Man eats 25,000th Big Mac

And another odd fact is he actually saved some the cartons & stuff.....:wow:
I wonder if he smells like Big Macs now ? He's eaten 25,000 of them , so he probably smells like it now.
25,000?! I accept his challenge! I shall eat McDonalds twice daily, three or four times daily on weekends, until I catch up to him!

*dies within 3 weeks*
He stays McHealthy though, in spite of eating 25 grand Big Macs in his life.
With so much processed junk in it is there really any actual red meat left?
What I find the most disgusting about this is that he stocks up for days when McDonalds is closed. That stuff does not keep past the half hour mark, it's like it goes from delicious to tasting like what it really is, garbage.

He's not a normal person.
I'm going to go eat 25,000 Varsity chili dogs.
Then Mister J will come here, and we'll eat 25,000 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. Each :up:
The first must have triggered something in his psyche that made him keep going back, ya know other than hunger. He just looks like a hippie to me. Don Gorske
The first must have triggered something in his psyche that made him keep going back, ya know other than hunger. He just looks like a hippie to me. Don Gorske

Someone needs to tell that guy that the John Lennon look doesn't work for him.

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