Man of Steel vs. Pirates- who wins box office?

Pirates is gonna win. SR doesn't have enough positive buzz. Too much ppl are unsatisfied with the cast, plot and suit. Plus it has to make 250 million dollars (200 m. from the budget plus 50m. that McG already had spent developing it) before it sees any profit. Ppl want to see this mostly out of curiosity because of the effects, Singer and because it's a new Superman film.
Pirates made 600+ million worldwide and it has a big buzz plus ppl want to really see Sparrow again as it was one of the most brilliant characters ever.
So far, SR is in the lead. Time will tell. But, as I said- I predict that Superman will be champion over box office. Those considering Pirates- are you also taking into account that alot of movie goers will be paying extra for Superman Returns- due to 3D technology & Imax?

When talking about box office, we are used to just seeing audience numbers. But, for the first time audience # & ticket price make a big difference when comparing films. This is a new type of technology with 3D (adding it in- not filming around it) that no one has ever seen before and must be taken into account to get a clear picture. As I said, I believe most will be seeing Superman Returns in the IMAX because they are both curious about the movie itself as well as the 3D technology associated with it. Which means that for the most part- the average ticket of SR will be more expensive than that of POTC2. While POTC2 may get slightly larger audience attendence- average the Imax 3D in there (which is different than just Imax with no 3D). Audience will not determine the outcome- price -for the first time will determine the outcome.

And, yep- tied now. Althought Pirates had a strong opening.... it's really been stuck at the place it was. While, after Pirates made it's jump and stayed- SR soon caught up fast.

As I said before- the word of mouth is the same. Superman though, is everywhere- even if it doesn't relate back to the movie itself. Superman, due to Donner films, already has a strong built in audience that is waiting to come back- we are Metropolis welcoming back a long lost hero.

So, while you say that Pirates has had life and a fan base. Don't forget that Donner's film has been building a fan base since it first came out and still is- kids watching it and becoming instant fans. Thus, Supes fanbase has had the chance to grow and expand over a lot of years. Pirates didn't. To the point in which, Superman is now a part of culture-

Also, I'm betting Superman Returns will have as high numbers as the Star Wars prequel films. Since, similarly:
- Has had a MAJOR influence on culture.
Heck, even minus a couple thousand and you've still got a rival for Pirates (which only has a film and a ride behind it- not culture)


This isn't any ordinary Imax film. It's Imax 3D- with an already established film that is not built around the 3D itself (thus, great ratings). Superman Returns is the first of it's kind. Looking at it as an average film, like POTC2 is an average film, is definitely the wrong way to go. If you say BB was Imax, yeah- lots have been Imax.... but, Supes is IMAX 3D. Imax around here sells out as is, now add in the 3D component- thus, my opinion: SR will be champion at Box Office.

Pirates could have a larger audience, but if it doesn't have a large enough audience in ratio- SR will easily take over due to Imax.
It'll be interesting to see Superman because every single thing I've read and pic I've seen just seems to drip with concentrated Boringness, but I know it'll probably surprise me, with all of the care and money that's been put into it, I don't see how it could be as dull, lifeless and depressing as it appears to be so far.

From what I've seen so far the Pirate movie looks like it'll do way better.

And Jesus, who wants to see Superman vs. a bald human and his "schemes" and "henchmen with guns" again? :confused: buh-OR-ing.
The poll has been updated:

SR= 20
POTC2= 19

SR is in the lead.
I WANT to say SR, and I WANT it to be the biggest. don't think it will though...
All depends on marketing strategy now. It's pretty much tied if you notice the poll. SR in the lead, POTC catches up and adds one, SR does the same- etc. Tide more or less. Thus, SR & POTC will be a close draw. The thing that will make the difference now- is the promotion of Imax 3D- which everyone is forgetting is more of draw than just regular Imax (the 3D is 'new' and a definite draw) + Imax tickets cost more than regular tickets (POTC2 could have a larger audience, but still not beat SR at box office)

If WB plays it smart and really promotes the 3D Imax version. We'll be looking at awfully big numbers getting Supes #1 (even if Pirates has a larger audience number). Promotion- interviews bring up the 3D aspect of the film. Magazines released that week that feature SR talk about the 3D aspects. Behind the scenes mentions at least once the 3D aspect.

