My Favorite Villain

After seeing Sheer Strength, Doc Ock is at my no.1. When I see more of Venom (I was disappointed a little bit by Eddie/the symbiote/Venom's portrayal in season 1), we'll see if that'll change.

hmm interesting choice in avatar haha
yea got to agree ock is the biggest threat for spidey so far in this series besides venom.
where can i watch sheer strength???
they wont be to it airs in canada in the next few weeks. Plus even if u did find a link for a torrent of it from where it is airing ahead of teletoon it would be in another language and would be pointless to watch if u cant understand it.
Tell that to the legions of W&TXM fans who watched the Brazilian version first lol

I really don't know who my favorite villain on this show is. I voted Black Cat although she's not really a villain, I just find her smoldering hot.

But yeah, Shear strength was exceptionally well written.

This is one of the best portrayals of an evil genius I've ever seen in a Saturday Morning Cartoon. His plot sounded like a condensed yet not dumbed down episode of 24 his interactions with Vulture & Electro were wonderful.

Vulture seems to be developing too. He still wants Osborne dead but it no longer controls his life and he seems pretty happy to shrug it off when it doesn't work and go on to the next adventure; Shooting F-ing lasers from his back! Upgrade!

I remember an interview with CrisPin saying Electro's unstable because of the way his neurons are always stimulated by his power or something. They never really delved into that. He's not as tragic as he was in his first episode but he definitely seems to have adapted to his lot in life. At this point, I wonder if he'd even want a cure?
1 - Green Goblin
2 - Venom
3 - Doc Ock
4 - Hammerhead
5 - Sandman
Tell that to the legions of W&TXM fans who watched the Brazilian version first lol

I really don't know who my favorite villain on this show is. I voted Black Cat although she's not really a villain, I just find her smoldering hot.

But yeah, Shear strength was exceptionally well written.

This is one of the best portrayals of an evil genius I've ever seen in a Saturday Morning Cartoon. His plot sounded like a condensed yet not dumbed down episode of 24 his interactions with Vulture & Electro were wonderful.

Vulture seems to be developing too. He still wants Osborne dead but it no longer controls his life and he seems pretty happy to shrug it off when it doesn't work and go on to the next adventure; Shooting F-ing lasers from his back! Upgrade!

I remember an interview with CrisPin saying Electro's unstable because of the way his neurons are always stimulated by his power or something. They never really delved into that. He's not as tragic as he was in his first episode but he definitely seems to have adapted to his lot in life. At this point, I wonder if he'd even want a cure?
I am really starting to like the way they are using Vulture as well. That was a cold scene between him and Ock. Don't worry we will get Osborn next time as well as Spiderman, that was just great. Two villains sharing a common goal of murder. And this is the Green Goblin we are talking about. LOL

And Electro has now embraced his power instead of wanting to cure it. You also get the feeling Ock may be getting tired of him and his hot headedness. Once again trying to help or take matters in his own hands like with trying to help Vulture and escaping with Tinkerer it turns chaotic. Interesting to see where that goes. I love character development.
sPoilers ahead but it turns out that

Tinkerer is the Antichrist.
1) Eddie Brock / Venom (Done to perfection...nuff said)
2) Rhino (Simple and destructive and you can't help but root for him)
3) Sandman (Visually one the most entertaining to watch)
4) Norman Osbourne (Not so much the Green Goblin)
Green Goblin. Done perfectly for me.
Doc Ock really impressed me in this past episdode.
After seeing Shear Strength, Doc Ock is now at the top of my list, bumping the Green Goblin to 2nd and Venom to 3rd.

Also, an honorable mention to Vulture for just being plain bad@$$ this episode.
yea i cant wait to see gobby again. And man o man i so hope its revealed that norman had everyone fooled and he is actually the goblin and harry wasnt.
And maybe we will find out that was indeed the Chameleon downloading those files at Oscorp.
Why the hell is Lightmaster not on this poll. He is my favorite. Who is responsible for this atrocity.
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After what they did with Octopus in this second season I can't imagine the threat the Goblin will be to Spidey in the last episode.
And yes... also can't wait for Chameleon again! It was obvious that he played some part in the Goblin arc in season one.
I want to say Gobby, but after I saw Shear Strength...*holds head* Without route's just too much, TOO MUCH!
After watching "First Steps," I think I can safely say Sandman's gained a few points in my villain rankings.
Sandman gained a lot of points with me. Not just as a villain but as a character in general.

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