Morgan Freeman


Staff member
Feb 15, 2001
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Truly, this year's most anticipated film.

:up: Morgan freeman is the man.

P.S. They need to get rid of the WOTW credits.
Freeman is not mentioned in the bottom text :( This is a fake!

I am so depressed now :mad:
If he's reading the phone book, I'm all over that.
Seriously, Morgan Freeman could sit in a dark room in a rocking chair and read War and peace and id pay to watch that.
His voice is oddly soothing. He made the craptacular ending for War of the Worlds bearable.
KenK said:
His voice is oddly soothing. He made the craptacular ending for War of the Worlds bearable.

"Oh, it made sense since Morgan Freeman said it. What a great movie!"
KenK said:
His voice is oddly soothing. He made the craptacular ending for War of the Worlds bearable.
Another one whining about the end of War of the inconvinent that it happened just like the book. Boo hoo.

Yawn :D
Finally a role where Freeman kicks ass
Morgan Freeman is one of the best actors and I enjoying his films. Million Dollar Baby was great one of his good films but Sev7n was the best! I was bit disspointed with Batman Begins role he played but still great in it as Wayne's CEO at Wayne Enterpises and looking forward to see Freeman in Batman sequel again
Freeman is in my Top 10 best actors. :up:
I suspect that the Owl Lord is on to something with this Freeman deal. :o
I cant watch Morgan Freeman films... His voice puts me to sleep :(
I've been watching morgan freeman since he was a thief in a movie with a flood and christian slater!:confused:
I found out the rest of the cast won't be speaking. Morgan is delivering all lines in this!
We need a movie like Being John Malkovich with him.

So, uh...I guess that would make it Being Morgan Freeman.
This year's Oscars, Morgan Freeman vs. Snakes on a Plane!

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