Messed Up Thing You Thought Today...

Whack Arnolds

Apr 10, 2005
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Like, anything you think of during the day that is out of the ordinary or just messed up..

Today I was thinking, how do blind people know when they're done whiping their ass, if they can't see?
The most messed up thing I thought of is thinking of what is the most messed up thing I have ever thought of.
ScottyBBadd said:
The most messed up thing I thought of is thinking of what is the most messed up thing I have ever thought of.
Today... :o
ScottyBBadd said:
Today as of a few minutes ago. I have been awake only 2 hours.
Damn son, you lazy or something? Stay at home Dad maybe? If it's the latter, you lucky as ****...:o
Whack Arnolds said:
Like, anything you think of during the day that is out of the ordinary or just messed up..

Today I was thinking, how do blind people know when they're done whiping their ass, if they can't see?

Whack Arnolds said:
Damn son, you lazy or something? Stay at home Dad maybe? If it's the latter, you lucky as ****...:o

I don't work until 2pm CST.
boyscouT said:
Like do they have a wipe ratio? What if they got bad ass diharea (spell)... how do they know how many wipes. It's like the 8th wonder of the world.
Whack Arnolds said:
Like do they have a wipe ratio? What if they got bad ass diharea (spell)... how do they know how many wipes. It's like the 8th wonder of the world.

Never thought of that.
Whack Arnolds said:
Like, anything you think of during the day that is out of the ordinary or just messed up..

Today I was thinking, how do blind people know when they're done whiping their ass, if they can't see?

i aske a blind person about that, they said they "smell it".
Tar Baby said:
i aske a blind person about that, they said they "smell it".
Thats ****ed up, they so egotistical they like the smell of their own ****... :ghost:
here's something I was talking about with Leslie last night:

Things a mother can say to her child if she wants him/her to be a psycho

-I wish you had been a blow job
-no, you're not adopted, but it feels like it
-stop asking stupid questions, how should I know who's your real father? it's not like I really care
-it's time for our daily virginity test, pants down!!!
-be a good boy and leave mom alone with the nice gentleman here, and could you please get mommy the analease from the bathroom?
-every time I think I can't do any worse, I look at you and feel such a relief
-stop playin with that! remember it's not yours to play with!!!
PLAS said:
here's something I was talking about with Leslie last night:

Things a mother can say to her child if she wants him/her to be a psycho

-I wish you had been a blow job
-no, you're not adopted, but it feels like it
-stop asking stupid questions, how should I know who's your real father? it's not like I really care
-it's time for our daily virginity test, pants down!!!
-be a good boy and leave mom alone with the nice gentleman here, and could you please get mommy the analease from the bathroom?
-every time I think I can't do any worse, I look at you and feel such a relief
-stop playin with that! remember it's not yours to play with!!!

I could not top those if I tried.
I was pondering if I were a cannibal because I was bitting the skink right next to my nails and I chewed it and swallowed it.
When I saw this UPS truck driver hop out of his truck on the narrow interstate side-lane today - (He was almost hit by an oncoming vehicle, and as I passed by, I checked my rear-view mirror, and he didn't even seem fazed by it. Maybe it was shock or utter stupidity; I'm thinking the latter by default. People conspiring against common sense is pretty normal. ) - I reaffirmed my slight belief in natural selection.
Alpha and Omega said:
When I saw this UPS truck driver hop out of his truck on the narrow interstate side-lane today - (He was almost hit by an oncoming vehicle, and as I passed by, I checked my rear-view mirror, and he didn't even seem fazed by it. Maybe it was shock or utter stupidity; I'm thinking the latter by default. People conspiring against common sense is pretty normal. ) - I reaffirmed my slight belief in natural selection.

Me too.
Whack Arnolds said:
Like, anything you think of during the day that is out of the ordinary or just messed up..

Today I was thinking, how do blind people know when they're done whiping their ass, if they can't see?

Depends how much pain they can take and how kinky they are.
I didn't think it, but I was told that a guy I know last night (After many drinks, but like that is an excuse) drank a pint of his own urine for a sportsmans bet!......
Whack Arnolds said:
Like, anything you think of during the day that is out of the ordinary or just messed up..

Today I was thinking, how do blind people know when they're done whiping their ass, if they can't see?

You got that from Ebaums or somewhere else.

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