Because POTC2 can have a larger audience. But, if most of the audience of SR sees SR in Imax (3D will be a BIG draw- if promoted right). SR will be champion, even though it's audience in number may be less- the price escalates it to another level.
Triligors said:
Due to Imax and pull of Imax though, might turn out that Pirates would need to get half double Superman audience numbers- since majority will more than likely go to the Imax which costs more money. So, even if Pirates has a larger audience- Superman 3D will be a VERY strong rival to beat (even if it doesn't have as large an audience, you've got a more expensive ticket).

But, also unlikely:

Plus, no offense- fans are crazy. Pirates don't have these fans. I remember Kong fans saying three days after opening that they've scene it twenty times. Superman, more than likely, has a larger "die hard" audience than Kong has and that Pirates doesn't have. Plus, shorter- allowing in possibly 25 times? As I said, don't mess with die hard fans. Plus, add in most of these viewings will more than likely be Imax. I mean, if you look at the "die hard" fans out there- seeing the movie 20. And then fans seeing it 5-10, plus mostly in Imax. Yeah, you're looking at your replacement for the teenage girl bridgade right there- plus some.

Teenage girls vs. "Die hard" fans- (note: I'm just a fan- not die hard).... I definitely think Die Hard fans beat them to the punch. While teenage girls might go to POTC2 once or twice. Die hard fans- might not even be to count how many times.

i strongly doubt die hard fans are really gonna be the descision factor. if they are die hard fans they'll be dissapointed with this crapola of a film. hell even die hard fans were disapointed with x men the last stand and that movie has had a considerable drop in the box office and it doesnt even have longevity. and the avergae audience are not gonna flock to imax just to see superman in (3D). and imax showing wont even matter since imax theaters are scarce(not enough of them). the most i can see all the imax money has to offer is about 2-5mill, to the box office opening, maybe even less. so i really wouldnt count on IMAX.

and i dont think the film is geared towards female teenagers, your really taking on a narrowminded view, kuids are gonna come flocking to this film for the visuals alone. and i can gladly say ill be there opening day to see this film, i enever saw the first one, but im truely excited to see where this sequel leads to. the visuals and the trailer has me hooked.
Triligors said:
All depends on marketing strategy now. It's pretty much tied if you notice the poll. SR in the lead, POTC catches up and adds one, SR does the same- etc. Tide more or less. Thus, SR & POTC will be a close draw. The thing that will make the difference now- is the promotion of Imax 3D- which everyone is forgetting is more of draw than just regular Imax (the 3D is 'new' and a definite draw) + Imax tickets cost more than regular tickets (POTC2 could have a larger audience, but still not beat SR at box office)

If WB plays it smart and really promotes the 3D Imax version. We'll be looking at awfully big numbers getting Supes #1 (even if Pirates has a larger audience number). Promotion- interviews bring up the 3D aspect of the film. Magazines released that week that feature SR talk about the 3D aspects. Behind the scenes mentions at least once the 3D aspect.

Because POTC2 can have a larger audience. But, if most of the audience of SR sees SR in Imax (3D will be a BIG draw- if promoted right). SR will be champion, even though it's audience in number may be less- the price escalates it to another level.

