Iron Man New IM Movie pics

Nice pics! I always love these behind the scenes pics where the director is..well, directing his actors. This movie is going to be invincible! Or at least when it comes to the Marvel movies. Although there are also War Zone and Hulk so it's going to be a close one.

Well anyway, next year belongs to The Knight!
Whilst I do love the picks, do they show us ANYTHING different from the last lot? Even a different pose? No.
These are pretty cool pics, think this means trailer soon!
Yeah I have been thinking that what it will be, not a TV Spot but a trailer.
Whilst I do love the picks, do they show us ANYTHING different from the last lot? Even a different pose? No.

It shows the inner workings of the Iron Man boots :oldrazz:

Yeah, I don't remember seeing these details in any of the previous picks. Anyway, they're great props. Everything looks awesome.

On a side note, I just totally got caught looking at these pics and posting here while at work. :o
That would suck if they fired you over that. Worth it though maybe.
LOL! They wouldn't fire me for that. Somebody just needed to use my computer to look something up real quick, and he pulled up my IE windows. I was a little embarrassed, but he didn't care. Anyway, I'm loving these pics. I'm completely hyped for this movie.
Why is Tony doing the nazi salute?
Nice pics! I always love these behind the scenes pics where the director is..well, directing his actors. This movie is going to be invincible! Or at least when it comes to the Marvel movies. Although there are also War Zone and Hulk so it's going to be a close one.

Well anyway, next year belongs to The Knight!

Whoaaaaaaaaaaa hold your horses. IM will be the movie of 08. 08 belongs to The IRON Knight, not The Dark Knight. :woot: Cool pics. This movie will rock the box office. Marvel has spared no expense. They have apparently learned from Fox's mistakes. You can't cut corners, and it shows. It's going to be visualy stunning, the special effects will be out of this world, and The IRON Knight will surprise many.
Whoaaaaaaaaaaa hold your horses. IM will be the movie of 08. 08 belongs to The IRON Knight, not The Dark Knight. :woot: Cool pics. This movie will rock the box office. Marvel has spared no expense. They have apparently learned from Fox's mistakes. You can't cut corners, and it shows. It's going to be visualy stunning, the special effects will be out of this world, and The IRON Knight will surprise many.
Don't get your panties in a bunch :oldrazz: TDK will take it hands down...I can guarantee that...
Whoaaaaaaaaaaa hold your horses. IM will be the movie of 08. 08 belongs to The IRON Knight, not The Dark Knight. :woot:

Sorry to disappoint but you're in for a rude awakening. :woot: Iron Man is going to make bundles of money and as a movie it's going to be an enjoyable ride.


The Dark Knight is going to be a friggin' masterpiece! And it will gross $300 million domestically! I fear The Knight and you should too! :cwink:
Can't everyone just get along? Neither are in direct competition to justify a "who's going to kick whos ass" debate.

Both will blow everyone's socks off and generate enough dough to warrant sequals.
Can't everyone just get along? Neither are in direct competition to justify a "who's going to kick whos ass" debate.

Both will blow everyone's socks off and generate enough dough to warrant sequals.


It's funny being a big fan of both and seeing people that are only a fan of one or the other go at it though.
^I agree, even though I'm only a fan of one. But it doesn't matter, Indy's gonna own all anyway.:cwink: :woot:

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