Metal Gear Movie Confirmed

Your source is some guy on an Internet forum. No.
Awwwww. :( I'm going to start an online petition to get Uwe Boll to take this.
i'd like to see it
i found out about solid snake whe i made a post asking about him after coming up with him THREE TIMES in a "what videogame hero are you poll at
kainedamo said:
Your source is some guy on an Internet forum. No.
My source is some guy on an internet forum that can translate Hideo Kojima's Japanese blog.

If you can find someone to do the same, please do. The more confirmation the better. The guy translated the last one for us, and turned out to be right. So I'll take his word for it.
Can the guy actually speak Japanese fluently? Is he Japanese?

Kojima could be saying one thing, and this guy could be translating it to mean something completely different.
kainedamo said:
Can the guy actually speak Japanese fluently? Is he Japanese?

Kojima could be saying one thing, and this guy could be translating it to mean something completely different.
I don't know if he can speak it fluently or if he understands the language, but his translation was spot on last time. I'll ask him for ya.

According to him, Kojima just let it slip. The voice actress for Mei Ling asked him why they don't just go ahead and make a MG movie, since MGS4 already looked cinematic. Kojima then said they already were.
these are 2 translations from different people...

The voice actress who plays Mei Ling and Paramedic just asked Kojima and Murashu why don't they consider making a movie (since MGS4 looks so cinematic, she commented), and Kojima replied, Actually we are. He didn't specifiy MG or MGS.

Houko Kuwashima: I'd like to watch a movie...(referring to MGS4) It is like a movie, isn't it?

Kojima Hideo: It became a movie!

Houko Kuwashima: (Laughs)

Kojima Hideo: At Hollywood....

Houko Kuwashima: Ehhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

the 2nd translator admitted he wasn't very good at Japanese...but these are interesting none the less. why would Hideo say there's a MOVIE being made?
DorkyFresh said:
these are 2 translations from different people...

the 2nd translator admitted he wasn't very good at Japanese...but these are interesting none the less. why would Hideo say there's a MOVIE being made?
Also, take a look at this:

The director of Oldboy was approached by Kojima to direct a MG movie. While nothing seemed to generate from that meeting, the fact remains: Kojima's looking around.
That's pretty vague.

And I'd hardly call it confirmation.

I'll wait until we hear something concrete.
Yes, that's what I thought. This info is too vague.

Besides, the MGS franchise doesn't need a movie. It's already very cinematic as it is.
I was pretty certain they were going to do this movie anyway They've only been talking about it for what the last 7 years?
TheVileOne said:
That's pretty vague.

And I'd hardly call it confirmation.

I'll wait until we hear something concrete.
The one link I posted is the New York Times. Apparently they have the guy quoted as saying he was approached for Metal Gear.
Wesyeed said:
bana for snake dammit. heh

I doubt there will be a movie, since the games combine both worlds (movie and game) perfectly. But if there was a movie, yeah, Bana would be a very good choice, perhaps the best one possible.
just for the hell of it...



kainedamo, to answer your question, he speaks fluent Japanese.
Well as long as they get a good director this can be awesome but the scale of MGS requires a director with vision and cash to burn
I await more news with trepidation,thanks for the news Boom:up:
Geez I dunno. MGS probably has to be the greatest game I ever played for PS. I would love to see a movie as long as they don't screw too much with the story form the game.
Boom said:
The one link I posted is the New York Times. Apparently they have the guy quoted as saying he was approached for Metal Gear.

Yes the bastion of truth that is the New York Times.

It was still pretty vague and its still nothing concrete.

Once again, I don't see any real confirmation here.
Dorky Fresh, could you do a manip with Rade Serbedzija as Revolver Ocelot?


I know the picture doesn't do him justice, but I'm sure there are better images out there...
well i could...but my pride won't allow me to, hehe. i've seen him mentioned for Ocelot TOO many times and i never really cared to see him in the role...mainly because he acts the same in all his movies. but i HAVE considered manipping other actors as Ocelot (Gary Oldman and Daniel Day-Lewis). but i've been rather busy lately so i dunno if i'll be able to fit a manip in anytime soon...sorry.

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