What's with you and IMAX? The impact from those theaters are minimal in scope of overall box office gross. It's not like there's an IMAX theater in every city/town out there and IMAX theaters carrying IMAX3D projection systems are even smaller in number.
hitmanyr2k said:
What's with you and IMAX? The impact from those theaters are minimal in scope of overall box office gross. It's not like there's an IMAX theater in every city/town out there and IMAX theaters carrying IMAX3D projection systems are even smaller in number.

exactly. thats why IMAX wouldnt even matter in box office opening.
The highest grossing movie at the IMAX is Goblet of Fire and it grossed $20,033,758. Its opening weekend take at the IMAX was $2.93 mil.That's not that much money.
I think Superman may start out strong, but will fade away fast. People will likely get bored with the lack of action other than Superman stopping natural disasters. Also, the connection to the Donner film has some great qualities for its time, but enough cheese to cut with a knife.

Singer could have had Superman throwing down with Metallo, Brainiac, etc. in addition to Luthor, and what do we get? A rehash albeit with a few new twists, but very closely aligned to the original film.

The novel was rather boring in many parts, and the fact that Superman Returns could have had an epic battle with a villain to complement a great story, and what do we get for a climax? Superman throwing a continent into space. He doesn't even get the girl in the end. She stays with her fiancee.

Not too exciting considering today's technology, and what they could have done to really make this a major blockbuster.

As I said. I don't care what Pirate fans think. And Pirate fans don't care what Supes fans think. Either one could be right- for all we know.

I doubt it will be Pirates. You doubt it will be Superman.

The debate is 1/2 and 1/2. The poll is going as I predicted- neither side gaining the upper hand and really showing it's strength in the polls. Neither has been up alot in regards to the other. Forty minutes ago- SR was 19/20, then it was 21/20, now it's 21/22. Neither film getting the 'upper hand'.

So- only time will tell. NONE of us know the fact of how this will turn out. Hopes the poll would show one strong candidate, but it's still as even played as critics.

Only time will tell.

BTW about 'happy ending' & final fights- Pirates doesn't have a satisfying ending- no final fight with Davy Jones other than a giant squid looking thing that only comes out of the water and sinks a boat by pulling it down- no fight really. So squid vs. land mass. If you were looking for a final fight like the one with Barbosa- the sequel definitely drops the ball. The final fight is rather a rehash of the fight in the first film between Jack and Will- only this time there are different set pieces. The only other fight before this is Jack and the crew running for their lives from villagers. Interesting visuals, but no really epic action sequences either. Just a squid that comes out of the sea and yanks a ship down. And Jack Sparrow's fate is worse off than the fate between Supes & Lois. Neither has a 'final fight' in the terms of final fight and neither have a 'happy ending.' The ending of POTC was really disappointing- makes it seem like an unfinished film.

Superman actually is the film that has the most action... I'm starting to think you guys that are saying Pirates- don't know that much about the story and only taking from the trailer.


Superman Returns
1. Jet sequence, fast paced and ends epic- baseball stadium
2. Metropolis falling apart a la the final scenes in Batman Begins
3. Superman foiling bank robbers/ Superman saving the day
5. Superman and Lex Luthor's confrontation
6. Humans (Lois, Richard, Jason) saving Superman- the seaplane sequence
7. Superman facing near death when fighting to save the lives of those he cares for
8. Lex's scene in the Daily Planet

1. The crew & Will freeing themselves from cages/ Jack freeing himself from fire/ hunted- but not fighting- natives "run for your life!!!"
2. A giant squid yanking a ship out of the sea
3. Jack vs. Will vs. Norington in a fight that rehashes the fight between Will & Jack in the original
4. More running and less fighting- Elizbeth doesn't fight, she stays with the films tone- running
5. Elizebeth cuffs Jack to his ship while he fights (without a chance) the squid while the squid just yanks him under water- very short scene

Thus, Superman has the MOST action. Pirates has little to no actual action- just running for their life in a jungle and a squid coming up from the sea and yanking a boat down with no real trouble at all. The only real fight Pirates has going for it is a rehash from the original that doesn't really amount to an epic fight people are waiting for- after all, isn't Davy Jones supposed to be the bad guy and not Jack Sparrow? The ending of POTC2 is the bad guy wins, Will & Elizabeth- hopefully get away, but looks helpless & Jack 'somewhat' (don't really know) dies.

