My Punisher

jerzy said:
Re: the facial hair...I agree, a little out of keeping with the style, but since it's the costume we're commenting on, it's irrelevant to the issue.

Love the look...very intimidating, not someone you'd mess with. costume is great, and particularly love what you've done with the sculpted chest piece. It's very "Batman", but since it's supposed to be made out of bullet-resistant material, it has that hard look. The only drawback I can see is the flexibility. I have to ask, is the chest piece "hard" or flexible (like tough latex)?

The Skull is terrific. keep it the way it is. I don't think you need to paint the teeth onto it at all, the "belt" serves that purpose. It's like the "Mike Zeck" Punisher costume, where the teeth were part of the belt. Not certain what purpose they served, but I can assume it was ordnance or ordnance containers of some kind. Looks good.

The only problem I can envisage, is the long teeth on the belt riding up into the midriff. I guess Zeck could get away with drawing it in the comics, but practically, I think you've found the threshold at which the boundaries of comic book art will not cross into our reality.

One last thing...the! I've got to know, where in heaven's name did you manage to get hold of it. It's identical to Tom O'Brien's Trench-coat that Tim uses in his cover art. I've been after one like it for years.

Not to "take-away" from your efforts as "The Punisher", the costume's first-rate, but the "look" is more "Terminator" than Castle.

By the'll need guns....lots and lots of guns :unishr:

Here is a pic that was taken at the Dallas Comic Con/ Sci-Fi Expo on july 8th I believe. The chest piece is a flexible Latex, But not too flexible. It was made by Xtreme Design FX, And the skull was hand painted on.I decided not to wear the belt this time, And I think it looks better without it. The Motocross boots looked awesome, But were a pain in the butt to wear. It took 2 days for my feet and ankles to quit hurting, So I will once again look for something more comfortable. The Leather trench belonged to a friend, It took me a year to talk him into selling it to me. Not sure where he got it from. I will check the labels, And see what info I can find on it and get back with you. Thanks for your kind comments.
:unishr: :unishr: :cool: :cool: MICHAEL


Dread Pirate said:
When last I checked, the Punisher wasn't a lard ass.
Since your acting like a 1st grader, I will too.
It takes one to know one, dickweed.
Great pics...from what I can make out. The white skull comes out very well in the's a shame that whoever took the photos couldn't get the exposure right :(. Suggestion for the chest-plate: Any chance of moulding it so that the top of the skull is as high as possible on the T-Shirt...I guess it should be about 2 inches below the crew neck. It might give you some roome to play with the "teeth" on the belt.

About the motocross boots....I don't think they're practical, even though they look pretty mean. They take ages to wear in and the hard leather really cuts into your feet. Can't imagine wearing them in a combat situation. I'd stick with standard canvas and leather combat boots; tough, light and flexible. Leather pants might be an idea...don't need to wash the blood off, it just wipes off straight away :).

Out of curiosity....what's the little creature to your left on the second pic?
jerzy said:
Great pics...from what I can make out. The white skull comes out very well in the's a shame that whoever took the photos couldn't get the exposure right :(. Suggestion for the chest-plate: Any chance of moulding it so that the top of the skull is as high as possible on the T-Shirt...I guess it should be about 2 inches below the crew neck. It might give you some roome to play with the "teeth" on the belt.

About the motocross boots....I don't think they're practical, even though they look pretty mean. They take ages to wear in and the hard leather really cuts into your feet. Can't imagine wearing them in a combat situation. I'd stick with standard canvas and leather combat boots; tough, light and flexible. Leather pants might be an idea...don't need to wash the blood off, it just wipes off straight away :).

Out of curiosity....what's the little creature to your left on the second pic?

The little creature on the left, Is a boush bounty hunter. The disguise that princess leia used to get into jabba the hutts palace. I will be using different boots, Probably combat boots. I thought about Leather pants, But that is something I can't afford at the moment. There are still lots of improvements I can make. Thanks for the kind words.
:unishr: :unishr: :cool: :cool: MICHAEL

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