
Netflix is great. Never had a problem with them. I'm just sad they got rid of their used DVD store.

*gasps* You're not human.....................................:o :oldrazz:
Guess he's not a girly man, eh?:cwink:
Netflix is heaven....

blockbuster closes at 11pm.. which is when i usually want to watch a movie.
not to mention they over price compared to netflix.

i have 3 dvds at a time for netflix that way i always have a movie to watch.. and its still cheaper than going to blockbuster lol.

not to mention if you own any streaming device (ps3, 360, tivo) you could watch unlimited movies for free instantly.
Isn't Blockbuster closing most of it stores?

I think we shoud charge them a late charge for it taking so long!
Netflix is great to me, never had any problems using them. Highly recommended.
Blockbuster online was only good for getting movies free...

they would inform me that they shipped my movie... then 2 minutes later, they inform me it was returned... but then i get it in the mail... and I keep it
Blockbuster online was only good for getting movies free...

they would inform me that they shipped my movie... then 2 minutes later, they inform me it was returned... but then i get it in the mail... and I keep it
I love Netflix, especially ever since they introduced PS3 streaming for it. It's a great way to catch up on movies and shows at a reasonable cost, because it's much cheaper than renting everything from a video store. I HIGHLY recommend it if you have a Netflix-enabled TV device (they have a bunch listed at their website, including the PS3, Xbox 360, as well as several DVD / Blu-Ray players and TVs).
The only trouble I ever had with Netflix which is over now because I have better DVD and a Blu-Ray players now.

Is that if you put some of the discs into older dvd players, some tend to skip and what not because of the multitude of scratches. Honestly what do some people do with their Netflix discs? :huh:
Netflix is wonderful, though I have a habit of waiting two weeks before watching movies sometimes.
I thinking of getting into netflix. I love renting movies and unfortunately my last dvd store lost the dvd I returned them, then said I should pay for it!

Anyway, Does anyone know if Netflix is avaliable in Australia? I wish they rented video games also!
There's Gamefly for Video Games, but they are very slow at times getting discs to you.

Netflix is a blast though. I've had it for a while now and I love it.
Hey all I am curious if anyone uses Netflix and if you do how well does it work, are the disc in good shape when you get them? How long does it usually take to get the disc...etc? Any help would be appreciated.

i use it and yes, i highly approve of the service. the discs are generally in good shape. and they arrive with a day or two of the order/return of previous discs.
blockbuster closes at 11pm.. which is when i usually want to watch a movie.
Here's a solution: rent the movies earlier in the day when Blockbuster is open, then watch them later at 11.
I love Netflix. It has never been anything but the best movie source option I could imagine (outside of directly appearing on my computer or tv...oops...Netflix offers that too!!!)

I am so happy with their service, that when they were sued a few years ago because their commercials said "one day delivery" and it actually takes about two days (one day to send, the next you receive) I actually turned down my portion of the money. I joined during this ad campaign, but Im not a moron and understood that it was impossible to send a movie and have me receive it the same day in the I simply mailed them back asking them to keep whatever my portion of the settlement was.

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