After finishing reading SR I felt that it was epic and really great. After finishing POTC2 and waiting for a great confrontation beteen Jack and Davy Jones- there wasn't one at all!!! POTC2 made me feel cheated for my time. And after people start seeing POTC2 the word won't be that good.

Pirates word of mouth (my prediction):

:Saw Pirates today
: Oh yeah? How was it.
: Alright, didn't have much action in it. Davy Jones and Sparrow never really duke it out- Sparrow is killed by a giant squid thing that comes out of the sea and eats him. That's the end of the movie.
: So it wasn't good?
: Good, but not great. Not what I expected. I really wanted to see a great final fight!

As I said at the beginning. I was hyped for Pirates, but now REALLY feel cheated. Didn't have any of the epic moments of the first film. I mean, the ending is Jack Sparrow getting eaten! I know they wanted to hook us for a third film, but does it have to be as unsatisfying an ending?
Triligors said:
As I said. I don't care what Pirate fans think. And Pirate fans don't care what Supes fans think.
Why make a thread if you don't care what ppl think ? and some of us are looking forward to watching both but have an opinion on which we think will win at the BO
Triligors said:
BTW about 'happy ending' & final fights- Pirates doesn't have a satisfying ending- no final fight with Davy Jones other than a giant squid looking thing that only comes out of the water and sinks a boat by pulling it down- no fight really. So squid vs. land mass. If you were looking for a final fight like the one with Barbosa- the sequel definitely drops the ball. The final fight is rather a rehash of the fight in the first film between Jack and Will- only this time there are different set pieces. The only other fight before this is Jack and the crew running for their lives from villagers. Interesting visuals, but no really epic action sequences either. Just a squid that comes out of the sea and yanks a ship down. And Jack Sparrow's fate is worse off than the fate between Supes & Lois. Neither has a 'final fight' in the terms of final fight and neither have a 'happy ending.' The ending of POTC was really disappointing- makes it seem like an unfinished film.

Superman actually is the film that has the most action... I'm starting to think you guys that are saying Pirates- don't know that much about the story and only taking from the trailer.


Superman Returns
1. Jet sequence, fast paced and ends epic- baseball stadium
2. Metropolis falling apart a la the final scenes in Batman Begins
3. Superman foiling bank robbers/ Superman saving the day
5. Superman and Lex Luthor's confrontation
6. Humans (Lois, Richard, Jason) saving Superman- the seaplane sequence
7. Superman facing near death when fighting to save the lives of those he cares for
8. Lex's scene in the Daily Planet

1. The crew & Will freeing themselves from cages/ Jack freeing himself from fire/ hunted- but not fighting- natives "run for your life!!!"
2. A giant squid yanking a ship out of the sea
3. Jack vs. Will vs. Norington in a fight that rehashes the fight between Will & Jack in the original
4. More running and less fighting- Elizbeth doesn't fight, she stays with the films tone- running
5. Elizebeth cuffs Jack to his ship while he fights (without a chance) the squid while the squid just yanks him under water- very short scene

Thus, Superman has the MOST action. Pirates has little to no actual action- just running for their life in a jungle and a squid coming up from the sea and yanking a boat down with no real trouble at all. The only real fight Pirates has going for it is a rehash from the original that doesn't really amount to an epic fight people are waiting for- after all, isn't Davy Jones supposed to be the bad guy and not Jack Sparrow? The ending of POTC2 is the bad guy wins, Will & Elizabeth- hopefully get away, but looks helpless & Jack 'somewhat' (don't really know) dies.

Where's the excitement in watching Superman take a bullet and foil bank robbers? I've seen that in the original film. Let's see something new with regard to action. I'll give you the plane sequence, that looks good. However, that's really about it, other than Superman stopping natural disasters which he did in the original film.

