There's a new BtE interview at Comic Book Resources. Here it is. Here are a few tidbits from the interview...
We are picking up right from the moment Nathan is shot. Well, actually, were picking up a few moments before. Well, technically, were starting four years in the future. But thats only until (sigh) Man, our show is hard to explain coyly - suffice it to say, you will learn who shot Nathan Petrelli from the proverbial get go
[Isaac's sketchbook] will indeed appear (pay attention around episodes 9, 10 and 11 this season)
We all know that With great power comes great responsibility. But we also know that Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So basically Peter will find himself torn between these two platitudes.
We just had an issue with an earthquake power we gave to new character. It turned out that to fully realize it, it would take too long to shoot and reset and do perfectly. So we adapted it slightly (youll see to what happens in episode 3)...
We will see Arthur in a flashback by episode 8 this year. As far as a flashback episode of the company founders - its already happened in an alternate universe. Episode 15 of season 2, 1977 was to do exactly that. Powers in the time of Disco. Angela and Arthur Petrelli. But now its up for grabs. Fan-fictioners, start your engines.
You want Merideth Gordon Back? Really? What would we do with her? Bring her back so Claire can bond with her biological mom about having powers while she pushes her own mother aside - because of their biological difference? Wheres the drama there? (and in case you dont get sarcasm, stay tuned)
(and Peter absolutely got his [fire power in "Five Years Gone"] from her - great pick-up)