What I don't get is...


I am not a Side Kick
Mar 29, 2006
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I know that a lot of stuff is done to try and make a show more dramatic or try and advance the stories etc. But there's a lot of stuff that just doesn't make sense to me...

1. If the Company had Adam locked up for 30 years, why would they need Claire's blood? It seemed like such an important thing when they had this guy who could do the same thing already. Granted Adam is more dangerous, but they have a lot easier access to him than they did to Claire. At least once Bennett turned against the company.

Flood Adam's room with sleep gas, tie him up and take his blood, what's so hard about that?

2. If Peter can read minds why didn't he use that to find out if Adam was lying or not? When everybody is telling him Adam is a bad guy and Victoria acted that way when she saw Adam shouldn't that trigger something to Peter.

3. If a shot to the head will kill Claire or Adam how did HRG come back from the dead when he had been shot in the head with nothing more than a small dose of Claire's blood? And if HRG was dead how did said blood circulate through his system to heal his injuries?

4. How could Maya think her brother would leave her? I mean he travelled from South America with her, stuck with her through everything, then Sylar shows up and she just accepts that he's gone? Or did I miss something else with this. I don't remember exactly what Sylar said to her about Alejandro. Someone refresh my memory

Please make sense of these things for me...don't get me wrong I can still enjoy the show and suspend these questions and like it for what it is, just seems like some weak points sometimes.
1. Well, the virus didn't really become that big of an issue before Peter escaped. Once it had mutated with Nikki, they finally decided to get things into gear. By then, Adam had already escaped. Why they didn't do it before then I have no idea.

2. Peter is probably not that skilled at mind reading, so he can only pick up surface thoughts. It's not that big of a stretch to assume that Adam can do what Mrs. Petrelli did to Matt and shut him out.

3. They had a machine pump the blood for him

4. Because she's hands down the stupidest character on the show.
I know that a lot of stuff is done to try and make a show more dramatic or try and advance the stories etc. But there's a lot of stuff that just doesn't make sense to me...

1. If the Company had Adam locked up for 30 years, why would they need Claire's blood? It seemed like such an important thing when they had this guy who could do the same thing already. Granted Adam is more dangerous, but they have a lot easier access to him than they did to Claire. At least once Bennett turned against the company.

Flood Adam's room with sleep gas, tie him up and take his blood, what's so hard about that?

2. If Peter can read minds why didn't he use that to find out if Adam was lying or not? When everybody is telling him Adam is a bad guy and Victoria acted that way when she saw Adam shouldn't that trigger something to Peter.

3. If a shot to the head will kill Claire or Adam how did HRG come back from the dead when he had been shot in the head with nothing more than a small dose of Claire's blood? And if HRG was dead how did said blood circulate through his system to heal his injuries?

4. How could Maya think her brother would leave her? I mean he travelled from South America with her, stuck with her through everything, then Sylar shows up and she just accepts that he's gone? Or did I miss something else with this. I don't remember exactly what Sylar said to her about Alejandro. Someone refresh my memory

Please make sense of these things for me...don't get me wrong I can still enjoy the show and suspend these questions and like it for what it is, just seems like some weak points sometimes.

he's pretty much got it all there. to 3) Bennet doesn't have a power, and therefore doesn't have a sweet spot in his brain, the root of the heroes powers.
1. If the Company had Adam locked up for 30 years, why would they need Claire's blood? It seemed like such an important thing when they had this guy who could do the same thing already. Granted Adam is more dangerous, but they have a lot easier access to him than they did to Claire. At least once Bennett turned against the company.

Because neither Claire or Adam's blood cures all the different strains of the virus. It took Claire and Suresh's blood mixed together to cure the strain of the virus Nikki and Sylar had. While it only took Suresh's blood to cure Molly and the Haitian. If you remember Sylar sort of mentioned this when he was talking to Suresh about curing himself.
I wonder how they would evolve the Virus... since it's evolved once it's bound to be still evolving to the point of no cure or something like that that would cause an epidemic that almost ends the world. Kind of like Hiv
Please make sense of these things for me...don't get me wrong I can still enjoy the show and suspend these questions and like it for what it is, just seems like some weak points sometimes.

Peter was an idiot this season, he could've used his mental powers on Adam, he didn't. He overpowered Matt mentally, despite Matt having more experience with mental powers. :whatever:
Peter didn't try to talk to Matt about Adam, not even after what Hiro told him, see the pattern? I think the writers got lazy, the lack of dialogue or the bad quality of it says it all.
You gave part of the answer yourself, enjoy the show for what it is, it is just fiction after all, everyday logic doesn't apply.
i think the writers didn't exist this season... least not the good ones
Because neither Claire or Adam's blood cures all the different strains of the virus. It took Claire and Suresh's blood mixed together to cure the strain of the virus Nikki and Sylar had. While it only took Suresh's blood to cure Molly and the Haitian. If you remember Sylar sort of mentioned this when he was talking to Suresh about curing himself.