Also, POTC is actually a trilogy. You're right about the ending of the movie, but it's also like looking at Empire Strikes Back. It was a trilogy. The third film of POTC looks to be pretty good. I think that more people will see POTC than Superman because of the boredom factor. I'll see both, but people who have seen the other films with a climactic hero/villain showdown may be disappointed as SR doesn't really have that, as Superman never throws a single punch in the film. Today's audience may be getting ramped up to see something that they think will be impressive in SR with regard to a showdown, and may be disappointed.
Just wanted to see if there was or wasn't a champion- because it's all over the place and still is. Wanted to try to seek a definitive answer- but, there isn't really one.

To me, Pirates was REALLY a dissapointment. The final confrontation between Sparrow and Barbosa was classic and epic. The final fight of POTC2 doesn't even come close to touching the original. Good graphics, not a good story- and the ending is horrible.

Also why are Pirates fans going on about 'showdown'- as I said, Pirates DEFINITELY lacked in that area. Sparrow, without a fighting chance, getting eaten by a squid- the end, isn't really a 'showdown'

Whereas Superman has lots of action, even it is against natural disasters- who cares, Superman takes a stand. Throughout the entire Pirates it seems like Jack keeps saying "run for your life!" We want action, not heroes who run away from battle.
Triligors said:

As I said. I don't care what Pirate fans think. And Pirate fans don't care what Supes fans think. Either one could be right- for all we know.

I doubt it will be Pirates. You doubt it will be Superman.

The debate is 1/2 and 1/2. The poll is going as I predicted- neither side gaining the upper hand and really showing it's strength in the polls. Neither has been up alot in regards to the other. Forty minutes ago- SR was 19/20, then it was 21/20, now it's 21/22. Neither film getting the 'upper hand'.

So- only time will tell. NONE of us know the fact of how this will turn out. Hopes the poll would show one strong candidate, but it's still as even played as critics.

Only time will tell.

BTW about 'happy ending' & final fights- Pirates doesn't have a satisfying ending- no final fight with Davy Jones other than a giant squid looking thing that only comes out of the water and sinks a boat by pulling it down- no fight really. So squid vs. land mass. If you were looking for a final fight like the one with Barbosa- the sequel definitely drops the ball. The final fight is rather a rehash of the fight in the first film between Jack and Will- only this time there are different set pieces. The only other fight before this is Jack and the crew running for their lives from villagers. Interesting visuals, but no really epic action sequences either. Just a squid that comes out of the sea and yanks a ship down. And Jack Sparrow's fate is worse off than the fate between Supes & Lois. Neither has a 'final fight' in the terms of final fight and neither have a 'happy ending.' The ending of POTC was really disappointing- makes it seem like an unfinished film.

Superman actually is the film that has the most action... I'm starting to think you guys that are saying Pirates- don't know that much about the story and only taking from the trailer.


Superman Returns
1. Jet sequence, fast paced and ends epic- baseball stadium
2. Metropolis falling apart a la the final scenes in Batman Begins
3. Superman foiling bank robbers/ Superman saving the day
5. Superman and Lex Luthor's confrontation
6. Humans (Lois, Richard, Jason) saving Superman- the seaplane sequence
7. Superman facing near death when fighting to save the lives of those he cares for
8. Lex's scene in the Daily Planet

1. The crew & Will freeing themselves from cages/ Jack freeing himself from fire/ hunted- but not fighting- natives "run for your life!!!"
2. A giant squid yanking a ship out of the sea
3. Jack vs. Will vs. Norington in a fight that rehashes the fight between Will & Jack in the original
4. More running and less fighting- Elizbeth doesn't fight, she stays with the films tone- running
5. Elizebeth cuffs Jack to his ship while he fights (without a chance) the squid while the squid just yanks him under water- very short scene

Thus, Superman has the MOST action. Pirates has little to no actual action- just running for their life in a jungle and a squid coming up from the sea and yanking a boat down with no real trouble at all. The only real fight Pirates has going for it is a rehash from the original that doesn't really amount to an epic fight people are waiting for- after all, isn't Davy Jones supposed to be the bad guy and not Jack Sparrow? The ending of POTC2 is the bad guy wins, Will & Elizabeth- hopefully get away, but looks helpless & Jack 'somewhat' (don't really know) dies.

