire people and according to that film we are supposed to cheer for him. There is a reason in nearly every other version of that tale, he's the villain.
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I always found Bradley Cooper's character on The Hangover to be a bit of an unlovable prick. I mean, given the basic premise and the type of movie that it is, the characters are all fairly dickish to begin with, but the whole time I was waiting for Ed Helms to punch him in the face.
Really, because I hated Alan...
Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spiderman.
I hated the Peter Parker/Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man. Garfield is a great actor, my problems lie solely with the writing of the character. Selfish, spoiled little dick who never learned a lesson at the end. It hurts my Spidey loving soul to write this.
I have to agree with Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man. He was just an unlikable brat. Marc Webb didn't understand that character at all.

Pretty much this.
Angier and Borden in The Prestige (intentionally, I think)

Michael Corleone in The Godfather (intentionally)

Walter White on Breaking Bad (intentionally)

Anakin in the prequel trilogy (unintentionally, mostly because Hayden Christensen can't act his way out of a paper bag and George Lucas can't write dialogue to save his life)
Not gonna lie, Frodo Baggins pisses me off a lot. He gets stabbed at least 3 times.
Frodo Baggins
Short Round
Thorin Oakenshield
Any Jude Law character save for the ones in Sherlock Holmes and Sleuth
Depp's Mad Hatter
Aeon Flux

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