littyx said:Umm, so who was this? I'm speaking of the guy that Wolverine was fighting, and got impaled by.
I did a search, came up with nada. Thanks.
Atomicchuck3k said:Just another random mutant.
OzzyKP said:That's disappointing. They spent enough time on that scene, they could have at least used it to give some limelight to some other character for fanboys to cream themselves over.
Atomicchuck3k said:Then call the mutant "SPIKE" and cream to your hearts desire!
CxAxBxLxE said:SPikes a real character
they just made him Storms nephew for Evolution
and it WAS spike
littyx said:God, that is probably the thing I hate the most about these films. There are hundreds of existing characters to choose from...why make one up?
marvelman418 said:Spike was the person everyone says was quill. The guy throwing spikes was harpoon.