seeing him in the Departed.. he played a really good obsessed cop.. Clint Barton is a good guy with an outlaw past, and an anti-hero attitude.. I'd pick him if and when Marvel gets a movie project going..
Clint Barton's a midwesterner. Walhberg's only capable of one accent and it's not midwestern.
I could see that, though he's getting on to be too old for him.
By the time they ever make a movie with Hawkeye in it, he'll probbly be too old.
To old???? he looks for me exact like the first X-Men movie.can we move this over to the Wolverine forum cuz Jackman needs to quit now. He'll be much too old for Logan by the time they get that feature underway...
lolNick Stahl? Naaah...Nooo. No way. I have an easier time picturing him as Elasticman. Maybe a grown up member of the Power Pack? I dunno. He could be in a Runaways movie.
Real Name: Clinton Francis Barton Eric Christian Olsen
Occupation: Adventurer / Actor
Grew up in: Waverly, Iowa / Bettendorf, Iowa
Base of operations: Los Angeles, California / Los Angeles, California
Height: 6 ft. 3 in. / 6 ft. 2 in.
Eyes: Blue / Blue
Hair: Blond / Blond
Great choice actually. Very good choice.
But someone did mension the age thing earlier and I've always wanted Supernatural's Jensen Ackles for the role anyway.