Every time I see the Black Panther fighting Storm in
AvX, I chuckle. Say what you will about "One More Day," but at least Peter and MJ didn't decide to go twelve rounds before they let the devil eat their marriage.
It's never a good sign when "it all comes down to Spider-Man."
F*** this new Nova kid. Where's Rich? Or at least Robbie or Philo or the Worldmind?
Not a fan of seeing Cap with the Illuminati on that cover of
New Avengers. They're a group of powerful men who sit in secret and decide what's best for everyone else. Sort of the antithesis of literally everything Cap believes in. Worse, they've been
astonishingly terrible at it historically.
So Beast and Wolverine join the X-Men's side? Or Beast and the non-Wolverine faculty members decide to join Wolverine's third, "kill Hope" side? That X-Men roster on
WatXM's cover confuses me. Nice to see Chuck again, though.
Yay, the Guardians of the Galaxy are back! I hope that's not the full roster, though. And why is Star-Lord blonde all of a sudden?
Ugh, Shadow Council stuff in
Secret Avengers again? I thought Remender was moving on from Brubaker's dud of an antagonist. Although I'm a bit excited about the Masters of Evil. I wonder who's on it this time (aside from, I assume, Taskmaster, if the cover's any indication).
John Tyler Christopher's gotta be one of the worst cover artists I've ever seen. He has no grasp of anatomy whatsoever, so his figures are all mushy-looking globs of weird shapes, and his compositions often look awkward. He obviously knows his way around a digital paintbrush, but that's about it. They should really switch him over to being a colorist on artists who actually know what they're doing.
Wow. So this crossover with Captain Marvel is not only lasting two issues where much better characters like She-Hulk and Hawkeye have only rated one, but she's teaming up with Spider-Man to fight... a random giant ginger. Sweet Christmas, Zeb Wells can't get back on this series fast enough. For once, I'm
really glad Marvel's double-shipping a series; it means I can go ahead and skip this Captain Marvel arc without missing out on
Avenging Spider-Man for two full months. Wells, Samnee, and Aunt May in the next issue sound great, though.
So Cullen Bunn officially takes over on
Venom this month. Cool. I'm glad he's going to start by delving more into the fact that Flash is an Avenger now. Although he's sort of... ridiculously... out of his league against Daimon Hellstrom.
Whoa, Dum-Dum on the cover of
Captain America. Nice to see he's still getting some use. I was sure he and other SHIELD people would be quietly shuffled aside in favor of Coulson and Black Fury, now that they're in the comics.
Captain America & Iron Man: MODOK! I love that guy.
Captain America & Namor made me roll my eyes because it's yet another WWII story, but at least this one sounds like it'll be somewhat interesting since it deals with magic and apparently a kraken.
I'm glad Black Widow's getting a bit of focus in
Winter Soldier. She can't support an ongoing of her own, but I was sort of getting bored of her being relegated solely to the role of "Bucky's sidekick."
Eaglesham on
Hulk = awesome. I'm still waiting for someone to give Red Hulk Ross' mustache, though. The Maestro could grow a beard, damn it; where's Red Hulk's 'stache?
"A history so dark it was seared from the pages," says
The Mighty Thor's solicitation. Isn't that exactly what Fraction just did with the Serpent in
Fear Itself? Man, I really hope he leaves this series sooner rather than later. I'll take Alan Davis' art whenever I can get it, though.
No! F***! NOOOOO! Fraction's invading
Journey into Mystery now, too? NOOOOOO!
Another new Iron Man armor?
Punisher's solicitation sets my mind at ease. I was worried Frank was going to kill Rachel for turning on Daredevil in "The Omega Effect." I would've hated to see Rachel killed off so soon. She's really becoming an interesting addition to the Punisher's cast.
Whoa, an annuals crossover? By Alan Davis? Hell yeah.
X-Treme X-Men sounds weird. Except for the title; that just sounds stupid.