Superman Returns Minor things


May 13, 2003
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First of all, I truly and as a musician think that William's theme wasn't right for the trailer. I also think that they should've definitely brought John Williams back if they wanted to use his theme. I'm not a huge fan of john Powel's music really. I know I'm making an early judgment before seeing the movie but so far and from my experience of listening to john Powel's music, it will probably disappoint.

The second thing which is very small is the plane they are using in the movie. No, it is NOT a 777. whatever it is, it is a cross from a bbj 737s and a 777. kind of disappointing to see my favorite aircraft hey if superman had a green suit instead of blue, fans would complain! so yeah that's minor and annoying to me but I'm used to it with movies.

My hopes are not up really but I truly wish this movie would rock.
If it is so "minor" why mention it? Don't try to kill the buzz.
Newbie#1 said:
First of all, I truly and as a musician think that William's theme wasn't right for the trailer. I also think that they should've definitely brought John Williams back if they wanted to use his theme. I'm not a huge fan of john Powel's music really. I know I'm making an early judgment before seeing the movie but so far and from my experience of listening to john Powel's music, it will probably disappoint.

The second thing which is very small is the plane they are using in the movie. No, it is NOT a 777. whatever it is, it is a cross from a bbj 737s and a 777. kind of disappointing to see my favorite aircraft hey if superman had a green suit instead of blue, fans would complain! so yeah that's minor and annoying to me but I'm used to it with movies.

My hopes are not up really but I truly wish this movie would rock.

That's nice but John Powel isnt scoring the film. John Ottman is.
As for the other part. Yes it is indeed a Triple 7. I'm not exactly sure why you think it isnt but it is. Keep in mind also it's not a Civil transport 777.
oops sorry, I truly meant john ottman. I don't know what I was thinking. john powel did crash which was great. ottman did xmen and fantastic four. my bad.

as for the 777. well a picture can help right?

Here what a Boeing 777 with GE engines looks like.') BEQRE OL cubgb_vq QRFP&photo_nr=12

If you noticed, the 777s don't have winglets. also the 777 don't have winglets on the tail section.
Newbie#1 said:
oops sorry, I truly meant john ottman. I don't know what I was thinking. john powel did crash which was great. ottman did xmen and fantastic four. my bad.

as for the 777. well a picture can help right?

Here what a Boeing 777 with GE engines looks like.') BEQRE OL cubgb_vq QRFP&photo_nr=12

If you noticed, the 777s don't have winglets. also the 777 don't have winglets on the tail section.

As for the winglets...they vary from plane to plane depending on the model as well. While the Triple 7 doesnt normally have them because the advantage is fairly small and they are too big for some airports....However, this isnt a normal 777 we are looking at. It is directly related to the fact that the plane is designed to carry a space vehicle on its back. Similar to the 747 NASA uses to transport the Space Shuttle. The two additional vertical stabilizers, one on each end of the standard horizontal stabilizer, enhance directional stability. I believe it's supposed to be a job specific vehicle such as the NASA 747.
I also thought the music was out of place in the trailer. Especially the heroic march that plays while.....Luthor talks about killing billions? WTF??

Very bad choice of music for those scenes.:down
spencer6891 said:
I also thought the music was out of place in the trailer. Especially the heroic march that plays while.....Luthor talks about killing billions? WTF??

Very bad choice of music for those scenes.:down
Wait. In a trailer that is a little over 2 minutes long, you want them to have different pieces of music for each scene? You wouldn't even get a theme in that amount of time. All you'd have are snippets of music.

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