Most oddest or weirdest thing???


Dec 29, 2006
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What's the oddest or weirdest thing that you saw and TV news, read in a newspaper, looked up on the internet, or just saw with your two eyes? If you have a link that's fine. But if you don't that's fine as well. I just want to know the most oddest or weirdest thing you ever saw or read in the real world.
the word's 'most' and 'oddest' sitting right next to each other in a sentence

I once saw a clip dog alive with only it's head on a table with two tubes in it's neck, it stayed alive for two hours, it wasn't really the shock or horror of seeing the dogs head, but the fact it was still alive and licking it chops and acting as a dog otherwise would, this was a scientific experement before ethics and rights b became more prominent, it was, to say the least, disturbing.
I once saw a clip dog alive with only it's head on a table with two tubes in it's neck, it stayed alive for two hours, it wasn't really the shock or horror of seeing the dogs head, but the fact it was still alive and licking it chops and acting as a dog otherwise would, this was a scientific experement before ethics and rights b became more prominent, it was, to say the least, disturbing.
That was, disturbing
What's the oddest or weirdest thing that you saw and TV news, read in a newspaper, looked up on the internet, or just saw with your two eyes? If you have a link that's fine. But if you don't that's fine as well. I just want to know the most oddest or weirdest thing you ever saw or read in the real world.

If I find out I will post it in my own
I once saw a clip dog alive with only it's head on a table with two tubes in it's neck, it stayed alive for two hours, it wasn't really the shock or horror of seeing the dogs head, but the fact it was still alive and licking it chops and acting as a dog otherwise would, this was a scientific experement before ethics and rights b became more prominent, it was, to say the least, disturbing.

Not sure if its ok to post?

''A quick warning to those pregnant teen mothers with heart conditions: You probably won't want to watch this because its a bit extreme.''
Well, last night during a lighting storm i heard two loud lighting strikes but then a really and I mean REALLY loud BOOM almost blowing my eardrums. Even the ground was shaking when it happened.
Well, last night during a lighting storm i heard two loud lighting strikes but then a really and I mean REALLY loud BOOM almost blowing my eardrums. Even the ground was shaking when it happened.

Guile from street fighter was out side your house practicing his sonic boom.
Politicians saying that they've seen UFOs, especially recently.
Seeing my high school teachers outside of school
...and that bodyless dog, is awfully disturbing.
Being grabbed and yanked back in my seat by a ghost.

The bodiless ghost...

+ I just found out that one of the janitors in my dormitory used to be a child rapist and once murdered a kid... guess he somehow passed clearance---
most oddest or weirdest thing whatever it maybe will be found by 3square (I have no idea how to type his it an alt function or something?)

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