New Draws


Oct 3, 2003
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hi this are mi new draws, and whant to know what yours think of these, and a favor, i go the next week to Los Angeles CA. and what to buy some movies and comic's, im into asian movies most korean movies, and if some one can said me stores or places i find that, and comic stores in LA i what to buy some desing books also and ilustration books, pin up art etc. hope if someone know directions of stores i be thankful.





I think all these are really good, but my fave of them would be the one with the yellow background. It feels the most complete, or refined, of them all. I think the weakest may be the one with the demon's arm missing. The demon's, or whatever it is, right arm (the one missing it's hand) doesn't look right proportionately in the shoulder. The guy being hit though look's fantastic.
these are great dude! i really like your only real complaint is that you have a few anatomy problems here and there. nothing a little practice/studying can't fix. but i LOVE your costume designs and the energy in your drawings. keep that up! lookin' forward to seeing more from ya...
thanx for the coments and the critisism, madmaximus and Dorkyfresh, and i try to fix the problem i have in the anatomy and proportion.

and hope some from Los angeles have info about asiandvd stores and comic book stores thankx.
those are great! i'm a big fan of youre style and work. i like this stuff a lot!

and i dont live in LA or i'd help you out, sorry bud.
SWEET! Love the details in all of them, but especially the last one there! The girls all seem to be in the same pose tho, i would like to see some more-- definately

Keep it up!
cool drawings man they have got their own style.
oye david,pero esas lineas cada vez se ven mejores! me encanta las texturas del cabello de tus personajes
I like the guy that's all bloody the most.
thanx for all the coments, gracias, and i doit some new work hope put here soon.
Awesome stuff dude. :up:

I love the way you render hair :)

As Dorky said there are a few anatomy problems, but your off to a good start. I eagerly await more work from you.
an this is a draw is also a old cartoon i doit the past year

i put thundarr the barbarian in the contest ant this are 2 old pieces i made in 2004, but this draws dont apear in mi page i i find them what to share is a sketch of a poster for a fictional movie whit jet li hope like it wait for coments.


The first one and the last one in your first post are really amazing..the hair on your characters is really well done
hi this is the nightcrawler i done for the contest, thanx, for all the coments that some members put there, glad to read them


there is again the samurai 7 because the photobucket resized the anterior hope this is ok


thanx and wait for coments, of the ani kind, in the kurt pic i realy mess whit the arms one is biger etc, any way thax and hope put more draws soon. im working in two and hope in the night i finish one, thanx again all.
MDavidCT said:
hi this is the nightcrawler i done for the contest, thanx, for all the coments that some members put there, glad to read them


I gasped at this pic of the fuzzy elf, nice job man:up: :up:
your nightcrawler is amazing, i love it!

please tell me you plan on coloring it

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