I get that...what I'm saying is that Claire and Adam have the same power, therefore they could have mixed Adam's blood with Suresh's to cure the virus. They could have left Claire alone. If Claire and Adam have the same regenerative power which it seems they do then either of their blood mixed with Mohinder's should act as a cure.
I get that...what I'm saying is that Claire and Adam have the same power, therefore they could have mixed Adam's blood with Suresh's to cure the virus. They could have left Claire alone. If Claire and Adam have the same regenerative power which it seems they do then either of their blood mixed with Mohinder's should act as a cure.
Which person is easier to get to...Adam or Claire? No one knows where Adam is, everyone seems to know where Claire is. But then again I guess Bob could have asked Suresh to get Molly to find Adam.
Which person is easier to get to...Adam or Claire? No one knows where Adam is, everyone seems to know where Claire is. But then again I guess Bob could have asked Suresh to get Molly to find Adam.

then back to his original point... they could have been harvesting blood from adam for the last 30 years.
What i don't get is, why the hell did Candice take Sylar to mexico..or where ever they were...?
1) Bad plotting

2) Bad writing

3) Poor explaining

4) Sheer stupidity

What's strange: I enjoyed this season more than most folks expressing views here.
then back to his original point... they could have been harvesting blood from adam for the last 30 years.
They didn't need it back then? They may have had some and could not replicate it themselves...who knows. I think Bob wanted Claire really bad and just used Suresh to try and get her by weighing on his conscious about Nikki.
What i don't get is, why the hell did Candice take Sylar to mexico..or where ever they were...?
Ya know, originally I had thoght that Candice's "murder" was an illusion for Sylar to propell him out into the world as a wildcard. Since Candice can obviously get some type of "read" of others in order to program their illusions, she MUST have seen that coming. But with the strike... who knows whats been changed, tweaked, deleated.
here's another plot hole: why the hell were keeping the most virulent strain of the virus instead of destroying?

hopefully they'll deal with it next chapter.
here's another plot hole: why the hell were keeping the most virulent strain of the virus instead of destroying?

hopefully they'll deal with it next chapter.
The company is a bastard. I guess for power, who knows.
As was apparent in Chapt 11... "The Company" appears very conflicted about a number of things.
2. Peter is probably not that skilled at mind reading, so he can only pick up surface thoughts. It's not that big of a stretch to assume that Adam can do what Mrs. Petrelli did to Matt and shut him out.

Peter managed to overpower Matt's mental abillity, including his suggestion, so it would seem he's pretty skilled. And also I'd say its quite a big leap to assume Adam can do what Mrs Petrelli did.

I really think the writers just didn't know how to handle the whole thing - which is understandable given the 'finale' change. Peter not questioning Adam at all until the very end is a bit shuddy... but Peter giving himself a nose-bleed trying to rip open the vault - when he can walk through walls, is just plain stupid and done purely to serve the story.

Logically, whether Adam was lying or not, Peter should have 'phased' into the vault alone and destroyed the virus by himself. That way, whoever was lying to him, it wouldn't have mattered - of course, it wouldn't have been as dramatic. And I did enjoy the episode!

....anyway. BRING BACK ELLE!
Peter managed to overpower Matt's mental abillity, including his suggestion, so it would seem he's pretty skilled. And also I'd say its quite a big leap to assume Adam can do what Mrs Petrelli did.

I really think the writers just didn't know how to handle the whole thing - which is understandable given the 'finale' change. Peter not questioning Adam at all until the very end is a bit shuddy... but Peter giving himself a nose-bleed trying to rip open the vault - when he can walk through walls, is just plain stupid and done purely to serve the story.

Logically, whether Adam was lying or not, Peter should have 'phased' into the vault alone and destroyed the virus by himself. That way, whoever was lying to him, it wouldn't have mattered - of course, it wouldn't have been as dramatic. And I did enjoy the episode!

....anyway. BRING BACK ELLE!

This season, with the ever-growing/conflicting powers and bizarre plot lines with out of character actions was badly done. It was holier than swiss cheese.
let's try to forget this season and look forward.
as far as #1, who says that Adam's blood has healing properties? Just bc Claire's does, doesnt mean his does as well
as far as #1, who says that Adam's blood has healing properties? Just bc Claire's does, doesnt mean his does as well

Eh, because in the ep "Four Months Ago' when he injected his blood into a seriously burnt Nathan, Nathan 'healed'...:huh:
Eh, because in the ep "Four Months Ago' when he injected his blood into a seriously burnt Nathan, Nathan 'healed'...:huh:
duh! My bad, I forgot about that. I guess it was just another plothole then
they were in Central America. and they probably won't even explain that one.:rolleyes:

Plus Candace was reporting Sylar's progress to someone, possibly Bob. Sylar kils her, putting an end to the reports, yet no one cares to investigate what happened. Especially when she was baby-sitting one of the most dangerous people on the planet.

here's another plot hole: why the hell were keeping the most virulent strain of the virus instead of destroying?

hopefully they'll deal with it next chapter.

My guess is the Company's ego got the better of them. They wanted to keep it as the ultimate weapon, with the hopes that they could eventually find a cure. They probably figured with Adam locked up, they could use Suresh to cultivate a cure for it. Then they could play god whenever they pleased.

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