Maybe he killed Kaito


Revamped and Renegade.
May 28, 2007
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I think in my god honest opinion, that West killed Kaito. Reasons why:

  1. He can fly, so he could've pushed Kaito off and flew away.
  2. He has the ski mask.
  3. He's the one in the painting making out with Claire and (possibly) could kill HRG.
You can't say it wouldn't make sense that West killed him. Adam might have put him up to it to get revenge for his abduction. He could work with the Company. Who knows why he did it? But I think he did.
As much as I use to be on the West is a bad guy band wagon. I think he's going to be a good guy, the previews for next episode seem to involve him standing off with HRG against The Company.
I think in my god honest opinion, that West killed Kaito. Reasons why:
  1. He can fly, so he could've pushed Kaito off and flew away.
  2. He has the ski mask.
  3. He's the one in the painting making out with Claire and (possibly) could kill HRG.
You can't say it wouldn't make sense that West killed him. Adam might have put him up to it to get revenge for his abduction. He could work with the Company. Who knows why he did it? But I think he did.

I actually thought about that also, but the only problem with that is that in that episode when kaito died you could see the assailant on the ground with him then few seconds camera cut he was gone.

My speculation lies with Adam Monroe
I hope Hiro can save his father otherwise he will probably never time travel again
And yet it's Adam who has the motive. And Adam is the one who made Maury kill the other Heroes.

Just because you don't like West, doesn't mean he's a villain.
And yet it's Adam who has the motive. And Adam is the one who made Maury kill the other Heroes.

Just because you don't like West, doesn't mean he's a villain.
How do you explain the ski mask he used to scare the cheerleader captain?
How do you explain the ski mask he used to scare the cheerleader captain?
Gee...he bought a ski mask. 'Cause that's so difficult. :whatever:

Besides, what makes you so sure Kaito's killer wore a ski mask? Far as I remember, he had a big hood and it covered his face anyway.
Dude. I have a Ski mask. Everyone can get a ski mask easily.

West, as much as it pains me to say, is a good guy. He's going to be a major character in Claire's upcoming life for coming episodes whether we like it or not.
What about the painting?
What about it? :huh:

Just let it drop. It was clearly Adam.

"Everything you love, I will lay to waste." There's your motive, straight from Adam's mouth.

"Maury is just a pawn." There's the proof that Adam was commanding the murders of the 12.

Adam can heal. There's how he was able to walk away from the scene after falling off the roof.

And all you have for evidence is a ski mask. Give it up, BL.
He's kissing his girlfriend and comforting her after she witnessed her father be hurt or killed.
He's kissing his girlfriend and comforting her after she witnessed her father be hurt or killed.
Do we even know it's West? We assume it, but we can't see his face or any distinguishing features.
Okay, but if he and Adam are in kahoots together, and West did it, I'll be putting a Gigantic "I told you so!" in my sig.
Besides, BL, we just saw that Adam only escaped three weeks ago. He then went to Montreal to wait for Peter. When, praytell, did he have time to recruit some California kid to come to New York and kill someone? :whatever:
Besides, BL, we just saw that Adam only escaped three weeks ago. He then went to Montreal to wait for Peter. When, praytell, did he have time to recruit some California kid to come to New York and kill someone? :whatever:
Maybe West is his son, carrying out his plans while he was captured.
Maybe West is his son, carrying out his plans while he was captured.
Now your predictions are getting even more ridiculous...which I didn't think possible.

Adam has been LOCKED UP for THIRTY YEARS. Not a lot of time to have a teenage son in there. :whatever:
Now your predictions are getting even more ridiculous...which I didn't think possible.

Adam has been LOCKED UP for THIRTY YEARS. Not a lot of time to have a teenage son in there. :whatever:
West could have immortality too. He could be Sylar's brother! Never thought of that.
Now your predictions are getting even more ridiculous...which I didn't think possible.

Adam has been LOCKED UP for THIRTY YEARS. Not a lot of time to have a teenage son in there. :whatever:
And the only time he probably had any nookie is when he bumped the uglies with Elle and Elle is clearly too young to be West's mother.
And the only time he probably had any nookie is when he bumped the uglies with Elle and Elle is clearly too young to be West's mother.
Not to mention that happened 6 years West would be 6. :dry:
West could have immortality too. He could be Sylar's brother! Never thought of that.
Sylar doesn't have a brother. We've heard about Sylar's family. We saw his mom.

Just GIVE UP. You have nothing but REALLY BAD predictions.

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