NBC Cancels Heroes

I lol'd when they thought that'd get the ratings. I know more people that watched in Hulu and YouTube than on TV.
I lol'd when they thought that'd get the ratings. I know more people that watched in Hulu and YouTube than on TV.
By the end of the last season opener I decided to start watching on Hulu.

And I'm glad I decided to wait on ever buying dvds(and now that it's canceled I won't be bothing to pick the show up). Waiting to see if a overarching story finished before you commit to something that costs a lot is a great decision.
im still pissed were not even getting a 2hr wrap up.... this news upsets me since ive invested time and money(dvds) into the show.... now i feel like i should just sell them... no pay off at all

Here's your wrap-up:

Peter: "I kinda, sorta, maybe want to help people. Sorta. Maybe I'll do that. Kinda."

Claire: "Dad, I love you. And I like girls now." "Claire, are you really sure that's what you-" "Dad, I hate you!" Two months later. "Dad, I know you really just want what's best for me. I love you." "I love you too, Claire Bear." "Stop calling me that! I hate you!"

Nathan: Gets resurrected. Sylar eats his brain. No one cares.

Niki/Tracy/Whatever: Third triplet shows up and does morally ambiguous stuff. No one cares.

Hiro: Finally starts acting like an adult. Nah, just kidding.

T-Bag: "Even Prison Break had better writing than this ****. Yeesh."

Sylar: Blows up the world. Good riddance.

Don't forget, Hiro has to fulfil his destiny ............................. to be a HERO!

Only he's already tried it 1000 times and it didn't work. Maybe MacDonalds would work out better for him.
They lost me once they tried to play Sylar as the 3rd patrelli brother angle. Never got back into the show again.

Season 1 was one of the best tv runs in recent years.
I think they also screwed up once they started messing with the characters' powers. That just made things too confusing.

And it was also very frustrating, especially in the case of Peter who could only have one power at a time compared to what he had previously.
If they get the wrap up movie, I will wait to see how that finishes the series before I pick up S3&4 (which I probably wont get unless they become extremely cheap as in 10bucks each)
So, when is this section going to be put down?
Bye, bye old friend.

We gave it a good go, didn't we?

Entertainment. Eye Candy. Cyclical Angst
"I saved the Cheerleader, so that you can save the world."
Here's your wrap-up:

Peter: "I kinda, sorta, maybe want to help people. Sorta. Maybe I'll do that. Kinda."

Claire: "Dad, I love you. And I like girls now." "Claire, are you really sure that's what you-" "Dad, I hate you!" Two months later. "Dad, I know you really just want what's best for me. I love you." "I love you too, Claire Bear." "Stop calling me that! I hate you!"

Nathan: Gets resurrected. Sylar eats his brain. No one cares.

Niki/Tracy/Whatever: Third triplet shows up and does morally ambiguous stuff. No one cares.

Hiro: Finally starts acting like an adult. Nah, just kidding.

T-Bag: "Even Prison Break had better writing than this ****. Yeesh."

Sylar: Blows up the world. Good riddance.


Throw in a nude Maya with no dialog and you've got yourself a helluva show! :up:
The premise started out fine when it was just "What if ordinary people found themselves with superpowers?" but I don't think I ever really got that impression. After a few episodes, it was more like "What if we can make a superhero show that follows all the cliches and has characters do whatever the plot requires without being interesting?"

Let's be honest, if ordinary people got superpowers, they'd either call the media and come out to the world or, if they were young, actually pretend to be superheroes or become petty criminals.
Never saw a complete season, except maybe season one. It was never really that good. Stopped watching near the beginning of season 3.
Good riddance.

Season 1 was great, 2 was diasspointing but likable. But 3 was where it all went wrong. The first half was like a bad early 90's comic book. Twist after twist after twist. It was fun at times but still silly. The second half was just boring repetetive b.s. that went nowhere. Season 4 was watchable at best.

Characters came and went with little to no thought into making us care. No major character ever really stayed dead. The writers could never decide if they wanted Sylar to be good or evil. Hiro never became the future Hiro we once saw. Plotlines were abandoned and never finished(What happened to Peter's Irish gf? She was seemingly nabbed by someone and never spoke of again). HRG and Nathan changed sides for no apparent reason frequently. Mohinder becomes The Fly(more or less), tries to kidnap/kill several characters and a season later everybody is back to thinking of him as "good ol' Dr. Suresh" again. I could go on and on and on. Season 1 and 2 I like and I stuck with it becaused I loved the characters but I"m glad they ended it. Sucks that there's no actual finale but it just didn't need to go on.
Not completly suprised by the news.

Even since the WGA strike during the '07-'08 season, the show's potential went down the crapper. From the overuse of Sylar all the way to that weak girl-on-girl bit with Claire.

R.I.P. Heroes

"Once promising, now damaged by strikes and poor creative decisions"
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Plenty of shows survived the writer's strike. Heroes writers can try to hide behind it, but it doesn't excuse much.
Some survived, yes. Other shows wern't as lucky. Excuse or not, it didn't help matters.
I will miss Heroes Redemption was I feel was very good in my opinion is that probably what killed Heroes
At this point, cancellation is like a mercy kill. It's too bad they couldn't recapture that spark from season one.
Season 1 was the only good season of the show it was downhill from there.
Just wait another show will come along at some point trying to do the whole "ordinary people with super-powers" angle and get it right ala Unbreakable. I still think season 1 did a good job at this but if you ask me the problem as always was to large of a cast. I still think if done right this type of show can work and be just as good as something like Lost. It just needs the right creative minds in control, seriously it wouldnt be that hard. Hell half the ideas people come up with on here were better than what we got most of the time.
Just wait another show will come along at some point trying to do the whole "ordinary people with super-powers" angle and get it right ala Unbreakable. I still think season 1 did a good job at this but if you ask me the problem as always was to large of a cast. I still think if done right this type of show can work and be just as good as something like Lost. It just needs the right creative minds in control, seriously it wouldnt be that hard. Hell half the ideas people come up with on here were better than what we got most of the time.
[YT]6mDukZLfuz0[/YT]Well that was quick.
Those characters are already more likable than anyone on Heroes ever was. Better actors too.
**** yea!!! How have I not heard about this?!?!?!?!?! Chiklis, Benz, and Malco!!!! That trailer looked GREAT! Lets hope the shows as good as the trailer made it seem.
Its the NonMarvel version of Fantastic Four! Cant wait to see hwo it plays out and if they add other powered people.
Looks like live-action TV version of The Incredibles.

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