After finishing reading SR I felt that it was epic and really great. After finishing POTC2 and waiting for a great confrontation beteen Jack and Davy Jones- there wasn't one at all!!! POTC2 made me feel cheated for my time. And after people start seeing POTC2 the word won't be that good.

Pirates word of mouth (my prediction):

:Saw Pirates today
: Oh yeah? How was it.
: Alright, didn't have much action in it. Davy Jones and Sparrow never really duke it out- Sparrow is killed by a giant squid thing that comes out of the sea and eats him. That's the end of the movie.
: So it wasn't good?
: Good, but not great. Not what I expected. I really wanted to see a great final fight!

As I said at the beginning. I was hyped for Pirates, but now REALLY feel cheated. Didn't have any of the epic moments of the first film. I mean, the ending is Jack Sparrow getting eaten! I know they wanted to hook us for a third film, but does it have to be as unsatisfying an ending?

your superman spoilers are all things i can see in the first and second films. wow superman facing lex luthor oo0o0 tell me something that is'nt new, and that whole premise is something that has been beaten to death in the both the films and comics.

and how can you say that the film doesnt have any action have you seen the trailers have you seen the entire film? no. so you really dont know anything about the actual film besides what has been leaked.
Um, dude- I read the 'screenplay' which a movie is based on. So, I know everything about Pirates 2. You obviously don't and like the rest are going to get conned by a trailer that show the ONLY fight scenes. Yep, those scenes are the ONLY fight scenes. A big wheel and running- much action there. As I said, I more or less read the screenplay, and it definitely lacks in the action department.

You don't believe me... pick up the book yourself. Read it and still try to tell me you're hyped. I'm not getting this from what leaked- I'm getting this from the main source itself.
i will see superman returns as soon as i can when once it gets released.
but i will go to see pirates the first day.

superman looks good to me, but i never cared for the character...

jack sparrow, in the other hand...
BTW, Jack Sparrow fans (I'm one as well)- what do you think about the ending?

To me it seems cheap. Wanted to see Jack fight Davy Jones- not get eaten by a giant squid.
Triligors said:
Um, dude- I read the 'screenplay' which a movie is based on. So, I know everything about Pirates 2. You obviously don't and like the rest are going to get conned by a trailer that show the ONLY fight scenes. Yep, those scenes are the ONLY fight scenes. A big wheel and running- much action there. As I said, I more or less read the screenplay, and it definitely lacks in the action department.

You don't believe me... pick up the book yourself. Read it and still try to tell me you're hyped. I'm not getting this from what leaked- I'm getting this from the main source itself.

so you didnt read the entire screenplay:rolleyes: did you read the creenplay for superman returns too? like i said superman returns just rehashes what the 1st and second film has done. do you really expect me to be hyped about that,since i can just pop in my superman dvds and basically get the same shnit thats in SR.
GoldenAgeHero said:
do you really expect me to be hyped about that,since i can just pop in my superman dvds and basically get the same shnit thats in SR.

And save yourself the price of admission at the theatre. :up:
I read BOTH screenplays. By 'more or less' with Pirates- I mean: read novelization, the script in prose. The first film novel had every scene from the first in it as well. So, from Pirates I know what to expect- and the ending being a giant squid is going to be "what the hell! I spent my money for this?" Because the ending determines how a person walks out of a movie. Superman Returns ends classic and up beat while leaving room open for a sequel- such as Lex waking up on the island... in POTC2- the ending makes the film seem incomplete- many want to see another classic Jack fight, but will end up with Jack cuffed to a boat while the Kraken (giant squid) pulls him into the sea.

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