The animated movie simply because of the wider context.
The one where for the first and last time a popular kid's cartoon character(at least in the Western part of the world) was actually killed onscreen. Tonally wrong and bizarre on so many levels and yet absolutely unforgettable and shocking because of it.
The death in this live action sequel may have upset kids watching today but they're surrounded by blockbusters, and a world at large, that doesn't allow them to shy away from how horrible and traumatic death is(Pixar's UP is primarily about the subject).
Back in the 80s however main characters in family oriented blockbusters, blockbusters period, weren't killed. And yet a movie that critics branded as nothing more than a two hour toy advert raised the stakes, and brazenly endangered any potential huge box-office, by killing characters the target audience knew and cared about very well with a bravado that bordered on mad.